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  • 基于RS-485总线的MODBUS通信协议在单片机上的实现

    以仓库智能改造为背景,主要介绍单片机和上位机之间通信网络和通信协议的选择,MODBUS协议通信指令和功能码使用,重点阐述了基于RS-485总线的MODBUS通信协议在上位机和单片机之间的串行通信,实现上位机对单片机设备的远程控制和信息采集的功能。Based on the intelligent warehouse transformation as the background,mainly introduces between MCU and PC communication network and the choice of communication protocol,instruction and the function code using the MODBUS protocol communication,expounds the MODBUS communication protocol based on RS-485 bus serial communication between PC and single chip microcomputer,PC remote control of single chip computer equipment and the function of information collection.

    标签: RS-485总线 modbus 单片机

    上传时间: 2022-03-26


  • 智能温室大棚控制系统设计

    近年来反季节种植已成火热趋势,温室大棚的普及十分迅速,而温室大棚对自动化、智能化的要求也越来越迫切,本系统将温室大棚的温湿度、二氧化碳浓度各个方面的检测,通风、浇灌、温度、喷洒农药等各个方面的控制进行综合系统研究,实现温室大棚对自动化、智能化的要求。这一系统是基于单片机控制的智能检测,控制系统包含单片机主控模块、感应检测模块、传感模块,显示、控制模块等[1]。从而提高温室大棚的种植效率,减少劳动力,提高利润等。In recent years,counter-season planting has become a hot trend featuring the rapid popularization of greenhouse and urgent requirement for the automation and intellectualization of greenhouse.This paper offers a comprehensive and systematic study of the monitoring of temperature,humidity and carbon dioxide concentration in the greenhouse and the control of ventilation,irrigation,temperature and pesticide spraying in order to achieve automation and intellectualization in greenhouse.This system is based on the intelligent detection controlled by single chip computer with the control system including the main control module,induction detection module,sensing module,display and control module of single chip computer,which is effective in improving planting efficiency of greenhouse,reducing labor force and increasing profits.

    标签: 智能温室大棚 控制系统

    上传时间: 2022-03-27


  • B型剩余电流保护器设计

    随着光伏发电系统快速发展,以及电动汽车充电桩的普及,传统的剩余电流保护器无法满足实际需求。介绍了一款B型剩余电流保护器,采用磁调制剩余电流互感器和零序电流互感器采集剩余电流。根据GB/T 22794—2017标准要求,可识别1 kHz及以下的正弦交流、带和不带直流分量的脉动直流、平滑直流等剩余电流信号。经信号调理电路将电压信号送到单片机进行采集和判断。通过试验测试,该样机在测试精度和速度上均符合国家标准的相关要求。The rapid development of photovoltaic power generation systems and the popularity of electric vehicle charging piles make the traditional residual current protective devices unable to meet the actual demand.This paper proposed a type B residual current protective device,which uses the magnetically modulated residual current transformer and the zero sequence current transformer to acquire the residual current.According to the requirements of GB/T 22794—2017,the type B residual current protective device can detect sinusoidal AC residual current of 1kHz and below 1kHz,pulsating DC residual current with and without DC component,smooth DC residual current and so on.The signal processing circuit sends the voltage signal to the MCU for acquisition and judgment.Through experimental tests,the device meets the relevant requirements of national standards in terms of test accuracy and speed.

