Multiuser multiple-input-multiple-OUTPUT (MU- MIMO) systems are known to be hindered by dimensionality loss due to channel state information (CSI) acquisition overhead. In this paper, we investigate user-scheduling in MU-MIMO systems on account of CSI acquisition overhead, where a base station dynamically acquires user channels to avoid choking the system with CSI overhead.
标签: Acquisition Dynamic Channel
上传时间: 2020-05-27
The writing of this book was prompted by two main developments in wireless communications in the past decade. First is the huge surge of research activities in physical-layer wireless communication theory. While this has been a subject of study since the 60’s, recent developments in the field, such as opportunistic and multi-input multi-OUTPUT (MIMO) communication techniques, have brought completely new per- spectives on how to communicate over wireless channels.
标签: Communication Fundamentals Wireless of
上传时间: 2020-05-27
To meet the future demand for huge traffic volume of wireless data service, the research on the fifth generation (5G) mobile communication systems has been undertaken in recent years. It is expected that the spectral and energy efficiencies in 5G mobile communication systems should be ten-fold higher than the ones in the fourth generation (4G) mobile communication systems. Therefore, it is important to further exploit the potential of spatial multiplexing of multiple antennas. In the last twenty years, multiple-input multiple-OUTPUT (MIMO) antenna techniques have been considered as the key techniques to increase the capacity of wireless communication systems. When a large-scale antenna array (which is also called massive MIMO) is equipped in a base-station, or a large number of distributed antennas (which is also called large-scale distributed MIMO) are deployed, the spectral and energy efficiencies can be further improved by using spatial domain multiple access. This paper provides an overview of massive MIMO and large-scale distributed MIMO systems, including spectral efficiency analysis, channel state information (CSI) acquisition, wireless transmission technology, and resource allocation.
标签: Large-scale Antenna Systems
上传时间: 2020-05-27
In order to improve the spectral efficiency in wireless communications, multiple antennas are employed at both transmitter and receiver sides, where the resulting system is referred to as the multiple-input multiple-OUTPUT (MIMO) system. In MIMO systems, it is usually requiredto detect signals jointly as multiple signals are transmitted through multiple signal paths between the transmitter and the receiver. This joint detection becomes the MIMO detection.
标签: Complexity Detection MIMO Low
上传时间: 2020-05-27
Use of multiple antennas at both ends of wireless links is the result of the natural progression of more than four decades of evolution of adaptive antenna technology. Recent advances have demonstrated that multiple- input-multiple-OUTPUT (MIMO) wireless systems can achieve impressive increases in overall system performance.
标签: Technology System MIMO
上传时间: 2020-05-28
The family of recent wireless standards included the optional employment of Multiple-Input Multiple-OUTPUT(MIMO)techniques.This was motivatedby the observationaccordingto the classic Shannon–Hartley law that the achievable channel capacity increases logarithmically with the transmit power. In contrast, the MIMO capacity increases linearly with the number of transmit antennas, provided that the number of receive antennas is equal to the number of transmit antennas. With the further proviso that the total transmit power is increased in proportion to the number of transmit antennas, a linear capacity increase is achieved upon increasing the transmit power, which justifies the spectacular success of MIMO systems.
标签: Multi-Functional Systems MIMO
上传时间: 2020-05-31
The purpose of this book is to introduce the concept of the Multiple Input Multiple OUTPUT (MIMO) radio channel, which is an intelligent communication method based upon using multiple antennas. The book opens by explaining MIMO in layman’s terms to help stu- dents and people in industry working in related areas become easily familiarised with the concept. Therefore the structure of the book will be carefully arranged to allow a user to progress steadily through the chapters and understand the fundamental and mathematical principles behind MIMO through the visual and explanatory way in which they will be written. It is the intention that several references will also be provided, leading to further reading in this highly researched technology.
