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  • This an adaptive receiver for a direct-sequence spread spectrum (DS-SS) system over an AWGN channel.

    This an adaptive receiver for a direct-sequence spread spectrum (DS-SS) system over an AWGN channel. The adaptive receiver block is modified from the LMS adaptive filter block in DSP Blockset. For DS-SS signal reception, the adaptive filter needs to have multi-rate operation. The input sample rate is equal to chip rate and the output is at symbol rate. Two rates are related by PG, processing gain

    标签: direct-sequence adaptive receiver spectrum

    上传时间: 2014-01-16


  • 彩信中smil格式的发送程序代码。 //1. 创建MM7消息发送接口//2.置VASP注册的各种信息.VAS_PASSWORD= "yourPassword" MMSC_URL="http://61.

    彩信中smil格式的发送程序代码。 //1. 创建MM7消息发送接口//2.置VASP注册的各种信息.VAS_PASSWORD= "yourPassword" MMSC_URL="" etSubject("汉字iiiii") //设置消息类型,使用SMIL方式一定要设置为tipart.related类ontentType(m.CT_APPLICATION_MULTIPART_RELATED ) mil文件中描述了要添加的发送的消息内容体 //添加内容体设置内容体格式.addContent) //将创建好的内容添加到消息//下面添加的消息内容体都对于于smil文件中描述的各个文件 该ID对应于smil文件中描述的消息内容

    标签: VAS_PASSWORD yourPassword MMSC_URL smil

    上传时间: 2014-01-09


  • 自适应(Adaptive)神经网络源程序 The adaptive Neural Network Library is a collection of blocks that implement s

    自适应(Adaptive)神经网络源程序 The adaptive Neural Network Library is a collection of blocks that implement several Adaptive Neural Networks featuring different adaptation algorithms.~..~ There are 11 blocks that implement basically these 5 kinds of neural networks: 1) Adaptive Linear Network (ADALINE) 2) Multilayer Layer Perceptron with Extended Backpropagation algorithm (EBPA) 3) Radial Basis Functions (RBF) Networks 4) RBF Networks with Extended Minimal Resource Allocating algorithm (EMRAN) 5) RBF and Piecewise Linear Networks with Dynamic Cell Structure (DCS) algorithm A simulink example regarding the approximation of a scalar nonlinear function of 4 variables

    标签: collection implement Adaptive adaptive

    上传时间: 2015-04-09


  • The purpose of this computer program is to allow the user to construct, train and test differenttype

    The purpose of this computer program is to allow the user to construct, train and test differenttypes of artificial neural networks. By implementing the concepts of templates, inheritance andderived classes from C++ object oriented programming, the necessity for declaring multiple largestructures and duplicate attributes is reduced. Utilizing dynamic binding and memory allocationafforded by C++, the user can choose to develop four separate types of neural networks:

    标签: differenttype construct computer purpose

    上传时间: 2013-12-06


  • Kismet is an 802.11b network sniffer and network dissector. It is capable of sniffing using most wir

    Kismet is an 802.11b network sniffer and network dissector. It is capable of sniffing using most wireless cards, automatic network IP block detection via UDP, ARP, and DHCP packets, Cisco equipment lists via Cisco Discovery Protocol, weak cryptographic packet logging, and Ethereal and tcpdump compatible packet dump files. It also includes the ability to plot detected networks and estimated network ranges on downloaded maps or user supplied image files. Kismet是一个针对IEEE802.11b无线局域网的嗅探和包分析器,支持大多数无线网卡,支持自动检测UDP、ARP和DHCP的数据包,支持通过CDP协议检测思科网络设备,支持加密数据包记录,采用与Ethereal和Tcpdump兼容的的数据包记录文件,支持通过用户提供地图来检测和评估无线网络范围。

    标签: network dissector sniffing capable

    上传时间: 2014-11-26


  • lwIP is a small independent implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite that has been developed by

    lwIP is a small independent implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite that has been developed by Adam Dunkels at the Computer and Networks Architectures (CNA) lab at the Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS).