    标签: 电流保护器

    上传时间: 2022-03-27


  • 半导体制冷温度控制系统的设计研究

    在半导体制冷技术的工作性能及其优缺点研究的基础上,设计了以单片机为核心控制元件,以TEC1-12706为执行元件的半导体制冷温度控制系统。采用高精度分段式PID控制算法配合PWM输出控制的方法实现温度控制;选择数字传感器DS18B20为温度检测元件,还包含1602液晶显示模块、按键调整输入模块和H桥驱动模块等。实际测试表明,该系统结构简单易行,操作方便,工作性能优良,同时针对该系统专门设计的温控算法,使半导体制冷器能更好地适应不同工况而充分发挥其制冷制热工作特性。Based on the study of the performance and advantages and disadvantages of thermoelectric cooler(TEC)technology,a thermoelectric cooling temperature control system with single-chip microcomputer as the core control element and TEC1-12706 as the executive element was designed. High precision piecewise PID control algorithm combined with PWM output control method is adopted to realize temperature control. The digital sensor DS18B20 is selected as the temperature detection element. It also includes 1602 LCD module,key adjustment input module and H bridge drive module. The actual test shows that the system has simple structure,convenient operation and excellent performance. Meanwhile,the temperature control algorithm specially designed for the system can make the semiconductor cooler better adapt to different working conditions and give full play to its refrigeration and heating characteristics.

    标签: 半导体 温度控制系统

    上传时间: 2022-03-27


  • 多功能电子药箱的设计与实现

    基于药物治疗在临床治疗中的重要性,分析目前服药提醒装置存在的不足,以STM32F103VET6单片机为控制核心,设计了一种多功能电子药箱。该系统包括显示模块、语音模块和数据存储模块。显示模块通过触摸屏电路和LED指示灯电路,与语音模块相配合,实现了服药提醒及指导的功能;数据存储模块通过EEPROM存储电路,能够实现掉电时服药信息不丢失的功能。并且为了实现电子药箱的智能化控制,开发了手机APP,两者之间可通过WIFI进行数据通信。经测试,该药箱能够有效地帮助慢性病患者按时、定量、正确服用药物,适合在家庭中推广使用,具有较高的应用价值和实践意义。Based on the importance of drug therapy in clinical treatment, this paper analyzes the shortcomings of current drug reminder devices, and designs a multi-function electronic medicine box with STM32 F103 VET6 microcontroller as the control core. The system includes a display module, a voice module, and a data storage module. The display module cooperates with the voice module through the touch screen circuit and the LED indicator circuit to realize the function of reminding and guiding the medicine;the data storage module can realize the function of not losing the medication information when the power is off through the EEPROM storage circuit.After testing, the medicine box can effectively help chronic diseases patients to take drugs on time, in a quantitative and correct manner,and is suitable for popularization in the family, and has high application value and practical significance.

    标签: 电子药箱

    上传时间: 2022-03-27


  • 基于单片机和人体红外线传感器自动关门锁门的装置

    入室抢劫事件屡见不鲜,针对此现象进行分析不难发现,造成失窃事件的极大原因是人们慵懒和意识差等不良性格造成习惯性不锁门.本文以STC89C52单片机为基础,设计了一种基于人体红外传感器的自动关门锁门装置,来解决此类问题.The incidents of burglary are so common. It is not difficult to find that the main reason for the burglary is the habit of unlocking of doors caused by people's laziness and poor consciousness. Based on the single chip microcomputer of STC89C52, a device used with infrared sensor of human body is introduced in this paper, which can achieve the effect of automatic closing and locking doors.

    标签: 单片机 人体红外线传感器

    上传时间: 2022-03-27


  • 基于STC12C5A60S2单片机的LED线阵显示装置

    LED 线阵显示装置, 分为 LED 线性旋转显示主机和图文录入器两部分。主机用直流电机带动由红绿 LED 组成的线阵旋转, 同时线阵按照时序依次切换显示状态, 在固定区域利用视觉暂留效果形成 16×16 点阵, 用以显示图文;图文录入器用 HMI 触控屏作为人机交互界面, 实现图文录入和回放功能。主机与图文录入器通过无线通信方式进行信息交互,可由图文录入器控制主机切换不同工作任务, 以及改变线阵显示内容。The LED linear array display device is divided into two parts:the one is the main unit used to display content,and the other one is used to input the contents.The main unit is driven by a DC motor to rotate the linear array composed by red and green light emitting diodes.At the same time,the 16×16 dot matrix that switching the display state according to the time sequence on the main unit displays pictures and texts in the fixed area,by using the visual temporary effect.The HMI touch screen is used as human machine interface to realize the function that input and playback pictures and texts.The two parts of the device communicate with each other through wireless communication.The image and text input controller can control the main unit to switch different tasks and change the content of linear array displayed.

