The explosion in demand for wireless services experienced over the past 20 years has put significant pressure on system designers to increase the capacity of the systems being deployed. While the spectral resource is very scarce and practically exhausted, the biggest possibilities are predicted to be in the areas of spectral reuse by unlicensed users or in exploiting the spatial dimension of the wireless channels. The former approach is now under intense development and is known as the cogni- tive radio approach (Haykin 2005).
标签: Multi-Antenna Wireless Channels Modeling
上传时间: 2020-06-01
The planarization technology of Chemical-Mechanical-Polishing (CMP), used for the manufacturing of multi- level metal interconnects for high-density Integrated Circuits (IC), is also readily adaptable as an enabling technology in MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS) fabrication, particularly polysilicon surface micromachining. CMP not only eases the design and manufacturability of MEMS devices by eliminating several photolithographic and film issues generated by severe topography, but also enables far greater flexibility with process complexity and associated designs. T
标签: mechanical polishing Chemical
上传时间: 2020-06-06
The large-scale deployment of the smart grid (SG) paradigm could play a strategic role in supporting the evolution of conventional electrical grids toward active, flexible and self- healing web energy networks composed of distributed and cooperative energy resources. From a conceptual point of view, the SG is the convergence of information and operational technologies applied to the electric grid, providing sustainable options to customers and improved security. Advances in research on SGs could increase the efficiency of modern electrical power systems by: (i) supporting the massive penetration of small-scale distributed and dispersed generators; (ii) facilitating the integration of pervasive synchronized metering systems; (iii) improving the interaction and cooperation between the network components; and (iv) allowing the wider deployment of self-healing and proactive control/protection paradigms.
标签: Computational Intelligence
上传时间: 2020-06-07
GaN is an already well implanted semiconductor technology, widely diffused in the LED optoelectronics industry. For about 10 years, GaN devices have also been developed for RF wireless applications where they can replace Silicon transistors in some selected systems. That incursion in the RF field has open the door to the power switching capability in the lower frequency range and thus to the power electronic applications. Compared to Silicon, GaN exhibits largely better figures for most of the key specifications: Electric field, energy gap, electron mobility and melting point. Intrinsically, GaN could offer better performance than Silicon in terms of: breakdown voltage, switching frequency and Overall systems efficiency.
标签: GaN-on-Si Displace and SiC Si
上传时间: 2020-06-07
RFID is at a critical price point that could enable its large-scale adoption. What strengths are pushing it forward? What technical challenges and privacy concerns must we still address?
标签: an-introduction-to-rfid-technolog
上传时间: 2020-06-08
adio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a rapidly developing automatic wireless data-collection technology with a long history.The first multi-bit functional passive RFID systems,with a range of several meters, appeared in the early 1970s, and continued to evolve through the 1980s. Recently, RFID has experienced a tremendous growth,due to developments in integrated circuits and radios, and due to increased interest from the retail industrial and government.
标签: RFID-Enabled Sensors RFID and
上传时间: 2020-06-08
Radio frequency identification (RFID) and Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are the two key wireless technologies that have diversified applications in the present and the upcoming systems in this area. RFID is a wireless automated recognition technology which is primarily used to recognize objects or to follow their posi- tion without providing any sign about the physical form of the substance. On the other hand, WSN not only offers information about the state of the substance and environment but also enables multi-hop wireless communications.
标签: Architecture Integrated RFID-WSN
上传时间: 2020-06-08
There’s a story (it’s either an old vaudeville joke or a Zen koan) in which a fisherman asks a fish, “What’s the water like down there?” and the fish replies “What is water?” If the story is just a joke, the point is to make us laugh; but if it’s a koan, the point is that the most obvious and ubiquitous parts of our immediate environ- ment are, paradoxically, often the easiest to overlook.
标签: Atmospheric Monitoring Arduino With
上传时间: 2020-06-09
The basic topic of this book is solving problems from system and control theory using convex optimization. We show that a wide variety of problems arising in system and control theory can be reduced to a handful of standard convex and quasiconvex optimization problems that involve matrix inequalities. For a few special cases there are “analytic solutions” to these problems, but our main point is that they can be solved numerically in all cases. These standard problems can be solved in polynomial- time (by, e.g., the ellipsoid algorithm of Shor, Nemirovskii, and Yudin), and so are tractable, at least in a theoretical sense. Recently developed interior-point methods for these standard problems have been found to be extremely efficient in practice. Therefore, we consider the original problems from system and control theory as solved.
标签: Linear_Matrix_Inequalities_in_Sys tem
上传时间: 2020-06-10
This introductory chapter is devoted to reviewing the fundamental ideas of control from a multivariable point of view. In some cases, the mathematics and operations on systems (modelling, pole placement, etc.), as previously treated in introductory courses and textbooks, convey to the readers an un- realistic image of systems engineering. The simplifying assumptions, simple examples and “perfect” model set-up usually used in these scenarios present the control problem as a pure mathematical problem, sometimes losing the physical meaning of the involved concepts and operations. We try to empha- sise the engineering implication of some of these concepts and, before entering into a detailed treatment of the different topics, a general qualitative overview is provided in this chapter.
标签: MultivariableControlSystems
上传时间: 2020-06-10