电子书-RTL Design Style Guide for Verilog HDL540页A FF having a fixed input value is generated from the description in the upper portion of Example 2-21. In this case, ’0’ is output when the reset signal is asynchronously input, and ’1’ is output when the START signal rises. Therefore, the FF data input is fixed at the power supply, since the typical value ’1’ is output following the rise of the START signal. When FF input values are fixed, the fixed inputs become untestable and the fault detection rate drops. When implementing a scan design and converting to a scan FF, the scan may not be executed properl not be executed properly, so such descriptions , so such descriptions are not are not recommended. recommended.[1] As in the lower part of Example 2-21, be sure to construct a synchronous type of circuit and ensure that the clock signal is input to the clock pin of the FF. Other than the sample shown in Example 2-21, there are situations where for certain control signals, those that had been switched due to the conditions of an external input will no longer need to be switched, leaving only a FF. If logic exists in a lower level and a fixed value is input from an upper level, the input value of the FF may also end up being fixed as the result of OptimizatiON with logic synthesis tools. In a situation like this, while perhaps difficult to completely eliminate, the problem should be avoided as much as possible.
标签: RTL verilog hdl
上传时间: 2022-03-21
本文设计了一种磁致伸缩位移传感器,介绍了该磁致伸缩位移传感器的测量原理,通过结构优化设计提高了仪器的性能,详述了硬件电路设计及实现方法,完成了软件设计,实现了高压充电、问询脉冲加载、时间测量及滤波等功能,并通过实验对其性能进行了验证。所研制的磁致伸缩位移传感器具有测量精度高、长期稳定性好等特点,满足了大量程、高精度、恶劣环境等测量的要求。A kind of sensor based on magnetostrictive principle is designed.The measuring principle of the magnetostrictive displacement sensor is introduced,the performance of the instrument is improved by the structural OptimizatiON design,and introduced the hardware circuit design and the realization method,completed the software design,realized the functions of the high voltage charging,inquiries pulse loading,time measurement and filtering,and its performance is verified through the experiment.The magnetostrictive displacement sensor has the characteristics of high measuring precision.The sensor meets the requirements of large range,high precision,poor environment and so on.
标签: 位移传感器
上传时间: 2022-04-06
这是一本英文版的MPC的MATLAB教程,讲这一块的资料太少了,故上传一本。MPC is one of the few areas that has received on-going interest from researchers in both the industrial and cademic communities.Four major aspects of model predictive control make the design methodology attractive to both practitioners and academics.This is particularly attractive to industry where tight profit margins and limits on the process operation are inevitably present. The third aspect is the ability to perform on-line process OptimizatiON. The fourth aspect is the simplicity of the design framework in handling all these complex issues.
标签: 模型预测控制
上传时间: 2022-05-05
Algebra, Topology, Differential Calculus, and OptimizatiON Theory For Computer Science and Machine Learning一本数学大全书,由Jean Gallier and Jocelyn Quaintance合著。
上传时间: 2022-05-05
VIP专区-嵌入式/单片机编程源码精选合集系列(123)资源包含以下内容:1. 研华数据采集卡c++ console程序多通道采集数据的例子.2. 基于AT89C51的电子秤方案,原理图,程序.3. FAT32 study report,it s discrips the FAT332 stard , FAT32 学习笔记.4. 基于arm的嵌入式书籍.5. 三菱FX系列PLC密码解密软件.不需注册..6. This guide reviews the rules and syntax of the principle commands that comprise C and its object-ori.7. 红外遥控大全.8. ADI公司DDS芯片AD9830应用资料.9. ADI公司DDS芯片AD9832应用资料.10. ADI公司DDS芯片AD9833应用资料.11. ADI公司DDS芯片AD9834应用资料.12. PXA27x Processor Family OptimizatiON Guide.13. ti的c2000的spi。有用的着的时候。可以在程序中测试spi口.14. *名称:LCD12864显示程序 功能:显示英文.15. 89c51与ds1302代码显示时间的源程序.16. 51实验板的原理图!可以作为简单的起步参考.17. 由于找不到安装 红旗需要的文件.18. W3100是WIZnet公司专门为以太网互联和嵌入式设备推出的硬件TCP/IP协议栈芯片.19. 基于状态转换法设计的电机正反转、调速PLC源程序.20. s3c4510b的源代码以及并口JTAG下载调试程序.21. 介绍了实时嵌入式系统的相关内容,对于研究嵌入式很用用..22. 射频读写模块是采用最新Mifare技术的微型嵌入式非接触式IC卡读写模块。内嵌ISO14443 Type A协议解释器,并具有射频驱动及接收功能,可以简单实现对MifareOne等卡片的读写操作,读写.23. AT91SAM7S64开发板的ADS范例for ATMEL S64-EKAT91SAM7S64-BasicMouseUSB.24. ds18b20的一个完整程序.25. 我的一个交通灯的课程设计.26. mcuzone的AT91RM9200EK底板原理图Rev2.0.27. 有关I2C设计的资料. 有关I2C设计的资料..28. cmos的教程.29. This designs demonstrates how to use the Ethernet port using a Nios II system on the DE2 board. It s.30. 低频数字式相位测量仪.31. 使用C C++ 开发嵌入系统 详细实例 很实用.32. 270开发板串口扩展测试程序,arm9 工控板测试.33. 利用PCB上的走线实现高频低通滤波器的设计.34. LPC2131 对大家和有帮助的.35. 这是一个AVR单片机的红外遥控程序.36. 嵌入式实时操作系统psos的系统调用手册.37. 题目1:DSB调制与解调电路的MATLAB实现及调制性能分析 题目2:SSB调制与解调电路的MATLAB实现及调制性能分析 题目3:AM调制与解调电路的MATLAB实现及调 题目5:PM调制与解.38. 该PDF文档是CPLD/FPGA的入门教程。里面叙述了PLD的基本结构.39. 51单片机+max7219驱动实例 8位LED同时循环显示1-9.40. 嵌入式系统中U-Boot基本特点及其移植方法.
