The LTM8020, LTM8021, LTM8022 and LTM8023 μModule®regulators are complete easy-to-use encapsulated stepdownDC/DC regulators intended to take the pain and aggravationout of implementing a switching power supplyonto a system board. With a μModule regulator, you onlyneed an input cap, output cap and one or two resistorsto complete the design. As one might imagine, this highlevel of integration greatly simplifi es the task of printedcircuit board design, reducing the effort to four categories:component footprint generation, component placement,routing the nets, and thermal vias.
上传时间: 2014-01-18
In August of 1992 LTC published Application Note 49, “Illumination Circuitry for Liquid Crystal Displays.” One notable aspect of this event is that it generated more response than all previous LTC application notes combined. This level of interest, along with significant performance advances since AN-49’s appearance, justifies further discussion of LCD backlighting circuitry.
上传时间: 2013-11-19
For a variety of reasons, it is desirable to charge batteriesas rapidly as possible. At the same time, overchargingmust be limited to prolong battery life. Such limitation ofovercharging depends on factors such as the choice ofcharge termination technique and the use of multi-rate/multi-stage charging schemes. The majority of batterycharger ICs available today lock the user into one fixedcharging regimen, with at best a limited number ofcustomization options to suit a variety of application needsor battery types. The LTC®1325 addresses these shortcomingsby providing the user with all the functionalblocks needed to implement a simple but highly flexiblebattery charger (see Figure 1) which not only addressesthe issue of charging batteries but also those of batteryconditioning and capacity monitoring.
上传时间: 2013-10-19
为解决直流逆变交流的问题,有效地利用能源,让电源输出最大功率,设计了高性能的基于IR2101最大功率跟踪逆变器,并以SPMC75F2413A单片机作为主控制器。高电压、高速功率的MOSFET或IGBT驱动器IR2101采用高度集成的电平转换技术,同时上管采用外部自举电容上电,能够稳定高效地驱动MOS管。该逆变器可以实现DC/AC的转换,最大功率点的跟踪等功能。实际测试结果表明,该逆变器系统具有跟踪能力强,稳定性高,反应灵敏等特点,该逆变器不仅可应用于普通的电源逆变系统,而且可应用于光伏并网发电的逆变系统,具有广泛的市场前景。 Abstract: To solve the problem of DC-AC inverter, and to utilize solar energy more efficiently, the design of maximum power point tracking inverter based on IR2101 was achieved with a high-performance, which can make the system output power maximum. SPMC75F2413A was adopted as main controller. IR2101 is a high voltage, high speed power MOSFET and IGBT driver. It adopted highly integrated voltage level transforming technology, and an external bootstrap capacitor was used, which could drive MOS tube efficiently and stably. Many functions are achieved in the system, such as DC/AC conversion, maximun power point tracking, etc. The actual test result shows that the inverter system has characteristics of strong tracking ability, high stability and reacting quickly. The design can not only be used in ordinary power inverter system, but also be used in photovoltaic power inverter system. The design has certain marketing prospects
