CLK:时钟信号 CMD:双向命令和响应信号 DAT0-3:双向数据信号 VDD,VSS:电源和地信号 SD模式下允许有一个主机, 多个从机(即多个卡), 主机可以给从机分别地址. 主机发 命令有些命令是发送给指定的从机,有些命令可以以广播形式发送. SD模式下可以选择总线宽度, 即选用几根DAT信号线, 可以在主机初始化后设置
标签: 协议
上传时间: 2013-10-11
The HCS12X family is the successor to the HCS12family, with many additional features. One new feature isthe increased memory available to the CPU and themethods available to access it. This document focuses onthe improved memory map configuration.
上传时间: 2013-11-13
每按下一次开关SP1,计数值加1,通过AT89S51单片机的P1端口的P1.0到P1.3显示出其的二进制计数值。 at89s51 pdf英文资料
上传时间: 2013-12-09
ADC0809是带有8位A/D转换器、8路多路开关以及微处理机兼容的控制逻辑的CMOS组件。它是逐次逼近式A/D转换器,可以和单片机直接接口。 adc0809 datasheet
上传时间: 2013-10-11
利用单片机AT89S51与ADC0809设计一个数字电压表,能够测量0-5V之间的直流电压值,四位数码显示,但要求使用的元器件数目最少。 at89s51中文资料下载 adc0809中文资料手册下载pdf
上传时间: 2013-10-31
The PCA9516 is a BiCMOS integrated circuit intended forapplication in I2C and SMBus systems.While retaining all the operating modes and features of the I2Csystem, it permits extension of the I2C-bus by buffering both the data(SDA) and the clock (SCL) lines, thus enabling five buses of 400 pF.The I2C-bus capacitance limit of 400 pF restricts the number ofdevices and bus length. Using the PCA9516 enables the systemdesigner to divide the bus into five segments off of a hub where anysegment to segment transition sees only one repeater delay.
上传时间: 2013-11-21
The PCA9540B is a 1-of-2 bidirectional translating multiplexer, controlled via the I2C-bus.The SCL/SDA upstream pair fans out to two SCx/SDx downstream pairs, or channels.Only one SCx/SDx channel is selected at a time, determined by the contents of theprogrammable control register.
上传时间: 2014-12-28
The PCA9541 is a 2-to-1 I2C-bus master selector designed for high reliability dual masterI2C-bus applications where system operation is required, even when one master fails orthe controller card is removed for maintenance. The two masters (for example, primaryand back-up) are located on separate I2C-buses that connect to the same downstreamI2C-bus slave devices. I2C-bus commands are sent by either I2C-bus master and are usedto select one master at a time. Either master at any time can gain control of the slavedevices if the other master is disabled or removed from the system. The failed master isisolated from the system and will not affect communication between the on-line masterand the slave devices on the downstream I2C-bus.
上传时间: 2013-10-09
The PCA9544A provides 4 interrupt inputs, one for each channeland one open drain interrupt output. When an interrupt is generated byany device, it will be detected by the PCA9544A and the interruptoutput will be driven LOW. The channel need not be active fordetection of the interrupt. A bit is also set in the control byte.Bits 4 – 7 of the control byte correspond to channels 0 – 3 of thePCA9544A, respectively. Therefore, if an interrupt is generated byany device connected to channel 2, the state of the interrupt inputs isloaded into the control register when a read is accomplished.Likewise, an interrupt on any device connected to channel 0 wouldcause bit 4 of the control register to be set on the read. The mastercan then address the PCA9544A and read the contents of thecontrol byte to determine which channel contains the devicegenerating the interrupt. The master can then reconfigure thePCA9544A to select this channel, and locate the device generatingthe interrupt and clear it. The interrupt clears when the deviceoriginating the interrupt clears.
标签: 4channel multiple 9544A 9544
上传时间: 2014-12-28
The PCA9542A is a 1-of-2 bidirectional translating multiplexer, controlled via the I2C-bus.The SCL/SDA upstream pair fans out to two SCx/SDx downstream pairs, or channels.Only one SCx/SDx channel is selected at a time, determined by the contents of theprogrammable control register. Two interrupt inputs, INT0 and INT1, one for each of theSCx/SDx downstream pairs, are provided. One interrupt output, INT, which acts as anAND of the two interrupt inputs, is provided.
上传时间: 2013-12-07