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  • PCF2116系列LCD驱动器芯片简介及封装库

    1 FEATURES· Single chip LCD controller/driver· 1 or 2-line display of up to 24 characters per line, or2 or 4 lines of up to 12 characters per line· 5 ′ 7 character format plus cursor; 5 ′ 8 for kana(Japanese syllabary) and user defined symbols· On-chip:– generation of LCD supply voltage (external supplyalso possible)– generation of intermediate LCD bias voltages– oscillator requires no external components (externalclock also possible)· Display data RAM: 80 characters· Character generator ROM: 240 characters· Character generator RAM: 16 characters· 4 or 8-bit parallel bus or 2-wire I2C-bus interface· CMOS/TTL compatible· 32 row, 60 column outputs· MUX rates 1 : 32 and 1 : 16· Uses common 11 code instruction set· Logic supply voltage range, VDD - VSS: 2.5 to 6 V· Display supply voltage range, VDD - VLCD: 3.5 to 9 V· Low power consumption· I2C-bus address: 011101 SA0.

    标签: 2116 PCF LCD 驱动器芯片

    上传时间: 2013-11-08


  • 基于MSP430单片机和DS18B20的数字温度计

    为了在工业生产及过程控制中准确测量温度,设计了一种基于低功耗MSP430单片机的数字温度计。整个系统通过单片机MSP430F1121A控制DS18B20读取温度,采用数码管显示,温度传感器DS18B20与单片机之间通过串口进行数据传输。MSP430系列单片机具有超低功耗,且外围的整合性高,DS18B20只需一个端口即可实现数据通信,连接方便。通过多次实验证明,该系统的测试结果与实际环境温度一致,除了具有接口电路简单、测量精度高、误差小、可靠性高等特点外,其低成本、低功耗的特点使其拥有更广阔的应用前景。 Abstract:  In order to obtain accurate measuring temperature in industrial production and process control, a digital thermometer based on MSP430 MCU is designed. The system uses MSP430F1121A MCU to control DS18B20, and gets the temperature data, which is displayed on the LED. The temperature sensor DS18B20 and MCU transmit data through serial communication. MSP430 series has ultra-low power and high integration, DS18B20 only needs one port to achieve data communication. Through many experimental results prove, this system is consistent with actual environment temperature. The system has characteristics of interface circuit simple, high measuring accuracy, minor error, high reliability, besides, the characteristics of low cost and low power make it having vaster application prospect.

    标签: MSP 430 18B B20

    上传时间: 2013-10-16


  • 基于双ATmega128的安检力学试验机设计

    针对当前安检力学试验机所能完成的试验种类单一、自动化程度低等问题,提出一种以ATmega128单片机为核心控制器的安检力学试验机的设计。详细阐述了该安检力学试验机各个组成部分的设计原理和方案,并且给出了各部分的软件设计思想和操作流程。经过大量测试试验表明:设计的安检力学试验机可以完成多达十余种的力学安检试验,完全符合相关国家标准,并且具有数据采集精度高、传输速度快、操作安全简便等特点,实现了安检设备的多功能化、数字化和自动化。 Abstract:  Currently, many mechanical security testing machines have only one function. The degree of automation of them is low. To solve those problems, a new kind of mechanical security testing machine, using ATmega128 micro-controller as its core controller, has been advanced. It describes the components of the machine. The principles and the scheme in the designing processes are presented in detail, and the software architecture and the operation processes of each part are given. After having done many testing, we have reached the following conclusions: the mechanical security testing machine presented can do over ten mechanical security tests complying with related national standards. It has high data acquisition accuracy and high transmission speed. The operation of the machine is simple and safe. In general, this machine is a multi-functional, highly automatic, digitalized security testing device.

    标签: ATmega 128 安检 试验机

    上传时间: 2013-11-05


  • keilA51原版教程

    Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does notrepresent a commitment on the part of the manufacturer. The software describedin this document is furnished under license agreement or nondisclosureagreement and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of theagreement. It is against the law to copy the software on any medium except asspecifically allowed in the license or nondisclosure agreement. The purchasermay make one copy of the software for backup purposes. No part of this manualmay be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic ormechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information storage andretrieval systems, for any purpose other than for the purchaser’s personal use,without written permission.

