浮点数基本运算 浮点数的基本运算主要有四则运算、符号处理、大小比较,以及浮点数分柝等。 包含头文件 "fn.hpp" #include "fn.hpp" 浮点数基本运算 浮点数的基本运算中有加、减、乘、除、取负、绝对值、相等比较等。 加减乘除 加、减、乘、除四个运算极为相似,都是需要两个参数,结果当然也是浮点数了。 例子: // 加 减 乘 除 btil::fn::plus<f1, f2>::value // f1+f2 的结果 btil::fn::minus<f1, f2>::value // f1-f2 的结果 btil::fn::multiplies<f1, f2>::value // f1*f2 的结果 btil::fn::divides<f1, f2>::value // f1/f2 的结果 plus<f1, f2>::value::f_val // f1+f2 的结果的值 struct one { static const double f_val = 1.0 } // 两个浮点数 struct two { static const double f_val = 2.0 } minus<two, plus<divides<one, two>::value, one>::value >::value::f_val == 0.5 取负 取负运算就是取一个浮点数的负数。
上传时间: 2014-12-06
自己用C编写的小游戏,DOS界面哦,可以运行。 浮点数基本运算 浮点数的基本运算主要有四则运算、符号处理、大小比较,以及浮点数分柝等。 包含头文件 "fn.hpp" #include "fn.hpp" 浮点数基本运算 浮点数的基本运算中有加、减、乘、除、取负、绝对值、相等比较等。 加减乘除 加、减、乘、除四个运算极为相似,都是需要两个参数,结果当然也是浮点数了。 例子: // 加 减 乘 除 btil::fn::plus<f1, f2>::value // f1+f2 的结果 btil::fn::minus<f1, f2>::value // f1-f2 的结果 btil::fn::multiplies<f1, f2>::value // f1*f2 的结果 btil::fn::divides<f1, f2>::value // f1/f2 的结果 plus<f1, f2>::value::f_val // f1+f2 的结果的值 struct one { static const double f_val = 1.0 } // 两个浮点数 struct two { static const double f_val = 2.0 } minus<two, plus<divides<one, two>::value, one>::value >::value::f_val == 0.5 取负 取负运算就是取一个浮点数的负数。
上传时间: 2014-12-06
This directory contains utility for implementing generic Reqursive Least Squares (RLS) algorithm. The example shows how one can use the utility to estamate the parameters of a simple linear discrete time system.
标签: implementing Reqursive directory algorithm
上传时间: 2014-01-06
ATmega8 taillight circuitAn assembly language program that generates 5 different static patterns with switching from pattern-to-pattern controlled by the depression of one push-button switch (S2).
标签: taillight circuitAn generates different
上传时间: 2014-01-12
In each step the LZSS algorithm sends either a character or a <position, length> pair. Among these, perhaps character "e" appears more frequently than "x", and a <position, length> pair of length 3 might be commoner than one of length 18, say. Thus, if we encode the more frequent in fewer bits and the less frequent in more bits, the total length of the encoded text will be diminished. This consideration suggests that we use Huffman or arithmetic coding, preferably of adaptive kind, along with LZSS.
标签: algorithm character position either
上传时间: 2014-01-27
Altera recommends the following system configuration: * Pentium II 400 with 512-MB system memory (faster systems give better software performance) * SVGA monitor * CD-ROM drive * One or more of the following I/O ports: - USB port (if using Windows XP or Windows 2000) for USB-Blaster(TM) or MasterBlaster(TM) communications cables, or APU programming unit - Parallel port for ByteBlasterMV(TM) or ByteBlaster(TM) II download cables - Serial port for MasterBlaster communications cable * TCP/IP networking protocol installed * Windows 2000, Windows NT 4.0 with Service Pack 3 or later, or Windows XP * Internet Explorer 5.0 or later Memory & Disk Space Requirements USB开发
标签: system configuration recommends following
上传时间: 2015-03-27
DBSCAN Designed by Dr. Michal aszykowski Department of Chemometrics Institute of Chemistry, The University of Silesia. It s the basic one.
标签: Chemometrics Department aszykowski Chemistry
上传时间: 2015-03-29
手机文件浏览器 Here are the sources to SMan v1.2c 1.2 is a major jump from v1.1. You will see this from the way the code has been restructured into multiple files. It also supports flip closed. However, to my chagrin, I made the mistake of assuming there will only be one flip closed view. :( That s changed in v1.3 :) 1.3 supports multiple flip closed views that can be easily added into SMan.
上传时间: 2015-03-31
REMOVE removes a TSR. It takes two command line arguments. The first is the name of TSR to be removed (or an * to remove the last one), and the second is a file name which MUST contain the interrupt vectors to be loaded when the TSR is removed.
标签: TSR arguments removes command
上传时间: 2013-12-09
TOYFDTD1 is a stripped-down minimalist, 3D FDTD code demonstrating the basic tasks in implementing a simple 3D FDTD simulation. An idealized rectangular waveguide is modeled by treating the interior of the mesh as free space and enforcing PEC conditions on the faces of the mesh. A simplified plane wave source is inserted at one end. First released 12 April 1999. Version 1.03 released 2 December 1999.
标签: demonstrating stripped-down implementing minimalist
上传时间: 2013-12-21