上传时间: 2020-05-31
The multiple-input multiple-OUTPUT (MIMO) technique provides higher bit rates and better reliability in wireless systems. The efficient design of RF transceivers has a vital impact on the implementation of this technique. This first book is com- pletely devoted to RF transceiver design for MIMO communications. The book covers the most recent research in practical design and applications and can be an important resource for graduate students, wireless designers, and practical engineers.
标签: Transceiver Design RF
上传时间: 2020-06-01
Driven by the desire to boost the quality of service of wireless systems closer to that afforded by wireline systems, space-time processing for multiple-input multiple-OUTPUT (MIMO) wireless communications research has drawn remarkable interest in recent years. Excit- ing theoretical advances, complemented by rapid transition of research results to industry products and services, have created a vibrant and growing area that is already established by all counts. This offers a good opportunity to reflect on key developments in the area during the past decade and also outline emerging trends.
标签: Space-Time Processing
上传时间: 2020-06-01
产品型号:VK1650 产品品牌: VINTEK/元泰 封装形式:SOP16 产品年份:新年份 联 系 人:许先生 Q Q:191 888 5898 联系手机:188 9858 2398(信) 台湾通泰一级代理,原装现货更有优势!工程服务,技术支持,让您的生产高枕无忧! 概述 VK1650 是一种带键盘扫描电路接口的 LED 驱动控制专用电路。内部集成有 MCU 输入输出控制数字 接口、数据锁存器、LED 驱动、键盘扫描、辉度调节等电路。本芯片性能稳定、质量可靠、抗干扰能力 强,可适应于 24 小时长期连续工作的应用场合。 功能特点 显示模式:8 段×4 位 段驱动电流不小于 25mA,字驱动电流不小于 150mA 提供 8 级亮度控制 键盘扫描:7×4bit 高速两线式串行接口 内置时钟振荡电路 内置上电复位电路 支持 3V-5.5V 电源电压 提供 DIP16(VK1650P)及 SOP16(VK1650M)封装 此资料为产品概述,可能会有错漏。如需完整产品PDF资料可以联系许先生索取! 产品型号:VK1651 产品品牌: VINTEK/元泰 封装形式:SOP16 产品年份:新年份 联 系 人:许先生 Q Q:191 888 5898 联系手机:188 9858 2398(信) 台湾通泰一级代理,原装现货更有优势!工程服务,技术支持,让您的生产高枕无忧! 量大价优,保证原装正品。您有量,我有价! 概述 VK1651 是一种带键盘扫描电路接口的 LED 驱动控制专用电路。内部集成有 MCU 输入输出控制数字 接口、数据锁存器、LED 驱动、键盘扫描、辉度调节等电路。本芯片性能稳定、质量可靠、抗干扰能力 强,可适应于 24 小时长期连续工作的应用场合。 功能特点 显示模式:8 段×4 位 段驱动电流不小于 25mA,字驱动电流不小于 150mA 提供 8 级亮度控制 键盘扫描:7×4bit 高速两线式串行接口 内置时钟振荡电路 内置上电复位电路 支持 3V-5.5V 电源电压 提供 DIP16(VK1650P)及 SOP16(VK1650M)封装 此资料为产品概述,可能会有错漏。