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  • DVR-MPEG4编码播放器

    ·DVR-MPEG4编码播放器 相关函数/类: CWnd CDialog CDataExchange Sleep SetDlgItemText CWinApp DestroyIcon LoadIcon EnableWindow GetDlgItem IsIconic CPaintDC SendMessage GetSystemMetrics CRect GetClientRect Draw

    标签: DVR-MPEG 编码 播放器

    上传时间: 2013-04-24


  • MR16 LED驱动MR16 LED灯与电子变压器兼容

    Abstract: There are differences between the operation of low-frequency AC transformers and electronic transformersthat supply current to MR16 lamps, and there are also differences in the current draw for MR16 halogen lamps andMR16 LED lamps. These contrasts typically prevent an MR16 LED lamp from operating with most electronictransformers. This article explains how a high-brightness (HB) LED driver optimized for MR16 lamps will allow LEDlamps to be compatible with most electronic transformers.A similar version of this article appeared on Display Plus, July 7, 2012 and in German in Elektronikpraxis, October 1,2012.

    标签: LED MR 16 驱动

    上传时间: 2013-10-14


  • LLCR Pin Socket Testing with t

    LLCR Pin Socket Testing with the Model 3732 High Density Matrix Card Computer processors (CPUs) today have come a long way from the computer processors of the past. They draw more power, run at lower voltages, and have more pins than ever before.

    标签: Testing Socket LLCR with

    上传时间: 2013-10-24


  • MATLAB与PSpice数据接口技术

    摘 要 瞬态仿真领域的许多工作需要获得可视化数据, 仿真电路不能将输出参数绘制成图形时研究工作将受到很大影响. 而权威电路仿真软件PSpice 在这个方面不尽如人意. 本文提出了一种有效的解决办法: 通过MATLAB 编程搭建一个PSpice 与MATLAB 的数据接口,使PSpice输出数据文件可以导入到MATLAB中绘制图形. 这令我们能够很方便地获得数据的规律以有效地分析仿真结果, 这项技术对于教学和工程实践都有比较实际的帮助.关键词: 瞬态仿真 仿真程序 PSpice MATLAB 可视化数据The Data Transfer from Pspice to MATLABWu hao Ning yuanzhong Liang yingAbstract Many works in the area of transient simulation has shown how a emulator such asPSpice can be interfaced to an control analysis package such as MATLAB to get viewdata. Thepaper describes how such interfaces can be made using the MATLAB programming. The platformas a typical platform will solve the problem that PSpice software sometimes can not draw the datato a picture. It can make us find the rule from numerous data very expediently, so we can analyzethe outcome of the simulation. And it also can be used in the field of education.Keywords Transient Simulation Emulator PSpice MATLAB Viewdata1 引言科学研究和工程应用常需要进行电路仿真 PSpice可进行直流 交流 瞬态等基本电路特性分析 也可进行蒙托卡诺 MC 统计分析 最坏情况 Wcase 分析 优化设计等复杂电路特性分析 它是国际上仿真电路的权威软件 而MATLAB的主要特点有 高效方便的矩阵和数组运算 编程效率高 结构化面向对象 方便的绘图功能 用户使用方便 工具箱功能强大 两者各有着重点 两种软件结合应用 对研究工作有很重要的意义香港理工大学Y. S. LEE 等人首先将PSpice和MATLAB结合 开发了电力电子电路优化用的CAD 程序MATSPICE[6] 将两者相结合的关键在于 如何用MATLAB 获取PSpice的仿真数据 对此参考文献 6 里没有详细叙述 本文着重说明用MATLAB 读取PSpice仿真数据的具体方法本论文利用MATLAB对PSpice仿真出的数据处理绘制出后者无法得到或是效果不好的仿真图形 下面就两者结合使用的例子 进行具体说明

    标签: MATLAB PSpice 数据 接口技术

    上传时间: 2013-10-20


  • 3. 设计一个接口Shape

    3. 设计一个接口Shape,接口中包含方法:Draw和Resize。定义一些具体类,如:Point、Line、Circle、Rectangle等,每个类都实现接口Shape。Draw方法绘制图形,Resize方法改变图形大小。用Java实现这些接口和类,并用测试类测试它们。 注意:不需要真正绘制图形,如Line的Draw方法只需输出下面文本即可: “直线的起点是(x1,y1,),终点是(x2,y2)”

    标签: Shape 接口

    上传时间: 2015-02-09


  • 一个完整的2D滚屏游戏示例

    一个完整的2D滚屏游戏示例,编译后可以运行玩耍。使用DIRECT DRAW,DIRECT INPUT,DIRECT SOUND;游戏逻辑完整,有记分系统,供喜欢游戏编程的初学者参考切磋。


    上传时间: 2013-12-23


  • 我的数字信号处理 作业。FFT的C语言实现。运行时将2个c文件放在同一目录

    我的数字信号处理 作业。FFT的C语言实现。运行时将2个c文件放在同一目录,运行draw.c。最好Turbo.c 如用VC运行,把头文件改下,很容易的

    标签: FFT 数字信号处理 C语言 运行

    上传时间: 2014-11-29


  • 书名:基本商业程序的建模 Essential Business Process Modeling (Paperback) 作者: Mike Havey 出版商:O Reilly 1 editio

    书名:基本商业程序的建模 Essential Business Process Modeling (Paperback) 作者: Mike Havey 出版商:O Reilly 1 edition (August 18, 2005) 内容介绍: Ten years ago, groupware bundled with email and calendar applications helped track the flow of work from person to person within an organization. Workflow in today s enterprise means more monitoring and orchestrating massive systems. A new technology called Business Process Management, or BPM, helps software architects and developers design, code, run, administer, and monitor complex network-based business processes. BPM replaces those sketchy flowchart diagrams that business analysts draw on whiteboards with a precise model that uses standard graphical and XML representations, and an architecture that allows it converse with other services, systems, and users.

    标签: Essential Paperback Business Modeling

    上传时间: 2015-10-21


  • CFlowchartEditor is an extension of CDiagramEditor. CDiagramEditor is a vector editor, with a CWnd-d

    CFlowchartEditor is an extension of CDiagramEditor. CDiagramEditor is a vector editor, with a CWnd-derived window (CDiagramEditor), a data container (CDiagramEntityContainer) holding the draw-objects, undo stack and managing copy and paste, and objects derived from CDiagramEntity representing objects drawn on screen. CDiagramEditor lacks one feature (that is difficult to implement in both simple and general fashion) - links. Manually maintaining links in a - for example - flowchart or network topography map is unwieldy. Therefore, I ve created a reference implementation for one way of adding this functionality.

    标签: CDiagramEditor CFlowchartEditor extension CWnd-d

    上传时间: 2015-11-21


  • So you wanted to add a forms editor to your application? A dialog editor? Something that allows draw

    So you wanted to add a forms editor to your application? A dialog editor? Something that allows drawing of HTML <div>s? Here is a feature rich skeleton (!) to get you started. CDiagramEditor is a package that gives you a basic visual editor intended for vector objects. Although perhaps not sufficient to create a CAD-application, you ll indeed be able to create a dialog editor. The editor itself is derived

    标签: editor application Something wanted

    上传时间: 2013-12-13
