标签: Banyan-ICE Multi-ICE Open-ICE TRACE
上传时间: 2014-01-21
一种基于FPGA的设计实时高分辨率图像处理系统的设计方法。英文为Real-Time System for High-Image Resolution Disparity Estimation。主要讲算法和系统构架
标签: Estimation High-Image Resolution Disparity
上传时间: 2014-01-07
Contiki is an open source, highly portable, multi-tasking operating system for memory-constrained networked embedded systems
标签: memory-constrained multi-tasking operating portable
上传时间: 2013-12-16
SVMmulticlass: Multi-class classification. Learns to predict one of k mutually exclusive classes. This is probably the simplest possible instance of SVMstruct and serves as a tutorial example of how to use the programming interface.
标签: classification SVMmulticlass Multi-class exclusive
上传时间: 2013-12-26
This paper investigates the design of joint frequency offset and carrier phase estimation of a multi-frequency time division multiple access (MF-TDMA) demodulator that is applied to a digital video broadcasting—return channel system via satellite (DVB-RCS). The proposed joint estimation algorithm is based on the interpolation technique for two correlation values in the frequency and phase domains. This simple interpolation technique can significantly improve frequency and phase resolution capabilities of the proposed technique without increasing the number of the correlation values. In addition, the overall block diagram of a digital communications receiver for DVB-RCS is presented, which was designed using the proposed estimation algorithms. Index Terms—Carrier phase estimation, DVB-RCS, frequency offset estimation, interpolation, joint estimation, MF-TDMA.
标签: investigates estimation frequency carrier
上传时间: 2015-12-30
标签: multi-processing shared_Semaphore 风河 代码
上传时间: 2015-12-31
Real-Time Transport Protocol (RTP) Payload Format and File Storage Format for the Adaptive Multi-Rate (AMR) and Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband (AMR-WB) Audio Codecs
标签: Format Real-Time Transport Protocol
上传时间: 2014-11-26
本程序实做MLP(Multi-layer perceptron)算法,使用者可以自行设定训练数据集与测试数据集,将训练数据集加载,在2、3维下可以显示其分布状态,并分别设定键节值、学习率、迭代次数来训练其类神经网络,最后可观看辨识率与RMSE(Root Mean squared error)来判别训练是否可以停止。
标签: Multi-layer perceptron MLP 程序
上传时间: 2013-12-24
comparison of PSO-Based Optimized feature computation for automated configutation of Multi-sensor systems
标签: configutation Multi-sensor computation comparison
上传时间: 2014-01-11
CC1000 multi-frequence driver codes for Lpc213X
标签: multi-frequence driver codes 1000
上传时间: 2016-02-04