PORtable, battery-powered operation of electronic apparatushas become increasingly desirable. Medical, remotedata acquisition, power monitORing and other applicationsare good candidates fOR battery operation. In some circumstances,due to space, power OR reliability considerations,it is preferable to operate the circuitry from a single 1.5Vcell. UnfORtunately, a 1.5V supply eliminates almost alllinear ICs as design candidates. In fact, the LM10 opamp-reference and the LT®1017/LT1018 comparatORs arethe only IC gain blocks fully specifi ed fOR 1.5V operation.Further complications are presented by the 600mV dropof silicon transistORs and diodes. This limitation consumesa substantial pORtion of available supply range, makingcircuit design diffi cult. Additionally, any circuit designedfOR 1.5V operation must function at end-of-life batteryvoltage, typically 1.3V. (See Box Section, “ComponentsfOR 1.5V Operation.”)
标签: Circuitry Operation Single 1017
上传时间: 2013-12-20
Differential Nonlinearity: Ideally, any two adjacent digitalcodes cORrespond to output analog voltages that are exactlyone LSB apart. Differential non-linearity is a measure of thewORst case deviation from the ideal 1 LSB step. FOR example,a DAC with a 1.5 LSB output change fOR a 1 LSB digital codechange exhibits 1⁄2 LSB differential non-linearity. Differentialnon-linearity may be expressed in fractional bits OR as a percentageof full scale. A differential non-linearity greater than1 LSB will lead to a non-monotonic transfer function in aDAC.Gain ErrOR (Full Scale ErrOR): The difference between theoutput voltage (OR current) with full scale input code and theideal voltage (OR current) that should exist with a full scale inputcode.Gain Temperature Coefficient (Full Scale TemperatureCoefficient): Change in gain errOR divided by change in temperature.Usually expressed in parts per million per degreeCelsius (ppm/°C).Integral Nonlinearity (Linearity ErrOR): WORst case deviationfrom the line between the endpoints (zero and full scale).Can be expressed as a percentage of full scale OR in fractionof an LSB.LSB (Lease-Significant Bit): In a binary coded system thisis the bit that carries the smallest value OR weight. Its value isthe full scale voltage (OR current) divided by 2n, where n is theresolution of the converter.Monotonicity: A monotonic function has a slope whose signdoes not change. A monotonic DAC has an output thatchanges in the same direction (OR remains constant) fOR eachincrease in the input code. the converse is true fOR decreasing codes.
标签: Converters Defini DAC
上传时间: 2013-10-30
ANALOG INPUT BANDWIDTH is a measure of the frequencyat which the reconstructed output fundamental drops3 dB below its low frequency value fOR a full scale input. Thetest is perfORmed with fIN equal to 100 kHz plus integer multiplesof fCLK. The input frequency at which the output is −3dB relative to the low frequency input signal is the full powerbandwidth.APERTURE JITTER is the variation in aperture delay fromsample to sample. Aperture jitter shows up as input noise.APERTURE DELAY See Sampling Delay.BOTTOM OFFSET is the difference between the input voltagethat just causes the output code to transition to the firstcode and the negative reference voltage. Bottom Offset isdefined as EOB = VZT–VRB, where VZT is the first code transitioninput voltage and VRB is the lower reference voltage.Note that this is different from the nORmal Zero Scale ErrOR.CONVERSION LATENCY See PIPELINE DELAY.CONVERSION TIME is the time required fOR a completemeasurement by an analog-to-digital converter. Since theConversion Time does not include acquisition time, multiplexerset up time, OR other elements of a complete conversioncycle, the conversion time may be less than theThroughput Time.DC COMMON-MODE ERROR is a specification which appliesto ADCs with differential inputs. It is the change in theoutput code that occurs when the analog voltages on the twoinputs are changed by an equal amount. It is usually expressed in LSBs.
上传时间: 2013-11-12
Power conversion by virtue of its basic role produces harmonics due to theslicing of either voltages OR currents. To a large extent the pollution in theutility supply and the deteriORation of the power quality has been generatedOR created by non-linear converters. It is therefORe ironic that power convertersshould now be used to clean up the pollution that they helped to create inthe first place.In a utility system, it is desirable to prevent harmonic currents (which resultin EMI and resonance problems) and limit reactive power flows (whichresult in transmission losses).Traditionally, shunt passive filters, comprised of tuned LC elements andcapacitOR banks, were used to filter the harmonics and to compensate fORreactive current due to non-linear loads. However, in practical applicationsthese methods have many disadvantages.
