? Java函数速查 你能很快的查到你要的函数 DataBinding类 代表数据源字段和组件属性之间一个单独的绑定。 PACKAGE com.ms.wfc.data.ui public class DataBinding implements IConstructable 说明 DataBinder控件使用该类来表示数据源中的每一个绑定。 请参阅:《Microsoft Visual J++ 6.0 程序员指南》第18章“WFC中的数据绑定”。 构造器 DataBinding.DataBinding 创建一个DataBinding对象。 语法 public DataBinding () public DataBinding ( IComponent target, String propertyName,String fieldName ) public DataBinding ( IComponent target, String propertyName,String fieldName, IDataFormat format )
标签: DataBinding PACKAGE Java data
上传时间: 2013-12-20
This PACKAGE contains example software and associated documentation for the ColdFire MCF5249 microprocessor. The software includes sample processor initialization routines for the MCF5249 running a M5249C3 evaluation board as well as the following sample applications: simple - empty application template fat - factory acceptance test for the M5249C3 The software has currently been built and tested under Metrowerks CodeWarrior
标签: documentation associated ColdFire contains
上传时间: 2013-12-10
DVBstream is based on the ts-rtp PACKAGE available at http://www.linuxtv.org. It broadcasts a (subset of a) DVB transport stream over a LAN using the rtp protocol. There were a couple of small bugs in the original ts-rtp application, which I have fixed here.
标签: broadcasts DVBstream available linuxtv
上传时间: 2013-11-30
This is SvmFu, a PACKAGE for training and testing support vector machines (SVMs). It s written in C++. It uses templates. The advantage of templates is that the types of kernel values and data points can be varied to suit the problem.
标签: machines training PACKAGE testing
上传时间: 2015-07-03
This a JavaBean application, which contains 4 beans. In this PACKAGE, there are 4 files: cexchange.jar(ready to load into BeanBuilder), readme.txt, currencyData.txt(data file), screenshot.jpg(linking beans)
标签: application cexchange JavaBean contains
上传时间: 2015-07-05
Math.NET开源数学库 C#实现 具体功能: - A linear algebra PACKAGE, see MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra. - A sparse linear algebra PACKAGE, see MathNet.Numerics.LinearAlgebra.Sparse. - Non-uniform random generators, see MathNet.Numerics.Generators. - Distribution fonctions, see MathNet.Numerics.Distributions. - Statistical accumulator, see MathNet.Numerics.Statistics. - Fourier transformations, see MathNet.Numerics.Transformations. - Miscellaneous utilies (polynomials, rationals, collections).
标签: LinearAlgebra Numerics MathNet algebra
上传时间: 2015-07-24
he AutoMix PACKAGE is a C program for Unix-like systems, implementing the automatic reversible jump MCMC sampler of the same name described in Chapters 4, 5, and 6 of David Hastie s Ph.D. thesis
标签: implementing reversible Unix-like automatic
上传时间: 2015-07-24
C++编写的机器学习算法 Lemga is a C++ PACKAGE which consists of classes for several learning models and generic algorithms for optimizing (training) the models
标签: consists learning classes PACKAGE
上传时间: 2014-01-21
具体功能:This is the part-2 of the whole project. This PACKAGE is used to create PKI
上传时间: 2015-08-27
java dxfapplet PACKAGE
上传时间: 2013-12-10