    标签: stc12c5a60s2 单片机 led

    上传时间: 2022-03-28


  • 基于单片机智能家居设计

    文章提出了一种基于AT89S51单片机的智能家居系统的设计,该系统具有室内煤气以及烟雾的检测、家庭室内防盗等功能。文章详细分析了系统的总体设计,详尽分析并设计了煤气传感器模块、烟雾传感器模块、人体红外感应传感器模块、报警模块等各硬件部分,并利用PROTUES软件进行了系统仿真。仿真结果证明:系统具有成本低、效率高、操作方便等优点,达到了预期设计的效果。This paper presents the design of an intelligent home system based on AT89S51 microcontroller.The system has the functions of detecting indoor gas and smoke,guarding against theft in the home,and so on.The overall design of the system is analyzed in detail.The gas sensor module,smoke sensor module,human infrared sensor module,alarm module and other hardware parts are analyzed and designed in detail,and the system simulation is carried out using PROTUES software.The simulation results show that the system has the advantages of low cost,high efficiency,convenient operation and so on,and achieves the expected design effect.

    标签: 单片机 智能家居

    上传时间: 2022-03-28


  • Qi无线充电原理

    近距电能传输——高效安全近距电能传输一般基于电磁感应原理进行。在此技术基础上,当接收器邻近发射器时才会进行电能传输。电磁感应技术的历史长达百年,多年米一直应用于各类电子产品中—如此普及全因其简单、高效以及安全技术概览以下将为你简要介绍无线电能传输技术。System Overview(Communication)Receiver sends messagesTo provide control information to the transmitterBy load modulation on the power signaTransmitter receives messagesTo receive control information frorn the recelverBy de-modulation of the reflected loadPower Pick Up( Receiver)Secondary coil (L Serial resonance capacitor (C) for efficient power transfer Parallel resonance capacitor(C, )for detection purposes Rectifier: full bridge(diode, or switched)+ capacitor Output switch for(dis)connecting the loadReceiver modulates load by Switching modulation resistor(R,n),or Switching modulation capacitor(Ca)Transmitter de-modulates reflected load by Sensing pnmary coil curent (p)and/o Sensing primary coil voltage (V,

    标签: qi 无线充电

    上传时间: 2022-03-31


  • MOSFET开关过程的研究及米勒平台振荡的抑制

    设计功率MOSFET驱动电路时需重点考虑寄生参数对电路的影响。米勒电容作为MOSFET器件的一项重要参数,在驱动电路的设计时需要重点关注。重点观察了MOSFET的开通和关断过程中栅极电压、漏源极电压和漏源极电流的变化过程,并分析了米勒电容、寄生电感等寄生参数对漏源极电压和漏源极电流的影响。分析了栅极电压在米勒平台附近产生振荡的原因,并提出了抑制措施,对功率MOSFET的驱动设计具有一定的指导意义。When designing the drive circuit of power MOSFET,the influence of parasitic parameters on the circuit should be concerned.As an important parameter of MOSFET device,Miller capacitance should be considered in the design of drive circuit.The variation of gate voltage,drain source voltage and drain source current during the turn-on and turn-off of MOSFET were observed.The influences of parasitic parameters such as Miller capacitance and parasitic inductance on drain source voltage and drain source current were analyzed.The reasons of gate voltage oscillation nearby Miller plateau were analyzed,and the restraining measures were put forward.This research was instructive for the drive design of power MOSFET.

    标签: mosfet

    上传时间: 2022-04-02
