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  • Introduction Computer security is undeniably important, and as new vulnerabilities are discovered a

    Introduction Computer security is undeniably important, and as new vulnerabilities are discovered and exploited, the perceived need for new security solutions grows. "Trusted computing" initiatives propose to solve some of today s security problems through hardware changes to the personal computer. Changing hardware design isn t inherently suspicious, but the leading trusted computing proposals have a high cost: they provide security to users while giving third parties the power to enforce policies on users computers against the users wishes -- they let others pressure you to hand some control over your PC to someone else. This is a "feature" ready-made for abuse by software authors who want to anticompetitively choke off rival software. It needn t be this way: a straightforward change to the plans of trusted computing vendors could leave the security benefits intact while ensuring that a PC owner s

    标签: vulnerabilities Introduction discovered undeniably

    上传时间: 2014-01-05


  • symbian 第二版

    symbian 第二版,使用draw函数的一个例子,用于图形绘制很有用。

    标签: symbian

    上传时间: 2017-02-16


  • Managing Humans is a selection of the best essays from Michael Lopps web site, Rands In Repose. Draw

    Managing Humans is a selection of the best essays from Michael Lopps web site, Rands In Repose. Drawing on Lopp s management experiences at Apple, Netscape, Symantec, and Borland, this book is full of stories based on companies in the Silicon Valley where people have been known to yell at each other. It is a place full of dysfunctional bright people who are in an incredible hurry to find the next big thing so they can strike it rich and then do it all over again. Among these people are managers, a strange breed of people who through a mystical organizational ritual have been given power over your future and your bank account. Whether you re an aspiring manager, a current manager, or just wondering what the heck a manager does all day, there is a story in this book that will speak to you. You will learn: * What to do when people start yelling at each other * How to perform a diving save when the best engineer insists on resigning * How to say "No" to the person who signs your paycheck

    标签: selection Managing Michael Humans

    上传时间: 2014-11-28


  • This program is ICQ SMS Receiver. You have certainly seen that almost every web site provides an opt

    This program is ICQ SMS Receiver. You have certainly seen that almost every web site provides an option to send e-mail to that web site s owner. But what about SMS? It is now also possible, if your mobile phone service provider supported by ICQ

    标签: certainly Receiver provides program

    上传时间: 2014-01-03


  • Description Scientific calculator. Allows to perform caclulation with high precicion and implemen

    Description Scientific calculator. Allows to perform caclulation with high precicion and implements most populatr mathematical functions: sin, cos, tan, asin, acon, atan, exp, log, sqr, floor and ceil. Also it make it possible to define your own function, store results in variables and use variable sin expressions. Calculator store al formuls you have entered. Plot function can be used to draw graph of function with single argument. More detailed description of calculator is here.

    标签: Description caclulation Scientific calculator

    上传时间: 2014-01-25


  • Matlab 画三维立体图形

    Matlab 画三维立体图形 The aim of geom3d library is to handle and visualize 3D geometric primitives such as points, lines, planes, polyhedra... It provides low-level functions for manipulating 3D geometric primitives, making easier the development of more complex geometric algorithms.      Some features of the library are:   - creation of various shapes (3D points, 3D lines, planes, polyhedra...)     through an intuitive syntax.      Ex: createPlane(p1, p2, p3) to create a plane through 3 points.     - derivation of new shapes: intersection between 2 planes, intersection between     a plane and a line, between a sphere and a line...   - functions for 3D polygons and polyhedra. Polyhedra use classical vertex-faces     arrays (face array contain indices of vertices), and support faces with any     number of vertices. Some basic models are provided (createOctaedron,     createCubeoctaedron...), as well as some computation (like faceNormal or     centroid)      - manipulation of planar transformation. Ex.:     ROT = createRotationOx(THETA);     P2  = transformPoint3d(P1, ROT);     - direct drawing of shapes with specialized functions. Clipping is performed      automatically for infinite shapes such as lines or rays. Ex:     drawPoint3d([50 50 25; 20 70 10], 'ro');    % draw some points     drawLine3d([X0 Y0 Z0 DX DY DZ]);            % clip and draw straight line Some functions require the geom2d package.       Additional help is provided in geom3d/Contents.m file, as well as summary files     like 'points3d.m' or 'lines3d.m'.

    标签: Matlab 画三维立体图形

    上传时间: 2015-11-02


  • Applications of Evolutionary Computing

    Evolutionary Computation (EC) deals with problem solving, optimization, and machine learning techniques inspired by principles of natural evolution and ge- netics. Just from this basic definition, it is clear that one of the main features of the research community involved in the study of its theory and in its applications is multidisciplinarity. For this reason, EC has been able to draw the attention of an ever-increasing number of researchers and practitioners in several fields.

