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  • SailingSim-Matlab-master


    标签: SailingSim-Matlab-master

    上传时间: 2017-03-11


  • 基于模糊聚类分析与模型识别的微电网多目标优化方法

    在微电网调度过程中综合考虑经济、环境、蓄电池的 循环电量,建立多目标优化数学模型。针对传统多目标粒子 群算法(multi-objective particle swarm OptimizatiON,MOPSO) 的不足,提出引入模糊聚类分析的多目标粒子群算法 (multi-objective particle swarm OptimizatiON algorithm based on fuzzy clustering,FCMOPSO),在迭代过程中引入模糊聚 类分析来寻找每代的集群最优解。与 MOPSO 相比, FCMOPSO 增强了算法的稳定性与全局搜索能力,同时使优 化结果中 Pareto 前沿分布更均匀。在求得 Pareto 最优解集 后,再根据各目标的重要程度,用模糊模型识别从最优解集 中找出不同情况下的最优方案。最后以一欧洲典型微电网为 例,验证算法的有效性和可行性。

    标签: 模糊 模型识别 微电网 多目标优化 聚类分析

    上传时间: 2019-11-11


  • EDA分布估计算法经典论文

    压缩包中有5篇论文,分别为《Data-driven analysis of variables and dependencies in continuous OptimizatiON problems and EDAs》这是一篇博士论文,较为详细的介绍了各种EDA算法;《Anisotropic adaptive variance scaling for Gaussian estimation of distribution algorithm》《Enhancing Gaussian Estimation of Distribution Algorithm by Exploiting Evolution Direction with Archive》《Niching an Archive-based Gaussian Estimation of Distribution Algorithm via Adaptive Clustering》《Supplementary material for Enhancing Gaussian Estimation of Distribution Algorithm by Exploiting Evolution Direction with Archive》《基于一般二阶混合矩的高斯分布估计算法》介绍了一些基于EDA的创新算法。

    标签: EDA 分布估计算法 论文

    上传时间: 2020-05-25


  • Applications of Evolutionary Computing

    Evolutionary Computation (EC) deals with problem solving, OptimizatiON, and machine learning techniques inspired by principles of natural evolution and ge- netics. Just from this basic definition, it is clear that one of the main features of the research community involved in the study of its theory and in its applications is multidisciplinarity. For this reason, EC has been able to draw the attention of an ever-increasing number of researchers and practitioners in several fields.

    标签: Applications Evolutionary Computing of

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Efficient+Methods+for+WCDMA

    When joining Siemens in 2001, I also extended my research interest towards radio net- work planning methodologies. This area of research brought together my personal interest in mobile communications and in the design of efficient algorithms and data structures. Between 2001 and 2003, I participated in the EU project Momentum, which was target- ing the performance evaluation and OptimizatiON of UMTS radio networks. I

    标签: Efficient Methods WCDMA for

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Full-Duplex+Small+Cells

    The recent developments in full duplex (FD) commu- nication promise doubling the capacity of cellular networks using self interference cancellation (SIC) techniques. FD small cells with device-to-device (D2D) communication links could achieve the expected capacity of the future cellular networks (5G). In this work, we consider joint scheduling and dynamic power algorithm (DPA) for a single cell FD small cell network with D2D links (D2DLs). We formulate the optimal user selection and power control as a non-linear programming (NLP) OptimizatiON problem to get the optimal user scheduling and transmission power in a given TTI. Our numerical results show that using DPA gives better overall throughput performance than full power transmission algorithm (FPA). Also, simultaneous transmissions (combination of uplink (UL), downlink (DL), and D2D occur 80% of the time thereby increasing the spectral efficiency and network capacity

    标签: Full-Duplex Cells Small

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • ESD_protection_for_RF_and_AMS_ICs

    This paper reviews key factors to practical ESD protection design for RF and analog/mixed-signal (AMS) ICs, including general challenges emerging, ESD-RFIC interactions, RF ESD design OptimizatiON and prediction, RF ESD design characterization, ESD-RFIC co-design technique, etc. Practical design examples are discussed. It means to provide a systematic and practical design flow for whole-chip ESD protection design OptimizatiON and prediction for RF/AMS ICs to ensure 1 st Si design success.

    标签: ESD_protection_for_RF_and_AMS_ICs

    上传时间: 2020-06-05


  • Electricity+Markets+Theories

    Why did an electricity market emerge? How does it really work? What are the perfor- mance measures that we can use to tell that the electricity market under consideration is well functioning? These are the questions that will be explored in this book. The main purpose of this book is to introduce the fundamental theories and concepts that underpintheelectricitymarketswhicharebasedonthreemajordisciplines:electrical power engineering, economics, and OptimizatiON methods.

    标签: Electricity Theories Markets

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • Linear_Matrix_Inequalities_in_System

    The basic topic of this book is solving problems from system and control theory using convex OptimizatiON. We show that a wide variety of problems arising in system and control theory can be reduced to a handful of standard convex and quasiconvex OptimizatiON problems that involve matrix inequalities. For a few special cases there are “analytic solutions” to these problems, but our main point is that they can be solved numerically in all cases. These standard problems can be solved in polynomial- time (by, e.g., the ellipsoid algorithm of Shor, Nemirovskii, and Yudin), and so are tractable, at least in a theoretical sense. Recently developed interior-point methods for these standard problems have been found to be extremely efficient in practice. Therefore, we consider the original problems from system and control theory as solved.

    标签: Linear_Matrix_Inequalities_in_Sys tem

    上传时间: 2020-06-10


  • Artificial+Intelligence+in+Power+System

    n recent years, there have been many books published on power system OptimizatiON. Most of these books do not cover applications of artifi cial intelligence based methods. Moreover, with the recent increase of artifi cial intelligence applications in various fi elds, it is becoming a new trend in solving OptimizatiON problems in engineering in general due to its advantages of being simple and effi cient in tackling complex problems. For this reason, the application of artifi cial intelligence in power systems has attracted the interest of many researchers around the world during the last two decades. This book is a result of our effort to provide information on the latest applications of artifi cial intelligence to OptimizatiON problems in power systems before and after deregulation.

    标签: Intelligence Artificial System Power in

    上传时间: 2020-06-10
