When the authors of this book asked me to write the foreword of their work on the digital enterprise, I immediately thought that it was one more document on a fashionable topic in the technology and the business world of the 21st Century often addressed by consulting firms, some of which have aspired to become experts on the subject. However, a more careful observation reveals that an issue more important than the sole subject of the digital enterprise is: “Is your company fully operational?”, because this is the real topic.
标签: Digital_Transformation_Informatio n_System
上传时间: 2020-05-27
Over the past ten years there has been a revolution in the devel- opment and acceptance of mobile products. In that period, cel- lular telephony and consumer electronics have moved from the realm of science fiction to everyday reality. Much of that revolu- tion is unremarkable – we use wireless, in its broadest sense, for TV remote controls, car keyfobs, travel tickets and credit card transactions every day. At the same time, we have increased the number of mobile devices that we carry around with us. However, in many cases the design and function of these and other static products are still constrained by the wired connections that they use to transfer and share data.
标签: Short-Range Essentials Wireless of
上传时间: 2020-05-27
Mobilenetworkoperatorswillmeetmanychallengesinthecomingyears.Itisexpectedthatthe numberofpeopleconnected,wirelineandwireless,willreachfivebillionby2015.Atthesame time, people use more wireless services and they expect similar user experience to what they can now get from fixed networks. Because of that we will see a hundred-fold increase in network traffic in the near future. At the same time markets are saturating and the revenue per bit is dropping.
标签: Self-Organising Networks LTE
上传时间: 2020-05-27
The book is written for those concerned with the design and performance of satellite communications systems employed in fixed point-to-point, broadcasting, mobile, radio- navigation,data-relay,computercommunications,andrelatedsatellite-basedapplications.The recentrapidgrowthinsatellitecommunicationshascreatedaneedforaccurateinformationon both satellite communications systems engineering and the impact of atmospheric effects on satellite link design and system performance. This book addresses that need for the first time in a single comprehensive source.
标签: Communications Satellite Systems
上传时间: 2020-06-01
In Helsinki during a visiting lecture, an internationally well-known professor in communica- tionssaid,‘Inthecommunicationssocietywehavemanagedtoconvertourproposalsandideas to real products, not like in the control engineering society. They have very nice papers and strong mathematics but most of the real systems still use the old PID controllers!’. As our background is mainly in control as well as communications engineering, we know that this thought is not very accurate. We agree that most of the practical controllers are analog and digital PID controllers, simply because they are very reliable and able to achieve the required control goals successfully. Most of the controllers can be explained in terms of PID. The reasons behind this impressive performance of PID will be explained in Chapter 2.
标签: Communications Engineering Wireless Systems in
上传时间: 2020-06-01
An acronym for Multiple-In, Multiple-Out, MIMO communication sends the same data as several signals simultaneously through multiple antennas, while still utilizing a single radio channel. This is a form of antenna diversity, which uses multiple antennas to improve signal quality and strength of an RF link. The data is split into multiple data streams at the transmission point and recombined on the receive side by another MIMO radio configured with the same number of antennas. The receiver is designed to take into account the slight time difference between receptions of each signal, any additional noise or interference, and even lost signals.
标签: Understanding_the_Basics_of_MIMO
上传时间: 2020-06-01
Visible light communications (VLC) is the name given to an optical wireless communication system that carries information by modulating light in the visible spectrum (400–700 nm) that is principally used for illumination [1–3]. The communications signal is encoded on top of the illumination light. Interest in VLC has grown rapidly with the growth of high power light emitting diodes (LEDs) in the visible spectrum. The motivation to use the illumination light for communication is to save energy by exploiting the illumination to carry information and, at the same time, to use technology that is “green” in comparison to radio frequency (RF) technology, while using the existing infrastructure of the lighting system.
标签: Communication Visible Light
上传时间: 2020-06-01
In a world where consumers,businesses and organizations are demanding faster,amerter and more seamlessly converged information technology and communization services,concepts such as Driverless Cars,combining advanced automatic controls,artficial intelligences and automotive transport technologies are soon expected to become a commercial realty.At the same time,new blueprints such as industrial internet and industry 4.0 are driving the increased digitization of entire industries and economic sectors,boosting efficiencies and productivity.
上传时间: 2020-06-01
For more than a century, overhead lines have been the most commonly used technology for transmitting electrical energy at all voltage levels, especially on the highest levels. However, in recent years, an increase in both the number and length of HVAC cables in the transmission networks of different countries like Denmark, Japan or United Kingdom has been observed. At the same time, the construction of offshore wind farms, which are typically connected to the shore through HVAC cables, increased exponentially.
标签: Electromagnetic Transients Cables Power in
上传时间: 2020-06-07
In modern societies, the production and trade of goods all around the world is constantly increasing. The latest technological achievements allow the mass-production of millions of items of every kind, which are being exchanged all around the globe with unprecedented rapidity. At the same time, the problem of identifying, classifying and tracking such a growing multitude of objects is con- sequently arising.
标签: soltions Antenna design RFID tags for
上传时间: 2020-06-08