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  • 基于C8051F020和Zigbee的汽车测试系统设计

    以C8051F020为核心处理器,设计无线传感器网络数据采集系统。系统采用SZ05-ADV型无线通讯模块组建Zigbee无线网络,结合嵌入式系统的软硬件技术,完成终端节点的8路传感器信号的数据采集。现场8路信号通过前端处理后,分别送入C8051F020的12位A/D转换器进行转换。经过精确处理、存储后的现场数据,通过Zigbee无线网络传送到上位机,系统可达到汽车试验中无线测试的目的。 Abstract:  This paper designs a wireless sensor network system for data acquisition with C8051F020 as core processors.The system used SZ05-ADV wireless communication module,set up a Zigbee wireless network, combined with hardware and software technologies of embedded systems,completed the end-node 8-locale sensor signal data acquisition.Eight locale signals were sent separately into the 12-bit ADC of C8051F020 for conversion through front treatment.After accurate processing and storage,the locale data was transmitted to the host computer through Zigbee wireless.The system achieves the purpose of wireless testing in vehicle trial.

    标签: C8051F020 Zigbee 汽车测试 系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • 基于S3C2440A的银行评价器的设计

    提出了一种以S3C2440A为核心处理器的银行评价器的设计方案,并结合XILINX公司的XL95144XL型CPLD,辅助S3C2440A,实现该银行评价器的各部分功能以及系统信号之间的相互协调。该评价器在系统设计上采用液晶屏显示,代替了以往简单的数码管电路的显示模式,在视觉上给人以全新的享受。同时,评价器增加了新的网络供电方式,只要将评价器连接上网络就可以正常工作,方便了客户的使用。总之,此款银行评价器采用了嵌入式系统的设计方案,大大丰富了系统功能,实现一个银行评价器设计的新突破。 Abstract:  S3C2440A of SamSung company is the core component of the embedded system. A design of bank assessor based on S3C2440A was provided in this paper. It used XL95144XL combined with S3C2440A to realize all the functions and coordination with system signals. This bank assessor used LCD to display instead of the former simple digital display and provided a new seusuous enjoment. Meanwhile,it provided a new method of network power supply,that the bank assessor could regularly work once it connected to the network,which is convenient for customers to use. In a word,this assessor takes embedded system,enriches the system’s functions and reclizes a new breakout.

    标签: S3C2440A

    上传时间: 2013-11-03


  • 基于PIC16LF874单片机的电容测量模块

    为提高电容测量精度,针对电容式传感器的工作原理设计了基于PIC16LF874单片机电容测量模块。简单阐述了电容测量电路的应用背景和国内外研究现状,介绍了美国Microchip公司PIC16LF874单片机的特性。电容式传感器输出的动态微弱电容信号通过PS021型电容数字转换器把模拟量数据转换成数字量数据,所测数据由PIC16LF874单片机应用程序进行处理、显示和保存。实验结果表明,固定电容标称值为10~20 pF 的测量值相对误差在1%以内,同时也可知被测电容容值越大,测量值和标称值相对误差越小。 Abstract:  To improve the accuracy of capacitance measurement,aimed at the principle of work of mercury capacitance acceleration transducer,the design of micro capacitance measurement circuit is based on the key PIC16LF874 chip. Briefly discusses the application of the capacitance measuring circuit for the background and status of foreign researchers,focusing on the United States PIC16LF874 microcontroller features. Capacitive sensor outputed signal through the dynamics of weak PS021-chip capacitors (capacitancedigital converter) to convert analog data into digital data,the measured data from the PIC16LF874 microcontroller application process, display and preservation. Experimental results show that the fixed capacitor 10pF ~ 20pF nominal value of the measured value of relative error is within 1%,but also it canbe seen the value of the measured capacitance larger,measuring value and the nominal value of relative error smaller.