上传时间: 2013-11-17
光伏发电是未来新能源发电重要方向之一,而光伏变流器是光伏发电系统的核心。介绍一种基于微网理念的光伏变流器设计。以该变流器为核心的光伏发电系统可以看做一个小型的微网系统。该系统能根据外部电网情况,工作于并网模式和离网模式。介绍了该系统的各个组成部件的设计以及变流器主电路部分器件的选型。最后,由实验样机进行测试。试验结果验证了电路拓扑结构及控制方案的可行性,也说明了系统参数设计方法的正确性。 Abstract: Solar Photovoltaic generation is an important direction of new energy power generation in the future,while photovoltaic converter is the core of photovoltaic generation system. This paper deals with a study on photovoltaic inverter based on the concept of microgrid. This paper describes a system whose core component is the photovoltaic inverter,can work on grid-connected mode or run independently according to the external situation. The paper simply describes the main components of the system. At last,the prototype was produced and tested. Test result has proved feasibility of circuit topology structure and controlling scheme and shown correctness of system parameters.Key words: PV inverter; microgrid; off-grid; storage battery
上传时间: 2014-12-24
差动保护整定范例一: 三圈变压器参数如下表: 变压器容量Se 31500KVA 变压器接线方式 Yn,y,d11 变压器变比Ue 110kV/35kV/10kV 110kV侧TA变比nTA 300/5 35KV侧TA变比nTA 1000/5 10KV侧TA变比nTA 2000/5 TA接线 外部变换方式 一次接线 10kV侧双分支 调压ΔU ±8×1.25% 电流互感器接线系数Kjx 当为Y接线时为1,当为Δ接线时为 区外三相最大短路电流 假设为1000A(此值需根据现场情况计算确定) 计算: 高压侧二次额定电流 中压侧二次额定电流 低压侧二次额定电流
上传时间: 2013-11-01
锂离子正极电池材料 1. 目前主要的技术工艺制法: 1.1. 高温固相反应法:高温固相反应法是以FeC2O4·2H2O,(NH4)H2PO4,Li2CO3等为原料,按LiFePO4的化学组成配料研磨混合均匀,在惰性气氛(如Ar,N2)的保护下高温焙烧反应制得。目前,由于高温固相反应法存在合成温度高、粒径分布大、颗粒粗大等缺点,极大地限制了L iFePO4的电化学性能。 1.2. 溶胶——凝胶合成法:溶胶——凝胶法以三价铁的醋酸盐或硝酸盐为原料,按化学计量加入LiOH后加入柠檬酸,然后再将其加入到H3PO4中,用氨水调节pH,加热至60℃得到凝胶,加热使凝胶分解,高温烧结得到LiFePO4。溶胶——凝胶法的优点是前驱体溶液化学均匀性好,凝胶热处理温度低,粉体颗粒粒径小而且分布窄,粉体烧结性能好,反应过程易于控制,设备简单;但是在干燥时收缩大,工业化生产难度较大,合成周期较长。
上传时间: 2013-11-16
开关电源可分为直流开关电源和交流开关电源,是按输出来区分的,交流开关电源输出的是交流电,而直流开关电源输出的是直流电,这里介绍的是直流开关电源。随着相关元器件的发展,直流开关电源以其高效率在很多场合代替线性电源而获得广泛应用。 直流开关电源与线性电源相比一般成本较高,但在有些特别场合却更简单和便宜,甚至几乎只能用开关电源,如升压和极性反转等。直流开关电源还可分为隔离的和不隔离的两种,隔离的是采用变压器来实现输入与输出间的电气隔离,变压器还便于实现多路不同电压或多路相同电压的输出。 直流开关电源结构复杂,设计和分析都有较特别的一套理论和方法,这里主要介绍6种基本的不隔离的直流开关电源结构形式和其特点,便于依据应用场合来选择使用。
上传时间: 2013-10-24
找一块电源仔细看一下,在电源部分中,跨接L-N之间的小方块(单位是μF)电容就是X电容,通常在是电源入口的第一个;同样,在电源部分的跨接L-PE和N-PE之间的蓝色的安规电容(单位pF)就是Y电容,通常是成对出现的。 或者你可以形象的看,X电容具有2个输入端,2个输出端,很象X;Y电容具有一个输入端,一个输出端以及一个公共的大地,很象一个Y 没有什么概念的,一个在差模回路上,一个在共模回路上,X、Y的名称纯粹是一个称呼,就象是X和Y轴一样 X电容主要用于流电源线路中,此时当电容失时不致产生线间放电。X电容器的测试条件是:在交流电压的有效值*1.5的电压下工作100Hour;再加上1KV的高压测试。Y电容器在一旦失效会导致放电危险(尤其是对外壳)时是强制使用的。Y类型电容器的测试条件是:在交流电压的有效值*1.7的电压下工作100Hour,加上2KV高压测试。如果电容器用于不接地的II类产品中,则要增加至4KV。
上传时间: 2013-10-24
上传时间: 2013-10-22