    标签: keilA 51 教程

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • STM32启动代码

    The bootloader is stored in the internal boot ROM memory (system memory) of STM32devices. It is programmed by ST during production. Its main task is to download theapplication program to the internal Flash memory through one of the available serialperipherals (USART, CAN, USB, etc.). A communication protocol is defined for each serialinterface, with a compatible command set and sequences

    标签: STM 32 启动代码

    上传时间: 2014-09-06


  • LJD-SY-5200单片机实验系统实验指导书


    标签: LJD-SY 5200 单片机 实验系统

    上传时间: 2013-11-13


  • FET430PIF自制资料

    The MSP-FET430PIF is a Parallel Port interface (does not include target board) that is used to program and debug MSP430 FET tools and test boards through the JTAG interface. This interface is included in our FET tools, but sold without the development board. This interface uses a Parallel PC Port to communicate to the Debugger Software (IAR Kickstart software included) running on the PC. The interface uses the standard 14 pin header to communicate to the MSP430 device using the standard JTAG protocol. The flash memory can be erased and programmed in seconds with only a few keystrokes, and since the MSP430 flash is extremely low power, no external power supply is required. The tool has an integrated software environment and connects directly to the PC which greatly simplifies the set-up and use of the tool. The flash development tool supports development with all MSP430 flash parts. Features MSP430 debugging interface to connect a MSP430-Flash-device to a Parallel port on a PC Supports JTAG debug protocol (NO support for Spy-Bi-Wire (2-wire JTAG) debug protocol, Spy-Bi-Wire (2-wire JTAG) is supported by MSP-FET430UIF) Parallel Port cable and a 14-conductor target cable Full documentation on CD ROM Integrated IAR Kickstart user interface which includes: Assembler Linker Limulator Source-level debugger Limited C-compiler Technical specifications: Backwardly compatable with existing FET tool boards.

    标签: FET 430 PIF

    上传时间: 2013-10-26


  • MSP430 USB JTAG自制资料

    The MSP-FET430U14 is a powerful flash emulation tool to quickly begin application development on the MSP430 MCU. It includes USB debugging interface used to program and debug the MSP430 in-system through the JTAG interface or the pin saving Spy Bi-Wire (2-wire JTAG) protocol. The flash memory can be erased and programmed in seconds with only a few keystrokes, and since the MSP430 flash is ultra-low power, no external power supply is required. The debugging tool interfaces the MSP430 to the included integrated software environment and includes code to start your design immediately.  The MSP-FET430UIF development tools supports development with all MSP430 flash devices

    标签: JTAG MSP 430 USB

    上传时间: 2013-10-28


  • AVR mega16开发板恩易

    AVR mega16开发板 联系  杨迪 15336417867  0531-55508458 QQ:1347978253  http://www.easyele.cn本产品是我公司自主研发生产的,AVR Mega16开发板是以ATMEL的Mega16单片机为核心,高性能低定价的单片机开发工具,产品集成AVR JTAG ICE仿真器和STK500 ISP编程器,用户只需要再拥有一台计算机即可进行系统的学习,操作简单,使用方便,兼容开发型号:ATmega32,AVR mega16开发板可以做为学习板 仿真器 编程器使用,三种功能与一体,不需要单独买仿真器 编程器,省时,省事,省钱。货号:EasyAVR-M16规格: 套 重量:400克  单价298/套。AVR mega16开发板板载资源: 1.5V供电接口,输入7~9V 内正外负,送电源 2.板载AVR JTAG ICE  USB接口 3.板载AVR ISP  USB接口 4.Atmega16芯片,片内资源丰富 5.USB1.1 通讯接口 6.RS232 串行通讯口 7.RS485通讯接口 8.8个独立按键 9.4位一体七段数码管 HC595驱动 10.8个独立LED 11.1路有源蜂鸣器,也可接无源蜂鸣器 12.实时钟PCF8563 13.1IIC总线EEPROM AT24c01 14.1-wire单总线 15.晶振和复位电路 16.可选的有源晶振电路 17.AD电压调整电位器 18.电位器参考电压和待测电压调整 19.4个8位拨码开关 20.32Pin MCU外接端子 所有引脚标注 21.12864液晶接口 22.1602液晶接口 23.标准KF396尼龙接线端子 24.透明防滑硅胶脚垫 AVR mega16开发板实验例程: 模数转换(AD): 单通道AD采集,七段数码管显示结果 双通道分时采集,利用串口将结果传至PC 蜂鸣器: 按键检测,蜂鸣器鸣叫  PCF8563定时,蜂鸣器1s鸣叫一次 键盘:  按键检测,蜂鸣器鸣叫  按键检测,LED显示 LED:  跑马灯程序  按键检测,LED显示 定时器: 定时器T1实现1秒定时,利用七段数码管显示 内部EEPROM: 利用EEPROM记录开机次数,七段数码管显示结果 WDT: 看们狗定时器简单实验 DS18B20: DS18B20检测温度,七段数码管显示结果 DS18B20检测温度,利用串口将结果传至PC SPI: 利用SPI驱动SPI器件74HC595,实现七段数码管的显示 TWI: 利用TWI驱动TWI器件24C01 利用TWI驱动TWI器件PCF8563 24C01: 24C01读写,利用JTAG察看结果 24C01读写,利用串口将结果传至PC   AVR mega16开发板说明书下载:EasyAVR-M16-SK-3in1.pdf,内容详细,让您学习起来事半功倍,深入了解单片机电路的设计,找到好工作没问题,详细介绍电路设计和如果学习开发等内容,即使不买板子也值得你收藏。 物品清单: 1.AVR mega16开发板 (板载JTAG ISP 二合一) 2.9V 直流电源 3.USB通讯线缆 4.开发板说明书 5.资料光盘 原理图 开发软件 范例程序