上传时间: 2013-07-21
2.5 Neural Turing Machine - 2.1 Model - .DS_Store 10KB 2.4 RNN Sequence-to-Sequence Model - 2.8 One Shot Deep Learning - 2.7 Deep Transfer Learning Lifelong Learning especially for RL - 2.2 OptimizatiON - 1.4 Speech Recognition Evolution - 1.2 Deep Belief Network(DBN)(Milestone of Deep Learning Eve) - 1.3 ImageNet Evolution(Deep Learning broke out from here) - 2.3 Unsupervised Learning Deep Generative Model - 2.6 Deep Reinforcement Learning
标签: MoldWizard 使用手册
上传时间: 2013-05-15
Matlab_2016a 完整破解版下载 使用增强的设计环境和 UI 组件集开发 MATLAB 应用。深度学习用于图像分类问题。访问模板、最新模型以及精选示例。创建包含事件操作和新模块的离散事件模型和调度程序。使用标准座舱仪器显示飞行条件。在线编辑器,用于:开发包含结果和图形以及相关代码的实时脚本创建用于分享的交互式描述,包括代码、结果和图形以及格式化文本、超链接、图像及方程式MATLAB应用设计器,使用增强的设计环境和扩展的 UI 组件集构建带有线条图和散点图的 MATLAB®应用全新多 y-轴图、极坐标图和等式可视化暂停、调试和继续 MATLAB 代码执行Neural Network Toolbox使用 Parallel Computing Toolbox™ 中的 GPU 加速深入学习图像分类任务的卷积神经网络 (CNN)Symbolic Math Toolbox与 MATLAB 在线编辑器集成,以便编辑符号代码和可视化结果,并将 MuPAD® 笔记本转换为实时脚本Statistics and Machine Learning ToolboxClassification Learner 应用,可以自动培训多个模型,按照级别标签对结果进行可视化处理,并执行逻辑回归分类Control System Toolbox新建及重新设计的应用,用于设计 SISO 控制器、自动整定 MIMO 系统和创建降阶模型Image Acquisition Toolbox支持 Kinect® for Windows® v2 和 USB 3 VisionComputer Vision System Toolbox光学字符识别 (OCR) 训练程序应用、行人侦测和来自针对 3-D 视觉的动作和光束平差的结构体Trading Toolbox对交易、灵敏性和交易后执行的交易成本分析Simulink 产品系列Simulink通过访问模板、最近模型和精选示例更快开始或继续工作的起始页自动求解器选项可更快速地设置和仿真模型针对异构设备的系统模型仿真,例如 Xilinx®和 Altera® SoC 架构Simulink® 单位,可在 Simulink、Stateflow® 和 Simscape™ 组件的接口指定单位、对其进行可视化处理并检查变量源和接收器模块,用于定义变量条件并使用生成代码中的编译器指令将其传播至连接的功能Aerospace Blockset标准座舱仪器,用于显示飞行条件SimEvents全新离散事件仿真和建模引擎,包括事件响应、MATLAB 离散事件系统对象制作以及 Simulink 和 Stateflow 自动域转换Simscape全新方程简化和仿真技术,用于生成代码的快速仿真和运行时参数调整Simscape FluidsThermal Liquid 库,用于对属性随温度而变化的液体的系统建模Simulink Design OptimizatiON用于实验设计、Monte Carlo 仿真和相关性分析的灵敏度分析工具Simulink Report Generator三向模型合并,以图形方式解决 Simulink 项目各修订版之间的冲突信号处理和通信Antenna Toolbox电介质建模,用于分析天线和有限天线阵列中的基质效果RF ToolboxRF Budget Analyzer,用于为级联的射频组件计算增益、噪声系数和 IP3SimRF自动射频测试工作台生成Audio System Toolbox一款用于设计和测试音频处理系统的新产品WLAN System Toolbox一款用于对 WLAN 通信系统的物理层进行仿真、分析和测试的新产品代码生成Embedded Coder编译器指令生成,将信号维度作为 #define 进行实施HDL Coder针对 HDL 优化的 FFT 和 IFFT,支持每秒 G 字节采样 (GSPS) 设计的帧输入HDL VerifierPCIe FPGA 在环,用于通过 PCI Express® 接口仿真 Xilinx® KC705/VC707 和 Altera®Cyclone® V GT/Stratix V DSP 开发板上的算法验证和确认Polyspace Code Prover支持 long-double 浮点,并且改进了对无穷大和 NaN 的支持Simulink Design Verifier对 C 代码 S-function 自动生成测试IEC Certification Kit对 Simulink Verification and Validation™ 提供 IEC 62304 医学标准支持Simulink Test使用 Simulink Real-Time™ 制作和执行实时测试
上传时间: 2013-07-09