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  • LM393中文资料

    LM393是双电压比较器集成电路。中文资料 该电路的特点如下:838电子 工作电源电压范围宽,单电源、双电源均可工作,单电源:2~36V,双电源:±1~±18V; 消耗电流小,Icc=0.8mA;lm393是什么 输入失调电压小,VIO=±2mV; 共模输入电压范围宽,Vic=0~Vcc-1.5V; 输出与TTL,DTL,MOS,CMOS 等兼容; 输出可以用开路集电极连接“或”门;

    标签: 393 LM

    上传时间: 2013-11-14


  • 精密DAC和看门狗提高模拟输出安全

    Abstract: Using a DAC and a microprocessor supervisor, the system safety can be improved in industrial controllers, programmablelogiccontrollers (PLC), and data-acquisition systems. The analog output is set to zero-scale (or pin-programmable midscale) when amicroprocessor failure, optocoupler failure, or undervoltage condition occurs. A simple application is shown on how to implement thisfunction.

    标签: DAC 精密 看门狗 模拟

    上传时间: 2013-10-17


  • 39种电子元件检验要求

    基础电路设计必备,39种电子元件检验要求 。

    标签: 电子元件

    上传时间: 2013-11-04


  • DAC技术用语 (D/A Converters Defini

    Differential Nonlinearity: Ideally, any two adjacent digitalcodes correspond to output analog voltages that are exactlyone LSB apart. Differential non-linearity is a measure of theworst case deviation from the ideal 1 LSB step. For example,a DAC with a 1.5 LSB output change for a 1 LSB digital codechange exhibits 1⁄2 LSB differential non-linearity. Differentialnon-linearity may be expressed in fractional bits or as a percentageof full scale. A differential non-linearity greater than1 LSB will lead to a non-monotonic transfer function in aDAC.Gain Error (Full Scale Error): The difference between theoutput voltage (or current) with full scale input code and theideal voltage (or current) that should exist with a full scale inputcode.Gain Temperature Coefficient (Full Scale TemperatureCoefficient): Change in gain error divided by change in temperature.Usually expressed in parts per million per degreeCelsius (ppm/°C).Integral Nonlinearity (Linearity Error): Worst case deviationfrom the line between the endpoints (zero and full scale).Can be expressed as a percentage of full scale or in fractionof an LSB.LSB (Lease-Significant Bit): In a binary coded system thisis the bit that carries the smallest value or weight. Its value isthe full scale voltage (or current) divided by 2n, where n is theresolution of the converter.Monotonicity: A monotonic function has a slope whose signdoes not change. A monotonic DAC has an output thatchanges in the same direction (or remains constant) for eachincrease in the input code. the converse is true for decreasing codes.

    标签: Converters Defini DAC

    上传时间: 2013-10-30


  • ADC转换器技术用语 (A/D Converter Defi

    ANALOG INPUT BANDWIDTH is a measure of the frequencyat which the reconstructed output fundamental drops3 dB below its low frequency value for a full scale input. Thetest is performed with fIN equal to 100 kHz plus integer multiplesof fCLK. The input frequency at which the output is −3dB relative to the low frequency input signal is the full powerbandwidth.APERTURE JITTER is the variation in aperture delay fromsample to sample. Aperture jitter shows up as input noise.APERTURE DELAY See Sampling Delay.BOTTOM OFFSET is the difference between the input voltagethat just causes the output code to transition to the firstcode and the negative reference voltage. Bottom Offset isdefined as EOB = VZT–VRB, where VZT is the first code transitioninput voltage and VRB is the lower reference voltage.Note that this is different from the normal Zero Scale Error.CONVERSION LATENCY See PIPELINE DELAY.CONVERSION TIME is the time required for a completemeasurement by an analog-to-digital converter. Since theConversion Time does not include acquisition time, multiplexerset up time, or other elements of a complete conversioncycle, the conversion time may be less than theThroughput Time.DC COMMON-MODE ERROR is a specification which appliesto ADCs with differential inputs. It is the change in theoutput code that occurs when the analog voltages on the twoinputs are changed by an equal amount. It is usually expressed in LSBs.