    标签: mega AVR 16 开发板

    上传时间: 2013-10-23


  • JTAG仿真器 mega16开发板恩易

    JTAG仿真器 mega16开发板 联系  杨迪 15336417867  0531-55508458 QQ:1347978253  http://www.easyele.cn 有了mega16开发板 JTAG仿真器就可以开始学习强大的AVR单片机,不用再单独买编程器,仿真器。本产品是AVRVI设计生产的AVR学习开发生产工具,以Atmega16为核心,集成AVR JTAG ICE仿真器和STK500 ISP编程器,用户只需要再拥有一台计算机即可进行系统的学习。同时mega16开发板器 JTAG仿真器还提供精致的说明书,让您事半功倍,深入了解单片机电路的设计,找到好工作没问题,详细介绍电路设计和如果学习开发等内容,即使不买板子也值得你收藏。mega16开发板 JTAG仿真器的货号:EasyAVR-M16  规格: 套  重量:400克。单价298/套 mega16开发板 JTAG仿真器开发板板载资源列表(部分): 1.1路有源蜂鸣器,也可接无源蜂鸣器 2.实时钟PCF8563 3.1IIC总线EEPROM AT24c01 4.1-wire单总线 5.晶振和复位电路 6.可选的有源晶振电路 7.AD电压调整电位器 8.电位器参考电压和待测电压调整 9.mega16开发板 JTAG仿真器拥有4个8位拨码开关 0.32Pin MCU外接端子 所有引脚标注 11.12864液晶接口 12.1602液晶接口 13.mega16开发板 JTAG仿真器有标准KF396尼龙接线端子 14.透明防滑硅胶脚垫 mega16开发板 JTAG仿真器的三个关键特点:开发板集成常用资源:LED、按键、七段数码管、RS232、LCD接口等;开发板上集成了AVR JTAG ICE仿真器和AVR ISP编程器;信号调理电路,输入0~10V,轨至轨信号调理。购买mega16开发板 JTAG仿真器是,我们会以优惠的价格提供给客户一些可选配件:18B20 10元;1602字符液晶  20元;12864 图形液晶带字库 80元;串口通讯线缆 5元;有源晶振   5元;杜邦头连线10条 5元,以上全配只需要加100元,如需要5V 小型步进电机另加20元。欢迎大家咨询选购。 开发板系列我公司还出售: mega128四合一开发板    498/套 ATMEL 原装 ATSTK500开发板   750/块 ATmega8 开发板 学习板 Mini Mega8 核心板    87/块 ATmega48 开发板 学习板 Mini Mega48 核心板  84/块 ATMega88 开发板 学习板 mini mega88 核心板  91/块 ATmega16 开发板 AVR学习板 Mega16 核心板    106/块 ATmega32 开发板 学习板 Mini M32 核心板     116/块 ATmega128 开发板 学习板 Mini M128 核心板   147/块 ATmega64 开发板 学习板 Mini M64 核心板    144/块

    标签: JTAG mega 16 仿真器

    上传时间: 2013-10-19
