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  • Advance Policy based Firewall Very useful firewall and very easy to implement for linux

    Advance Policy based Firewall Very useful firewall and very easy to implement for linux

    标签: implement Firewall firewall Advance

    上传时间: 2014-01-12


  • develop drawing programs where the user can build, display, store, load and print object structures.

    develop drawing programs where the user can build, display, store, load and print object structures.

    标签: structures programs develop drawing

    上传时间: 2017-09-26


  • A DSP-Based Audio Signal Processor

    A DSP-Based Audio Signal Processor

    标签: DSP-Based Processor Signal Audio

    上传时间: 2014-08-24


  • A routing scheme for content based networking. Content-based network is a network which does nt make

    A routing scheme for content based networking. Content-based network is a network which does nt make use of the source or the destination address to forward a message. This network is quite different from the traditional network.

    标签: network Content-based networking routing

    上传时间: 2013-11-25


  • LatentSVM论文

    The object detector described below has been initially proposed by P.F. Felzenszwalb in [Felzenszwalb2010]. It is based on a Dalal-Triggs detector that uses a single filter on histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) features to represent an object category. This detector uses a sliding window approach, where a filter is applied at all positions and scales of an image. The first innovation is enriching the Dalal-Triggs model using a star-structured part-based model defined by a “root” filter (analogous to the Dalal-Triggs filter) plus a set of parts filters and associated deformation models. The score of one of star models at a particular position and scale within an image is the score of the root filter at the given location plus the sum over parts of the maximum, over placements of that part, of the part filter score on its location minus a deformation cost easuring the deviation of the part from its ideal location relative to the root. Both root and part filter scores are defined by the dot product between a filter (a set of weights) and a subwindow of a feature pyramid computed from the input image. Another improvement is a representation of the class of models by a mixture of star models. The score of a mixture model at a particular position and scale is the maximum over components, of the score of that component model at the given location.

    标签: 计算机视觉

    上传时间: 2015-03-15


  • Wireless-Based+Software+Systems

    The wide deployment of wireless networks and mobile technologies, along with the significant increase in the number of mobile device users, have created a very strong demand on various wireless-based, mobile-based software application systems and enabling technologies. This not only provides many new business opportunities and challenges to wireless and networking service providers, mobile technology ven- dors, and software industry and solution integrators, butalso changes and enhances people’s lives in many areas, including communications, information sharing and exchange, commerce, home environment, education, and entertainment. Business organizations and government agencies face new pressure fortechnology updatesto upgrade their networking infrastructures with wireless connectivity to enhance enterprise-oriented systems and solutions.

    标签: Wireless-Based Software Systems

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • MEMS and Nanotechnology-Based Sensors

    Recent advancements in nanotechnology (NT) materials and growth of micro/ nanotechnology have opened the door for potential applications of microelectro- mechanical systems (MEMS)- and NT-based sensors and devices. Such sensors and devices are best suited for communications, medical diagnosis, commercial, military, aerospace, and satellite applications. This book comes at a time when the future and well-being of Western industrial nations in the twenty-first century’s global eco- nomy increasingly depend on the quality and depth of the technological innovations they can commercialize at a rapid pace.

    标签: MEMS

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • Web Based Enterprise Energy

    HIS IS THE THIRD —and most likely the last—book in the series on information technology for energy managers and web based energy infor- mation and control systems. This book concentrates on web based enterprise energy and building automation systems, and serves as a capstone volume in this series. The thrust here is that the highest level functions of a building and facility automation system are provided by a web based EIS/ECS system that provides energy management, maintenance management, overall facility operational management, and ties in with the enterprise resource management system for the entire facility or the group of facilities being managed. If there were ever to be a fourth volume in this series, it would follow the logical progression of the first three volumes, and would probably be titled Web Based Enterprise Resource Management Systems.

    标签: Enterprise Energy Based Web

    上传时间: 2020-06-06


  • Risk-Based+Maintenance+for+Electricity+Network

    This book is based on a Ph.D. research that has been conducted at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands in collaboration with Dutch Electricity & Gas Distribution Network Operator, Stedin. This book was written as a result of wider interest that was shown by different industry groups on this topic after its public defence. This inspired the author to modify and publish a practical version of the research for a greater international audience. Therefore, the content of this book is intended for a double audience, on the one hand for those interested in the organisational and management aspects of maintenance. 

    标签: Maintenance Electricity Risk-Based Network for

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • python Object-c c语言100练习题


    标签: python

    上传时间: 2021-10-24
