The Original USB 2.0 specification released on April 27, 2000 Errata to the USB 2.0 specification as of December 7, 2000 Mini-B connector Engineering Change Notice to the USB 2.0 specification. Pull-up/pull-down Resistors Engineering Change Notice to the USB 2.0 specification. Errata to the USB 2.0 specification as of May 28, 2002 Interface Association Descriptor Engineering Change Notice to the USB 2.0 specification. Rounded Chamfer Engineering Change Notice to the USB 2.0 specification as of October 8, 2003 Unicode Engineering Change Notice to the USB 2.0 specification as of February 21, 2005 Inter-Chip USB Supplement Revision 1.0 as of March 13, 2006 Revision 1.3 of the USB On-The-Go Supplement as of December 5, 2006 Revision 1.01 of the Micro-USB Cables and Connectors Specification as of April 4, 2007 USB 2.0 Link Power Management Addendum Engineering Change Notice to the USB 2.0 specification as of July 16, 2007.
标签: specification 2.0 USB Original
上传时间: 2013-12-31
About: hamsterdb is a database engine written in ANSI C. It supports a B+Tree index structure, uses memory mapped I/O (if available), supports cursors, and can create in-memory databases. Release focus: Major feature enhancements Changes: This release comes with many changes and new features. It can manage multiple databases in one file. A new flag (HAM_LOCK_EXCLUSIVE) places an exclusive lock on the file. hamsterdb was ported to Windows CE, and the Solution file for Visual Studio 2005 now supports builds for x64. Several minor bugs were fixed, performance was improved, and small API changes occurred. Pre-built libraries for Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) are available for download. Author: cruppstahl
标签: C. hamsterdb structure database
上传时间: 2013-12-11
Traffic sign shape classification based on Support Vector Machines and the FFT of the signature of blobs.pdf
标签: classification the signature Machines
上传时间: 2013-12-14
随着光伏发电系统快速发展,以及电动汽车充电桩的普及,传统的剩余电流保护器无法满足实际需求。介绍了一款B型剩余电流保护器,采用磁调制剩余电流互感器和零序电流互感器采集剩余电流。根据GB/T 22794—2017标准要求,可识别1 kHz及以下的正弦交流、带和不带直流分量的脉动直流、平滑直流等剩余电流信号。经信号调理电路将电压信号送到单片机进行采集和判断。通过试验测试,该样机在测试精度和速度上均符合国家标准的相关要求。The rapid development of photovoltaic power generation systems and the popularity of electric vehicle charging piles make the traditional residual current protective devices unable to meet the actual demand.This paper proposed a type B residual current protective device,which uses the magnetically modulated residual current transformer and the zero sequence current transformer to acquire the residual current.According to the requirements of GB/T 22794—2017,the type B residual current protective device can detect sinusoidal AC residual current of 1kHz and below 1kHz,pulsating DC residual current with and without DC component,smooth DC residual current and so on.The signal processing circuit sends the voltage signal to the MCU for acquisition and judgment.Through experimental tests,the device meets the relevant requirements of national standards in terms of test accuracy and speed.
标签: 电流保护器
上传时间: 2022-03-27
The Blitz++ project is now being served via SourceForge. To download the Blitz++ library, go to the blitz project web page, at More information about supported platforms and C++ compilers is available in this document or on the official Blitz++ home page, at
标签: Blitz SourceForge the download
上传时间: 2014-01-03
The XML Toolbox converts MATLAB data types (such as double, char, struct, complex, sparse, logical) of any level of nesting to XML format and vice versa. For example, >> = MyProject >> = 1234 >> project.param.a = 3.1415 >> project.param.b = 42 becomes with str=xml_format(project, off ) "<project> <name>MyProject</name> <id>1234</id> <param> <a>3.1415</a> <b>42</b> </param> </project>" On the other hand, if an XML string XStr is given, this can be converted easily to a MATLAB data type or structure V with the command V=xml_parse(XStr).
标签: converts Toolbox complex logical
上传时间: 2016-02-12
We analyze, both analytically and numerically, the effectiveness of cloaking an infinite cylinder from observations by electromagnetic waves in three dimensions. We show that, as truncated approximations of the ideal permittivity and permeability tensors tend towards the singular ideal cloaking fields, so that the anisotropy ratio tends to infinity, the D and B fields blow up near the cloaking surface. Since the metamaterials used to implement cloaking are based on effective medium theory, the resulting large variation in D and B will pose a challenge to the suitability of the field averaged characterization of " and 碌. We also consider cloaking with and without the SHS (softand- hard surface) lining, shown in [6] to be theoretically necessary for cloaking in the cylindrical geometry. We demonstrate numerically that cloaking is significantly improved by the SHS lining, with both the far field of the scattered wave significantly reduced and the blow up of D and B prevented.