    标签: Applications Evolutionary Computing of

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • 应用ANSOFT-HFSS对曲面结构贴片天线的模拟

    结构体的具体尺寸如下所示:a=1.20h=0.620其中介质锥的介电常数E=2.0。选定工作频率为f=15GHz相对应的真空中的波长为0=20mm,这样结构体的儿何尺寸己经完全确定,下面介绍求解的全过程选定求解方式为(Solution Type)Driven modal1.建立所求结构体的几何模型(单位:mm)。由于此结构体的几何形状较简单,使用工具栏中的Draw命令可直接画出,这里不再赘述述。画出的结构体如图4.1.2所示。2.充结构体的材料选定结构体中的锥体部分,添加其介电常数Er=20的介质材料注:如果HSS中没有提供与所需参数完全相同的材料,用户可以通过新建材料或修改已有材料,使其参数满足用户需求设定结构体的边界条件及其激励源a.选定结构体的贴片部分,设定其为理想导体(PerE)。b.画出尺寸为X×Y×Z=70mm×70mm×40mm的长方体作为辐射边界,并设定其边界条件为辐射边界条件(Radiation Boundary)。c.由于要求出结构体的RCS,因此设定激励源为平面入射波(Incident Wave Source)。如图4.1.3所示。4.设定求解细节,检验并求解a.设定求解过程的工作频率为f=15GHz.其余细节设定如图4.1.4所示。b.设定远区辐射场的求解(Far Field Radiation Sphere栏的设定)。c.使用 Validation check命令进行检验,无错误发生,下一步运行命令 Analyze,对柱锥结构体进行求解。如图4.1.5和4.1.6所示。

    标签: ansoft 天线 hfss

    上传时间: 2022-03-10


  • 国产codec x-power AC101 用户指南

    This documentation is the original work and copyrighted property of X-Powers. Reproduction in whole orin part must obtain the written approval of X-Powers and give clear acknowledgement to the copyrightowner.

    标签: AC101

    上传时间: 2022-06-28


  • VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(57)

    VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(57)资源包含以下内容:1. 12864汉字液晶显示驱动程序.2. LCD液晶程序.3. Scan image DSP process Sca n image DSP process Sca n image DSP process Sca n image DSP process.4. PIC16F946 底层驱动.5. PIC16F946 底层驱动.6. cpld简单的教程.7. 针对嵌入式micro window系统.8. PPC下的文本编辑器源代码.9. PDIUSBD12USB固件编程与驱动开发周立功D12Win98驱动源码.10. C/C++嵌入式系统编程.11. 此文档为adi公司arm7tdmi内核的aduc70XX系列各模块的源代码.12. 这是用CH375芯片做的u盘转存的例子.13. 这是一个关于一个无线通讯芯片的无线的link的程序.14. msp430的iic通讯子程序.15. PADS2005中文教程.16. protel的常用器件库 protel的常用器件库 protel的常用器件库.17. cnstl970一款经典一款经典 cnstl970一款经典.18. 1602a经典资料 1602a经典资料.19. 一个计时程序.20. LED程序.21. windriver公司的vxworks系统是专业的嵌入式实时操作系统.22. 提供FAT16文件系统在嵌入式操作系统U_COS中的方案.23. 傅立叶变换程序 傅立叶变换程序.24. 请先删除编译后的debug/release.25. 液晶资料 液晶资料 液晶资料.26. 液晶资料 液晶资料 液晶资料 液晶资料 液晶资料 液晶资料 液晶资料 液晶资料.27. 液晶资料 液晶资料 液晶资料 液晶资料 液晶资料 液晶资料 液晶资料 液晶资料.28. 液晶资料 液晶资料 液晶资料 液晶资料 液晶资料.29. PHILIPS LPC76X D/A 实例程序.30. 为SYT240160CZK液晶显示的驱动.31. 该原码主要介绍如何在DSP上实现视频输入与输出的代码,基于DSP6000系列的..32. LCD显示测试程序.33. 基于双NIOS II 的IP无线收发机 2006年嵌入式电子大赛获奖作品.34. 2006altera大赛-基于软核Nios的宽谱正弦信号发生器设计:摘要:本设计运用了基于 Nios II 嵌入式处理器的 SOPC 技术。系统以 ALTERA公司的 Cyclone 系列 FPGA.35. Zigbee document about system structure.36. Samsung KS0719 graphical LCD (SPI) This driver allows to draw points and to write characters on thi.37. C51 API 例子源码.38. Api_for_usb_products 源码..39. avr mega8 pwm 试验带 Proteus 仿真.40. Alterla官方版ep1c20 FPGA NOISII开发板原理图.

    标签: 机械加工 工艺

    上传时间: 2013-04-15