如需完整产品PDF资料可以联系许先生索取! 产品型号:VK1616 产品品牌: VINTEK/元泰 封装形式:SOP16 产品年份:新年份 联 系 人:许先生 Q Q:191 888 5898 联系手机:188 9858 2398(信) 台湾通泰一级代理,原装现货更有优势!工程服务,技术支持,让您的生产高枕无忧! 量大价优,保证原装正品。您有量,我有价! 概述 VK1616 是 1/5~1/8 占空比的 LED 显示控制驱动电路。具有 7 根段输出、4 根栅输出,是一个由显示存储器、控制电路组成的高可靠性的 LED 驱动电路。串行数据通过三线串行接口输入到 VK1616,采用SOP16/DIP16 的封装形式。 二、 特性说明 CMOS 工艺 低功耗 显示模式 7 段×4 位 8 个层次的亮度调节电路 三线串行接口 内置 RC 振荡 封装形式为 SOP16(M)/DIP16(P) 永嘉原厂LED/LCD液晶控制器及驱动器系列 芯片简介如下: 内存映射的LED控制器及驱动器 VK1628 --- 通讯接口:STb/CLK/DIO 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:70/52 共阴驱动:10段7位/13段4位 共阳驱动:7段10位 按键:10x2 封装SOP28 VK1629 --- 通讯接口:STb/CLK/DIN/DOUT 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:128 共阴驱动:16段8位 共阳驱动:8段16位 按键:8x4 封装QFP44 VK1629A --- 通讯接口:STb/CLK/DIO 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:128 共阴驱动:16段8位 共阳驱动:8段16位 按键:--- 封装SOP32 VK1629B --- 通讯接口:STb/CLK/DIO 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:112 共阴驱动:14段8位 共阳驱动:8段14位 按键:8x2 封装SOP32 VK1629C --- 通讯接口:STb/CLK/DIO 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:120 共阴驱动:15段8位 共阳驱动:8段15位 按键:8x1 封装SOP32 VK1629D --- 通讯接口:STb/CLK/DIO 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:96 共阴驱动:12段8位 共阳驱动:8段12位 按键:8x4 封装SOP32 VK1640 --- 通讯接口: CLK/DIN 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:128 共阴驱动:8段16位 共阳驱动:16段8位 按键:--- 封装SOP28 VK1640A --- 通讯接口: CLK/DIN 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:128 共阴驱动:8段16位 共阳驱动:16段8位 按键:--- 封装SSOP28 VK1640B --- 通讯接口: CLK/DIN 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:96 共阴驱动:8段12位 共阳驱动:12段8位 按键:--- 封装SSOP24 VK1650 --- 通讯接口: SCL/SDA 电源电压:5V(3.0~5.5V) 共阴驱动:8段4位 共阳驱动:4段8位 按键:7x4 封装SOP16/DIP16 VK1651 --- 通讯接口: SCL/SDA 电源电压:5V(3.0~5.5V) 共阴驱动:7段4位 共阳驱动:4段7位 按键:7x1 封装SOP16/DIP16 VK1616 --- 通讯接口: 三线串行 电源电压:5V(3.0~5.5V) 显示模式:7段4位 按键:7x1 封装SOP16/DIP16 VK1668 ---通讯接口:STb/CLK/DIO 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:70/52 共阴驱动:10段7位/13段4位 共阳驱动:7段10位 按键:10x2 封装SOP24 VK6932 --- 通讯接口:STb/CLK/DIN 电源电压:5V(4.5~5.5V) 驱动点阵:128 共阴驱动:8段16位17.5/140mA 共阳驱动:16段8位 按键:--- 封装SOP32 RAM映射LCD控制器和驱动器系列 VK1024b 2.4V~5.2V 