    标签: implementation independent developed protocol

    上传时间: 2015-05-02


  • The adaptive Neural Network Library is a collection of blocks that implement several Adaptive Neural

    The adaptive Neural Network Library is a collection of blocks that implement several Adaptive Neural Networks featuring different adaptation algorithms.~..~ There are 11 blocks that implement basically these 5 kinds of neural networks: 1) Adaptive Linear Network (ADALINE) 2) Multilayer Layer Perceptron with Extended Backpropagation algorithm (EBPA) 3) Radial Basis Functions (RBF) Networks 4) RBF Networks with Extended Minimal Resource Allocating algorithm (EMRAN) 5) RBF and Piecewise Linear Networks with Dynamic Cell Structure (DCS) algorithm A simulink example regarding the approximation of a scalar nonlinear function of 4 variables is included

    标签: Neural collection implement Adaptive

    上传时间: 2013-12-23


  • I. Introduction This code exploits a previously undisclosed vulnerability in the bit string deco

    I. Introduction This code exploits a previously undisclosed vulnerability in the bit string decoding code in the Microsoft ASN.1 library. This vulnerability is not related to the bit string vulnerability described in eEye advisory AD20040210-2. Both vulnerabilities were fixed in the MS04-007 patch. II. Screenshots $ ./kill-bill.pl . kill-bill : Microsoft ASN.1 remote exploit for CAN-2003-0818 (MS04-007) by Solar Eclipse <solareclipse@phreedom.org> Usage: kill-bill -p <port> -s <service> host Services: iis IIS HTTP server (port 80) iis-ssl IIS HTTP server with SSL (port 443) exchange Microsoft Exchange SMTP server (port 25) smb-nbt SMB over NetBIOS (port 139) smb SMB (port 445) If a service is running on its default port you don t have to specify both the service and the port. Examples: kill-bill -s iis kill-bill -p 80 kill-bill -p 1234 -s smb

    标签: I. vulnerability Introduction undisclosed

    上传时间: 2015-05-15


  • 物流分析工具包。Facility location: Continuous minisum facility location, alternate location-allocation (ALA)

    物流分析工具包。Facility location: Continuous minisum facility location, alternate location-allocation (ALA) procedure, discrete uncapacitated facility location Vehicle routing: VRP, VRP with time windows, traveling salesman problem (TSP) Networks: Shortest path, min cost network flow, minimum spanning tree problems Geocoding: U.S. city or ZIP code to longitude and latitude, longitude and latitude to nearest city, Mercator projection plotting Layout: Steepest descent pairwise interchange (SDPI) heuristic for QAP Material handling: Equipment selection General purpose: Linear programming using the revised simplex method, mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) branch and bound procedure Data: U.S. cities with populations of at least 10,000, U.S. highway network (Oak Ridge National Highway Network), U.S. 3- and 5-digit ZIP codes

    标签: location location-allocation Continuous alternate

    上传时间: 2015-05-17


  • Copyright Copyright © 2004 O Reilly Media, Inc. Printed in the United States of America.

    Copyright Copyright © 2004 O Reilly Media, Inc. Printed in the United States of America. Published by O Reilly MediaInc., 1005 Gravenstein Highway North, Sebastopol, CA 95472. O Reilly & Associates books may be purchased for educational, business, or sales promotional use. Online editions are also available for most titles (http://safari.oreilly.com). For more information, contact our corporate/institutional sales department: (800) 998-9938 or corporate@oreilly.com. Nutshell Handbook, the Nutshell Handbook logo, and the O Reilly logo are registered trademarks of O Reilly Media, Inc The Cookbook series designations, Java Servlet and JSP Cookbook, the image of a fennec fox, and related trade dress are trademarks of O Reilly & Associates, Inc. Java and all Java-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc., in the United States

    标签: Copyright America Printed Reilly

    上传时间: 2014-08-20