    标签: PIC 874 16 LF

    上传时间: 2013-10-29


  • 基于ARM单片机的自动测高测距小车

    生活中许多目标的高度和水平距离需要进行测量。目前主要的测量方法,仍以传统的皮尺丈量为主,测量效率不高,有时还很不方便,没有技术成熟的数字式测高测距产品。以基本的数学方法为理论依据,利用遥控小车做为载体,采用角度传感器测量角度、霍尔传感器测量水平距离等,通过单片机LM3S615进行数据计算,实现了对待测目标物体的高度、水平距离等数据的快速、精确和数字式的测量,高度测量精度可达99.06%,水平测量精度则可达98.06%。 Abstract:  In our lives, the height and horizontal distance of some goals are needed to be measured. Because the currently used methods are still traditional tape-based measuring methods, and the measuring efficiency is low and inconvenient so some kinds of digital and portable measuring methods or instruments are needed. Based on the basic math theory, this paper designed and manufactured a portable, digital and remote controlled measuring mobile small vehicle, which assembled with angle measuring sensor for angle measurement and Hall sensor for horizontal distance measuring. MCU LM3S615 calculated the height and horizontal distance data gotten from these sensors. The measuring process is simple, the measuring results are more accurate and the measuring efficiency is higher than traditional measure instruments. The accuracy of height and distance measurement can reach 99.06% and 98.06%.

    标签: ARM 单片机 自动

    上传时间: 2013-10-30


  • 基于C8051F040的以太网-CAN转换电路设计

    以太网和CAN总线应用广泛,但由于其通信协议不同,两种总线器件间无法进行数据通信,因此,设计了基于CP2200与C8051F040的以太网总线与CAN总线接口转换电路,并给出部分相关硬件电路与软件设计分析。在保证数据完整和协议可靠的前提下,通过握手协议和简化的以太网协议,不仅实现了以太网数据与CAN数据的转发,同时还顺利的解决了以太网的高速性与CAN的低速率冲突,以及两者数据包之间的大小不同的矛盾。 Abstract:  In the development of actual application, Ethernet and CAN bus are used very extensively. Owing to its various communication protocols, the communicating between two kinds of bus device can’t be carried out. Therefore, in order to solve this problem, the Ethernet-CAN bus interface circuit based on CP2200 and C8051F040 was designed in this paper, and part of the related hardware circuit and software design analysis were given. On the condition of data’s integrity and protocols’reliability, through the handshaking protocols and the simplified the Ethernet protocol, not only the data switching between CAN and Ethernet was realized, but also the differ in velocity and packet size was solved.

    标签: C8051F040 CAN 以太网 转换

    上传时间: 2013-10-15


  • 基于凌阳单片机的步进电机加减速的控制方法

    提出一种基于凌阳单片机的步进电机加减速的控制方法。采用凌阳科技推出的16位结构工控单片机SPMC75F2413A为控制器,由Allegro公司生产的两相步进电机专用驱动器件SLA7042M构成步进电机的驱动电路,在传统的3段直线加减速控制算法基础上增加至7段S形曲线加减速过程,控制步进电机的启动和停止。实验结果表明,该控制方法克服了直线加减速中不连续、易造成系统冲击的问题,整个系统实现柔性控制,电机启动、停止连续性能提高30%。 Abstract:  The method of controlled stepping motor is referred based on SPMC75F2413A MCU, which adopts the 16 knots SPMC75F2413A MCU as the controller. The special-purpose actuation chip SLA7042M of two stepping motor produced by Allegro Corporation constituted to actuation electric circuit. The purpose of increasing to seven section of S shape curve based on the traditional three sections of straight line is to control the start and stop process of stepping motor. The experimental results show that the control method solves easy to pull-out and overshot problems. The overall system realizes flexible control, and the performance of motor start or stop continuity is increased 30%