    标签: Converter Defi ADC 转换器

    上传时间: 2013-11-12


  • 谐波电流抑制

    本文阐述电视机、显示器和微机等产品的谐波电流产生原因,介绍抑制谐波电流的方法及设计时应考虑的问题。 关键词:谐波电流、抑制技术

    标签: 谐波电流抑制

    上传时间: 2013-11-01


  • 信号放大电路

    2-1 何谓测量放大电路?对其基本要求是什么? 在测量控制系统中,用来放大传感器输出的微弱电压,电流或电荷信号的放大电路称为测量放大电路,亦称仪用放大电路。对其基本要求是:①输入阻抗应与传感器输出阻抗相匹配;②一定的放大倍数和稳定的增益;③低噪声;④低的输入失调电压和输入失调电流以及低的漂移;⑤足够的带宽和转换速率(无畸变的放大瞬态信号);⑥高输入共模范围(如达几百伏)和高共模抑制比;⑦可调的闭环增益;⑧线性好、精度高;⑨成本低。   2-2 图2-2a所示斩波稳零放大电路中,为什么采用高、低频两个通道,即R3、C3组成的高频通道和调制、解调、交流放大器组成的低频通道? 采用高频通道是为了使斩波稳零放大电路能在较宽的频率范围内工作,而采用低频通道则能对微弱的直流或缓慢变化的信号进行低漂移和高精度的放大。   2-3 请参照图2-3,根据手册中LF347和CD4066的连接图(即引脚图),将集成运算放大器LF347和集成模拟开关CD4066接成自动调零放大电路。 LF347和CD4066接成的自动调零放大电路如图X2-1。

    标签: 信号放大电路

    上传时间: 2013-10-09


  • 铝电解电容器:详细介绍原理,应用,使用技巧

    铝电解电容器:详细介绍原理,应用,使用技巧 电容器(capacitor)在音响组件中被广泛运用,滤波、反交连、高频补偿、直流回授...随处可见。但若依功能及制造材料、制造方法细分,那可不是一朝一夕能说得明白。所以缩小范围,本文只谈电解电容,而且只谈电源平滑滤波用的铝质电解电容。         每台音响机器都要吃电源─除了被动式前级,既然需要供电,那就少不了「滤波」这个动作。不要和我争,采用电池供电当然无必要电源平滑滤波。但电池充电电路也有整流及滤波,故滤波电容器还是会存在。        我们现在习用的滤波电容,正式的名称应是:铝箔干式电解电容器。就我的观察,除加拿大Sonic Frontiers真空管前级,曾在高压稳压线路中选用PP塑料电容做滤波外,其它机种一概都是采用铝箔干式电解电容;因此网友有必要对它多做了解。         面对电源稳压线路中担任电源平滑滤波的电容器,你首先想到的会是什幺?─容量?耐压?电容器的封装外皮上一定有容量标示,那是指静电容量;也一定有耐压标示,那是指工作电压或额定电压。         工作电压(working voltage)简称WV,为绝对安全值;若是surge voltage(简称SV或Vs),就是涌浪电压或崩溃电压;,超过这个电压值就保证此电容会被浪淹死─小心电容会爆!根据国际IEC 384-4规定,低于315V时,Vs=1.15×Vr,高于315V时,Vs=1.1×Vr。Vs是涌浪电压,Vr是额定电压(rated voltage)。

    标签: 铝电解电容器 详细介绍 使用技巧

    上传时间: 2013-12-23


  • Protel DXP快捷键大全

    enter——选取或启动 esc——放弃或取消 f1——启动在线帮助窗口 tab——启动浮动图件的属性窗口 pgup——放大窗口显示比例 pgdn——缩小窗口显示比例 end——刷新屏幕 del——删除点取的元件(1个) ctrl+del——删除选取的元件(2个或2个以上) x+a——取消所有被选取图件的选取状态 x——将浮动图件左右翻转 y——将浮动图件上下翻转 space——将浮动图件旋转90度 crtl+ins——将选取图件复制到编辑区里 shift+ins——将剪贴板里的图件贴到编辑区里 shift+del——将选取图件剪切放入剪贴板里 alt+backspace——恢复前一次的操作 ctrl+backspace——取消前一次的恢复 crtl+g——跳转到指定的位置 crtl+f——寻找指定的文字  

    标签: Protel DXP 快捷键

    上传时间: 2013-12-29


  • CAM350 v8.05学习资料

    CAM350教程:CAM350 v8.05学习资料 。

    标签: 8.05 CAM 350

    上传时间: 2013-11-23
