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  • 基于DSP28035的高速永磁无刷直流电机驱动系统

    基于DSP28035的高速永磁无刷直流电机驱动系统,包括论文和软硬设计资料。摘要参赛作品为基于DSP28035的高速永磁无刷直流电机驱动系统。该系统以一台额定转速60 krpm的高速永磁无刷直流电机、交错并联的Buck电路以及全桥电路为硬件平台,以DSP28035为控制核心,实现了调压调速功能和基于坐标变换的无位置传感器新技术。为实现该系统要求,本作品充分利用了DSP28035的资源例如:CLA模块,模拟比较器、HPWM模块以及AD转换模块等。AbstractThis work is the drive system for a high speed permanent magnet burshless dc motor based on DSP28035. The hardware platform consists of a BLDC motor(rated speed is 60000rpm), a Buck circuit and an inverter. Under the control of DSP28035, this system can achieve the goal of adjusting the motor’s speed with voltage and the function of sensorless control based on the coordinate transformation. By making full use of resources of the core, such as CLA, analog comparator, HPWM and AD converters, the whole system can meet the requirements.1 引言高速永磁无刷直流电机驱动系统由于基波频率较高(一般在1kHZ以上),利用逆变桥斩波进行调速的控制方式通常会受到开关管开关频率的限制,因此该系统多采用三相全桥前级加Buck电路进承担调压调速的功能,而三相全桥主要承担逻辑换相的功能。然而,传统Buck电路所需电感的体积较大,增加了系统的体积,降低了系统的功率密度。

    标签: dsp28035 直流电机

    上传时间: 2022-05-08


  • 基于TMS320F28035芯片为控制核心的空间矢量异步电机变频器

    基于TMS320F28035芯片为控制核心的空间矢量异步电机变频器  我们设计的异步电机变频调速器以TMS320F28035芯片为控制核心,通过输出三相PWM波控制智能功率模块IPM驱动三相异步电机。我们使用空间矢量SVPWM算法,并对其进行了优化。采用检测反电势的方法省去了昂贵的光电编码器,大大节省了成本。同时开创性的研发了自动根据运行环境调节的自适应变频算法,使我们的变频调速器可以在电网条件恶劣的乡村山区工作,由此该变频器已被一家民用水泵生产企业预订。关键字 变频器 TMS320f28035 IPM SVPWM In our design, the asynchronous machine inverter based on the chip of TMS320F28035 drives the three-Phase asynchronous machine by sending three-phase PWM waves to the IPM, which is short for the Intelligent-Power-Module. The SVPWM (space vector pulse width modulation) strategy is applied to our control algorithm and we optimize it mainly in two aspects. Firstly the inverter detects the speed by measuring the Back EMF instead of installing an expensive photoelectric encoder for costs reduction. 

    标签: tms320f28035 芯片

    上传时间: 2022-05-08


  • 基于stm32f103c8t6单片机的1602源码

    说明:  基于stm32f103c8t6单片机的1602源码,固件库为3.5版本(Based on the source of stm32f103c8t6 microcontroller 1602, firmware library version 3.5)

    标签: stm32f103c8t6 单片机

    上传时间: 2022-05-16


  • 基于stm32f103c8t6单片机的RTC源码

    说明:  基于stm32f103c8t6单片机的RTC实时时钟源码,固件库为3.5版本(Based on the real-time clock source stm32f103c8t6 MCU RTC firmware library version 3.5)

    标签: stm32 单片机

    上传时间: 2022-05-16


  • 基于STM32单片机和DHT11传感器的湿度测量

    说明:  基于STM32单片机和DHT11传感器的湿度测量,包括工程文件和源码。(Based on the STM32 MCU and DHT11 sensor humidity measurement, including project files and source code.)

    标签: stm32 单片机 dht11传感器

    上传时间: 2022-05-16


  • spi协议英文详解

    In this presentation, we will look at what the Serial Peripheral Interface, otherwise known as the SPI, is. and how it is used to communicate data to and from the PICmicro microcontroller.SPl is frequently used when few 1/O lines are available, but communication between two or more devices must be fast and easy to implement.In this presentation, we will discuss the following topics: We will first cover an Overview of SPI This section of the tutorial will introduce you to SPI and its concepts.Next, we will examine the use of SPI on the PICmicro MCU.The details of how SPI is implemented on a PICmicro device will be examined.Then, a Code Walkthrough will be given.The walkthough will explore code for both an SPI Master and SPI Slave. The example will have the Master generate data for sending to the slave.Finally, there will be a few resources given at the end of the presentation. These resources will allow you to explore in more detail the SPI interface

    标签: spi协议

    上传时间: 2022-06-20


  • 分立元件IGBT驱动电路的改进与测试

    摘要:本文在分析1GBT的动态开关特性和过流状态下的电气特性的基础上,通过对常规的IGBT推挽驱动电路进行改进,得到了具有良好过流保护特性的IGBT驱动电路。该电路简单,可靠,易用,配合DSP等控制芯片能达到很好的驱动效果Abstract:Based on the studies on the dynamic switching and over-current characteristics of IGBT,this paper makes some improvments to the original push-pull driving circuit,obtains a new IGBT driving circuit which has a good over-current protection function.The circuit is simple,reliable and easy to use.Combined with controlling chips such as DSP it will do a great job in driving applications.关键词:IBGT:开关特性;驱动;过流保护;Key Words:IGBT;switching characteristics;driving:over-current protection

    标签: 分立元件 igbt 驱动电路

    上传时间: 2022-06-21


  • TFT-LCD iC ILI9881D datasheet

    ILI9881D Data Sheet for all customerAmorphous TFT LCD Single-Chip Driver 800(RGB)X1280 Resoltion,16.7M-Color Without internal Gramtwo data lanes supports up to 850Mbps on the mipi DSI link

    标签: tft ili9881d

    上传时间: 2022-07-19


  • GD32F103数据手册(英文)

    The GD32F103xx device is a 32-bit general-purpose microcontroller based on the ARM?Cortex?-M3 RISC core with best ratio in terms of processing power, reduced power consumption and peripheral set. The Cortex?-M3 is a next generation processor core whichis tightly coupled with a Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC), SysTick timer and advanced debug support.The GD32F103xx device incorporates the ARM ' Cortex?-M3 32-bit processor core operating at 108 MHz frequency with Flash accesses zero wait states to obtain maximumefficiency. It provides up to 3 MB on-chip Flash memory and up to 96 KB SRAM memory. An extensive range of enhanced I/Os and peripherals connected to two APB buses. The devices offer up to three 12-bit ADCs, up to two 12-bit DACs, up to ten general-purpose

    标签: gd32f103

    上传时间: 2022-07-23


  • VITA46-48-42 技术资料

    VITA 46 Highlights Retain standard 6U and 3U form-factors Height, depth, pitch, front panel arrangements, conduction-cooled interfaces, etc.Support standard-length PMC and XMC modules· Support high-speed serial fabric on the backplane Tyco MultiGig RT2,7-row connector· Support VME and PCI interfaces for legacy compatibility· Provision for optical connectors as option· Support improved logistics Provide support for Line Replaceable Module(LRM) applications with ESD-protected connector Alignment and keying blocks

    标签: vita46

    上传时间: 2022-07-25
