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  • The C++ Cookbook will make your path to mastery much shorter. This practical, problem-solving guide

    The C++ Cookbook will make your path to mastery much shorter. This practical, problem-solving guide is ideal if you re an engineer, programmer, or researcher writing an application for one of the legions of platforms on which C++ runs. The algorithms provided in C++ Cookbook will jump-start your development by giving you some basic building blocks that you don t have to develop on your own.

    标签: problem-solving practical Cookbook mastery

    上传时间: 2017-06-07


  • 迷宫算法(maze) /* Maze * Starting point is m[0][0], need to find a path go to m[9][9]. 0 means OK,

    迷宫算法(maze) /* Maze * Starting point is m[0][0], need to find a path go to m[9][9]. 0 means OK, * 1 means cannot go there, boundary is 0 and 9, cannot go beyond boundary. * Each step can be made horizontally or vertically for one more grid (diagonal * jump is not allowed). * Your program should print a series of grid coordinates that start from m[0][0] * and go to m[9][9] * Hint: No need to find the shortest path, only need to find one path that gets * you to desitination. */

    标签: Starting point means maze

    上传时间: 2013-12-27


  • This code outputs various NMEA strings to a com port. The code was originally used to test naviati

    This code outputs various NMEA strings to a com port. The code was originally used to test naviation programmes. First select the required com port and the required NMEA message string. There is a default starting position but this can be changed to suit just by typing in a new position. Click on the Start button the current position displayed will change according to the speed and heading selected and the selected NMEA string will be output to the com port and will reflect the current position as displayed. There is a text box which is normally not visible. If you change this to visible the relevant NMEA string can be displayed.

    标签: code originally outputs naviati

    上传时间: 2013-11-30


  • M16C interrupt settings and Initial code setting for HEW4 for renesas M16c...I coded and optimized.

    M16C interrupt settings and Initial code setting for HEW4 for renesas M16c...I coded and optimized. It will savr time to start a new app. (-:cool:-)

    标签: interrupt and for optimized

    上传时间: 2014-11-22


  • Using Trolltech s Qt you can build industrial-strength C++ applications that run natively on Window

    Using Trolltech s Qt you can build industrial-strength C++ applications that run natively on Windows, Linux/Unix, Mac OS X, and embedded Linux--without making source code changes. With this book Trolltech insiders have written a start-to-finish guide to getting great results with the most powerful version of Qt ever created: Qt 4.1.

    标签: industrial-strength applications Trolltech natively

    上传时间: 2017-08-11


  • This book is for someone who wants to quickly master the basics of how to install, run, and maintai

    This book is for someone who wants to quickly master the basics of how to install, run, and maintain Linux on an Intel-based personal computer. All of the tools you need are included. Your computer should have a monitor, or display, keyboard, mouse, hard drive, floppy drive, and CD-ROM drive. Although you can jump right in and install Linux onto your hard drive, you should have some technical information about your computer and its hardware on hand before you start.

    标签: install someone quickly maintai

    上传时间: 2017-08-19


  • A flasher for old nokia phones.you need to use a special interface for that not ptovided here in doc

    A flasher for old nokia phones.you need to use a special interface for that not ptovided here in doc.But is proved to be a good source info for thouse who want to start comunicate with a gsm phone

    标签: for interface ptovided flasher

    上传时间: 2017-08-21


  • If you need a simple program to time onscreen events this is it. Just click the window and it will

    If you need a simple program to time onscreen events this is it. Just click the window and it will start timing. Click again and it will stop.

    标签: onscreen program events simple

    上传时间: 2017-08-31


  • Beginning with tips for the person who is programming with SQL for the first time, SQL Tips and Tech

    Beginning with tips for the person who is programming with SQL for the first time, SQL Tips and Techniques grows with your skills. You can start with Tip 1, "Understanding the Definition of a Database," and by the last Tip, "Displaying Image Data Stored Within a SQL Table," you will have covered all aspects of SQL.

    标签: with programming Beginning for

    上传时间: 2013-12-21


  • 16进制转十进制

    DATAS SEGMENT w dw 0 keybuf db 255      db 0      db 255 dup(0)      ;定义键盘输入需要的缓冲区 DATAS ENDS STACKS SEGMENT db 200 dup(?) STACKS ENDS CODES SEGMENT ASSUME CS:CODES,DS:DATAS,SS:STACKS START: MOV AX,DATAS MOV DS,AX mov dx,offset keybuf     ;用0a号功能,输入一个字符串 mov ah,0ah               ;用回车结束 int 21h mov dl,0ah               ;再进行换行,以便在下一行显示转换后的字符串  mov ah,2     int 21h ;  push ax ;   push dx ;      mov dl,cl ;     mov ah,02 ;     int 21h   ;   pop dx ;  pop ax mov bx,offset keybuf+1   ;取出字符串的字符个数,作为循环的次数 mov cl,[bx] mov ch,0     mov ax,0             again:  inc bx mov ax,[w] push bx mov bx,16 mul bx pop bx            ;是小写字母,则转换为大写字母 mov [w],ax mov dl,[bx]             ;取出一个字符, cmp dl,'9' jbe lab1 cmp dl,'F' jbe lab2 sub dl,32 lab2: sub dl ,07h lab1:  sub dl,30h add [w],dx  loop again   mov ax,[w]  mov bx,-1 push bx mov bx,10 lab3 :mov dx,0 div bx  push dx cmp ax,0 jnz lab3 lab5: pop dx cmp dx,-1 jz lab4 add dl,30h mov ah,02 int 21h        jmp  lab5            ;循环,处理完整个字符串 lab4:  MOV AH,4CH INT 21H CODES ENDS END START

    标签: 汇编

    上传时间: 2015-04-02