上传时间: 2013-11-05
This reference design (RD) features a fullyassembled and tested surface-mount printed circuitboard (PCB). The RD board utilizes the MAX48851:2 OR 2:1 multiplexer and other ICs to implement acomplete video graphics array (VGA) 8:1multiplexer.VGA input/output connections are provided to easilyinterface the MAX4885 RD board with VGAcompatibledevices. The RD board gives the optionto use a single 5V DC power supply (V+), OR this RDboard can be powered from any one of the eight VGA sources.
标签: multiplexer reference VGA
上传时间: 2013-11-09
PCI ExpressTM Architecture Add-in Card Compliance Checklist fOR the PCI Express Base 1.0a SpecificationThe PCI Special Interest Group disclaims all warranties and liability fOR the use of this document and the infORmation contained herein and assumes no responsibility fOR any errORs that may appear in this document, nOR does the PCI Special Interest Group make a commitment to update the infORmation contained herein.Contact the PCI Special Interest Group office to obtain the latest revision of this checklistQuestions regarding the ths document OR membership in the PCI Special Interest Group may be fORwarded tPCI Special Interest Group5440 SW Westgate Drive #217PORtland, OR 97221Phone: 503-291-2569Fax: 503-297-1090 DISCLAIMERThis document is provided "as is" with no warranties whatsoever, including any warranty of merchantability, noninfringement, fitness fOR any particular purpose, OR any warranty otherwise arising out of any proposal, specification, OR sample. The PCI SIG disclaims all liability fOR infringement of proprietary rights, relating to use of infORmation in this specification. No license, express OR implied, by estoppel OR otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted herein.
标签: Architecture ExpressTM PCI
上传时间: 2013-11-03
高速数字系统设计下载pdf:High-Speed Digital SystemDesign—A Handbook ofInterconnect TheORy and DesignPracticesStephen H. HallGarrett W. HallJames A. McCallA Wiley-Interscience Publication JOHN WILEY & SONS, INC.New YORk • Chichester • Weinheim • Brisbane • SingapORe • TORontoCopyright © 2000 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.speeddigital systems at the platfORm level. The book walks the reader through everyrequired concept, from basic transmission line theORy to digital timing analysis, high-speedmeasurement techniques, as well as many other topics. In doing so, a unique balancebetween theORy and practical applications is achieved that will allow the reader not only tounderstand the nature of the problem, but also provide practical guidance to the solution.The level of theORetical understanding is such that the reader will be equipped to see beyondthe immediate practical application and solve problems not contained within these pages.Much of the infORmation in this book has not been needed in past digital designs but isabsolutely necessary today. Most of the infORmation covered here is not covered in standardcollege curricula, at least not in its focus on digital design, which is arguably one of the mostsignificant industries in electrical engineering.The focus of this book is on the design of robust high-volume, high-speed digital productssuch as computer systems, with particular attention paid to computer busses. However, thetheORy presented is applicable to any high-speed digital system. All of the techniquescovered in this book have been applied in industry to actual digital products that have beensuccessfully produced and sold in high volume.Practicing engineers and graduate and undergraduate students who have completed basicelectromagnetic OR microwave design classes are equipped to fully comprehend the theORypresented in this book. At a practical level, however, basic circuit theORy is all thebackground required to apply the fORmulas in this book.
上传时间: 2013-10-26
One of the strengths of Synplify is the Finite State Machine compiler. This is a powerfulfeature that not only has the ability to automatically detect state machines in the sourcecode, and implement them with either sequential, gray, OR one-hot encoding. But alsoperfORm a reachability analysis to determine all the states that could possibly bereached, and optimize away all states and transition logic that can not be reached.Thus, producing a highly optimal final implementation of the state machine.
标签: Synplicity Machine Verilog Design
上传时间: 2013-10-23
Finite state machines are widely used in digital circuit designs. Generally, when designing a state machine using an HDL, the synthesis tools will optimize away all states that cannot be reached and generate a highly optimized circuit. Sometimes, however, the optimization is not acceptable. FOR example, if the circuit powers up in an invalid state, OR the circuit is in an extreme wORking environment and a glitch sends it into an undesired state, the circuit may never get back to its nORmal operating condition.
标签: Creating Machines MentOR State
上传时间: 2013-10-08
Abstract: Using a wafer-level package (WLP) can reduce the overall size and cost of your solution.However when using a WLP IC, the printed circuit board (PCB) layout can become mORe complex and, ifnot carefully planned, result in an unreliable design. This article presents some PCB designconsiderations and general recommendations fOR choosing a 0.4mm- OR 0.5mm-pitch WLP fOR yourapplication.
标签: Considerations Guidelines and Design
上传时间: 2013-10-14