6seg*4com 6*3 6*2 偏置电压1/2 1/3 S0P-16 VK1056b 2.4V~5.2V 14seg*4com 14*3 14*2 偏置电压1/2 1/3 SOP-24/SSOP-24 VK1072B 2.4V~5.2V 18seg*4com 18*3 18*2 偏置电压1/2 1/3 SOP-28 VK1072C 2.4V~5.2V 18seg*4com 18*3 18*2 偏置电压1/2 1/3 SOP-28 VK1088b 2.4V~5.2V 22seg*4com 22*3 偏置电压1/2 1/3 QFN-32L(4MM*4MM) VK0192 2.4V~5.2V 24seg*8com 偏置电压1/4 LQFP-44 VK0256 2.4V~5.2V 32seg*8com 偏置电压1/4 QFP-64 VK0256b 2.4V~5.2V 32seg*8com 偏置电压1/4 LQFP-64 VK0256C 2.4V~5.2V 32seg*8com 偏置电压1/4 LQFP-52 VK1621S-1 2.4V~5.2V 32*4 32*3 32*2 偏置电压1/2 1/3 LQFP44/48/SSOP48/SKY28/DICE裸片 VK1622B 2.7V~5.5V 32seg*8com 偏置电压1/4 LQFP-48 VK1622S 2.7V~5.5V 32seg*8com 偏置电压1/4 LQFP44/48/52/64/QFP64/DICE裸片 VK1623S 2.4V~5.2V 48seg*8com 偏置电压1/4 LQFP-100/QFP-100/DICE裸片 VK0384 2.4V~5.2V 48seg*8com 偏置电压1/4 LQFP64(7MM*7MM) VK1625 2.4V~5.2V 64seg*8com 偏置电压1/4 LQFP-100/QFP-100/DICE VK1626 2.4V~5.2V 48seg*16com 偏置电压1/5 LQFP-100/QFP-100/DICE (高品质 高性价比:液晶显示驱动IC 原厂直销 工程技术支持!) 高抗干扰LCD液晶控制器及驱动系列 VK2C21A 2.4~5.5V 20seg*4com 16*8 偏置电压1/3 1/4 I2C通讯接口 SOP-28 VK2C21B 2.4~5.5V 16seg*4com 12*8 偏置电压1/3 1/4 I2C通讯接口 SOP-24 VK2C21C 2.4~5.5V 12seg*4com 8*8 偏置电压1/3 1/4 I2C通讯接口 SOP-20 VK2C21D 2.4~5.5V 8seg*4com 4*8 偏置电压1/3 1/4 I2C通讯接口 NSOP-16 VK2C22A 2.4~5.5V 44seg*4com 偏置电压1/2 1/3 I2C通讯接口 LQFP-52 VK2C22B 2.4~5.5V 40seg*4com 偏置电压1/2 1/3 I2C通讯接口 LQFP-48 VK2C23A 2.4~5.5V 56seg*4com 52*8 偏置电压1/3 1/4 I2C通讯接口 LQFP-64 VK2C23B 2.4~5.5V 36seg*8com 偏置电压1/3 1/4 I2C通讯接口 LQFP-48 VK2C24 2.4~5.5V 72seg*4com 68*8 60*16 偏置电压1/3 1/4 1/5 I2C通讯接口 LQFP-80 超低功耗LCD液晶控制器及驱动系列 VKL060 2.5~5.5V 15seg*4com 偏置电压1/2 1/3 I2C通讯接口 SSOP-24 VKL128 2.5~5.5V 32seg*4com 偏置电压1/2 1/3 I2C通讯接口 LQFP-44 VKL144A 2.5~5.5V 36seg*4com 偏置电压1/2 1/3 I2C通讯接口 TSSOP-48 VKL144B 2.5~5.5V 36seg*4com 偏置电压1/2 1/3 I2C通讯接口 QFN48L (6MM*6MM) 静态显示LCD液晶控制器及驱动系列 VKS118 2.4~5.2V 118seg*2com 偏置电压 -- 4线通讯接口 LQFP-128 VKS232 2.4~5.2V 116seg*2com 偏置电压1/1 1/2 4线通讯接口 LQFP-128 联系人:许先生 联系手机:188 9858 2398 (微信) 联系QQ:191 888 5898 以上介绍内容为IC参数简介,难免有错漏,且相关IC型号众多,未能一一收录。欢迎联系索取完整资料及样品! 请加许先生 QQ:191 888 5898联系!谢谢 生意无论大小,做人首重诚信!本公司全体员工将既往开来,再接再厉。争取为各位带来更专业的技术支持,更优质的销售服务,更高性价比的好产品.竭诚希望能与各位客户朋友深入沟通,携手共进,共同成长,合作共赢!谢谢。
上传时间: 2020-06-02