    标签: 凌阳单片机 步进电机 控制方法

    上传时间: 2013-12-08


  • 单片机P0口的片外数据存储器扩展

    单片机作为一种微型计算机,其内部具有一定的存储单元(8031除外),但由于其内部存储单元及端口有限,很多情况下难以满足实际需求。为此介绍一种新的扩展方法,将数据线与地址线合并使用,通过软件控制的方法实现数据线与地址线功能的分时转换,数据线不仅用于传送数据信号,还可作为地址线、控制线,用于传送地址信号和控制信号,从而实现单片机与存储器件的有效连接。以单片机片外256KB数据存储空间的扩展为例,通过该扩展方法,仅用10个I/O端口便可实现,与传统的扩展方法相比,可节约8个I/O端口。 Abstract:  As a micro-computer,the SCM internal memory has a certain units(except8031),but because of its internal storage units and the ports are limited,in many cases it can not meet the actual demand.So we introduced a new extension method,the data line and address lines combined through software-controlled approach to realize the time-conversion functions of data lines and address lines,so the data lines not only transmited data signals,but also served as address lines and control lines to transmit address signals and control signals,in order to achieve an effective connection of microcontroller and memory chips.Take microcontroller chip with256KB of data storage space expansion as example,through this extension method,with only10I/O ports it was achieved,compared with the traditional extension methods,this method saves8I/O ports.

    标签: 单片机 P0口 数据存储器 扩展

    上传时间: 2014-12-26


  • 单片机Flash存储器坏块自动检测

    在深入了解Flash存储器的基础上,采用单片机自动检测存储器无效块。主要通过读取每一块的第1、第2页内容,判断该块的好坏,并给出具体的实现过程,以及部分关键的电路原理图和C语言程序代码。该设计最终实现单片机自动检测Flash坏块的功能,并通过读取ID号检测Flash的性能,同时该设计能够存储和读取1GB数据。 Abstract:  On the basis of in-depth understanding the Flash chips,this paper designs a new program which using the SCM to detect the invalid block.Mainly through reading the data of the first and second page to detect the invalid block.Specific implementation procedure was given,and the key circuit schematic diagram and C language program code was introduced.This design achieved the function of using the MCU checks the invalid block finally,and increased the function by reading the ID number of Flash to get the performance of the memory.And the design also can write and read1GB data

    标签: Flash 单片机 存储器 自动检测

    上传时间: 2013-10-25


  • 基于ATmega8的双轴太阳跟踪器设计

    为提高太阳能的利用率,以ATmega8单片机为控制核心,设计了一套光电跟踪与视日运动轨迹跟踪互补控制的双轴太阳跟踪器。该跟踪器在晴天时,利用光敏电阻采集光强判断太阳位置,控制步进电机实现光电跟踪;在阴天时,采集时钟器件PCF8583的时间信息,计算当前太阳位置来实现视日运动轨迹跟踪。实验表明:该太阳跟踪器能在不同天气状况下对太阳进行较准确地跟踪,能量接收效率提高了30%,达到充分利用太阳能的目的。 Abstract:  To improve the utilization rate of solar energy,a kind of solar tracking controller which effectively combined the sun angle tracking and photo electric tracking based on ATmega8is designed.In the sunny days,the solar tracking con-troller determines the sun's position by using photosensitive resistances to collect light intensity and control stepper motors to achieve photo electric tracking,n cloudy days,it collects clock chip PCF8583time information to calculate the current position of the sun and achieve the sun angle tracking.Experimental results show the solar tracking controller accurately tracks the sun in different weather conditions,improves received energy efficiency by30%and reaches the purpose of full use of solar energy.

    标签: ATmega8 跟踪器

    上传时间: 2013-10-15


  • 基于ATmega16L单片机的温度控制系统设计

     设计一种基于ATmega16L单片机的温度控制系统,阐述该系统的软硬件设计方案。采用模块化设计方法,利用增量式PID算法使被控对象的温度值趋于给定值。实验结果表明该系统具有良好的检测和控制功能。 Abstract:  This paper designs a temperature control system based on ATmega16L,describes the hardware and software de-sign scheme of the system,adopts the modularized design method and utilizes the incremental PID algorithm to realize the temperature of controlled device incline to the given value.The experiment result indicates that the system has good detec-tion and control function

    标签: ATmega 16L 16 单片机

    上传时间: 2013-10-09