标签: effectiveness analytically numerically cloaking
上传时间: 2017-03-30
This material is not only up-to-date, it defines up-to-date. It is truly cutting-edge. As the only book on the subject, Rootkits will be of interest to any Windows security researcher or security programmer. It s detailed, well researched and the technical information is excellent. The level of technical detail, research, and time invested in developing relevant examples is impressive.
标签: up-to-date only cutting-edge material
上传时间: 2017-07-09
All inputs of the C16x family have Schmitt-Trigger input characteristics. These Schmitt-Triggers are intended to always provide proper internal low and high levels, even if anundefined voltage level (between TTL-VIL and TTL-VIH) is externally applied to the pin.The hysteresis of these inputs, however, is very small, and can not be properly used in anapplication to suppress signal noise, and to shape slow rising/falling input transitions.Thus, it must be taken care that rising/falling input signals pass the undefined area of theTTL-specification between VIL and VIH with a sufficient rise/fall time, as generally usualand specified for TTL components (e.g. 74LS series: gates 1V/us, clock inputs 20V/us).The effect of the implemented Schmitt-Trigger is that even if the input signal remains inthe undefined area, well defined low/high levels are generated internally. Note that allinput signals are evaluated at specific sample points (depending on the input and theperipheral function connected to it), at that signal transitions are detected if twoconsecutive samples show different levels. Thus, only the current level of an input signalat these sample points is relevant, that means, the necessary rise/fall times of the inputsignal is only dependant on the sample rate, that is the distance in time between twoconsecutive evaluation time points. If an input signal, for instance, is sampled throughsoftware every 10us, it is irrelevant, which input level would be seen between thesamples. Thus, it would be allowable for the signal to take 10us to pass through theundefined area. Due to the sample rate of 10us, it is assured that only one sample canoccur while the signal is within the undefined area, and no incorrect transition will bedetected. For inputs which are connected to a peripheral function, e.g. capture inputs, thesample rate is determined by the clock cycle of the peripheral unit. In the case of theCAPCOM unit this means a sample rate of 400ns @ 20MHz CPU clock. This requiresinput signals to pass through the undefined area within these 400ns in order to avoidmultiple capture events.For input signals, which do not provide the required rise/fall times, external circuitry mustbe used to shape the signal transitions.In the attached diagram, the effect of the sample rate is shown. The numbers 1 to 5 in thediagram represent possible sample points. Waveform a) shows the result if the inputsignal transition time through the undefined TTL-level area is less than the time distancebetween the sample points (sampling at 1, 2, 3, and 4). Waveform b) can be the result ifthe sampling is performed more than once within the undefined area (sampling at 1, 2, 5,3, and 4).Sample points:1. Evaluation of the signal clearly results in a low level2. Either a low or a high level can be sampled here. If low is sampled, no transition willbe detected. If the sample results in a high level, a transition is detected, and anappropriate action (e.g. capture) might take place.3. Evaluation here clearly results in a high level. If the previous sample 2) had alreadydetected a high, there is no change. If the previous sample 2) showed a low, atransition from low to high is detected now.
上传时间: 2013-10-23
基于USB接口的数据采集模块的设计与实现Design and Implementation of USB-Based Data Acquisition Module路 永 伸(天津科技大学电子信息与自动化学院,天津300222)摘要文中给出基于USB接口的数据采集模块的设计与实现。硬件设计采用以Adpc831与PDIUSBDI2为主的器件进行硬件设计,采用Windriver开发USB驱动,并用Visual C十十6.0对主机软件中硬件接口操作部分进行动态链接库封装。关键词USB 数据采集Adpc831 PDNSBDI2 Windriver动态链接库Abstract T hed esigna ndim plementaitono fU SB-BasedD ataA cquisiitonM oduleis g iven.Th ec hips oluitonm ainlyw ithA dpc831a ndP DTUSBD12i sused for hardware design. The USB drive is developed场Wmdriver, and the operation on the hardware interface is packaged into Dynamic Link Libraries场Visual C++6.0. Keywords USB DataA cquisition Adttc831 PDfUSBD12 Windriver0 引言US B总 线 是新一代接口总线,最初推出的目的是为了统一取代PC机的各类外设接口,迄今经历了1.0,1.1与2.0版本3个标准。在国内基于USB总线的相关设计与开发也得到了快速的发展,很多设计者从各自的应用领域,用不同方案设计出了相应的装置[1,2]。数据采集是工业控制中一个普遍而重要的环节,因此开发基于USB接口的数据采集模块具有很强的现实应用意义。虽然 US B总线标准已经发展到2.0版本,但由于工业控制现场干扰信号的情况比较复杂,高速数据传输的可靠性不容易被保证,并且很多场合对数据采集的实时性要求并不高,开发2.0标准产品的成本又较1.1标准产品高,所以笔者认为,在工业控制领域,目前开发基于USB总线1.1标准实现的数据采集模块的实用意义大于相应2.0标准模块。
上传时间: 2013-10-23