M340各模拟量模块资料,包括硬件配置 及软件里对各参数设置 以及编程所需资料
标签: Modicon Unity M340 2012 Pro IO模块 模拟量 用户手册
上传时间: 2018-12-31
上传时间: 2019-03-26
标签: 9633 RC5 PCA IIC 编码 器件 代码 串口通信 控制 程序
上传时间: 2019-07-03
Mega2560 Pro ATmega2560-16AU USB CH340G智能电子开发板
上传时间: 2020-02-11
Communication between various devices makes it possible to pro- vide unique and innovative services. Although this interdevice com- munication is a very powerful mechanism, it is also a complex and clumsy mechanism, leading to a lot of complexity in present day systems. This not only makes networking difficult but also limits its flexibility.
标签: Wireless Networks Mobile Hoc Ad
上传时间: 2020-05-26
Wireless technologies like GSM, UMTS, LTE, Wireless LAN and Bluetooth have revolutionized the way we communicate by making services like telephony and Internet access available anytime and from almost anywhere. Today, a great variety of technical publications offer background information about these technologies but they all fall short in one way or another. Books covering these technologies usually describe only one of the systems in detail and are generally too complex as a first introduction. The Internet is also a good source, but the articles one finds are usually too short and super- ficial or only deal with a specific mechanism of one of the systems. For this reason, it was difficult for me to recommend a single publication to students in my telecommunication classes, which I have been teaching in addition to my work in the wireless telecommunication industry. This book aims to change this.
标签: LTE-Advanced From GSM Pro and 5G to
上传时间: 2020-05-27
In this thesis several asp ects of space-time pro cessing and equalization for wire- less communications are treated. We discuss several di?erent metho ds of improv- ing estimates of space-time channels, such as temp oral parametrization, spatial parametrization, reduced rank channel estimation, b o otstrap channel estimation, and joint estimation of an FIR channel and an AR noise mo del. In wireless commu- nication the signal is often sub ject to intersymb ol interference as well as interfer- ence from other users.
标签: Communications Space-Time Processing Wireless for
上传时间: 2020-06-01
n present power system, the engineers face variety of challenges in planning, construction and operation. In some of the problems, the engineers need to use managerial talents. In system design or upgrading the entire system into automatic control instead of slow response of human operator, the engineers need to exercise more technical knowledge and experience. It is principally the engi- neer’s ability to achieve the success in all respect and provide the reliable and uninterrupted service to the customers. This chapter covers some important areas of the traditional power system that helps engineers to overcome the challenges. It emphasizes the characteristics of the various components of a power system such as generation, transmission, distribution, protection and SCADA system. During normal operating conditions and disturbances, the acquired knowledge will pro- vide the engineers the ability to analyse the performance of the complex system and execute future improvement
上传时间: 2020-06-07
EES pro下载,免安装版,适合各类工科学子
上传时间: 2020-12-11
上传时间: 2020-12-22