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  • 信号源,调节器和电源电路分析

      Occasionally, we are tasked with designing circuitry for aspecific purpose. The request may have customer originsor it may be an in-house requirement. Alternately, a circuitmay be developed because its possibility is simply tooattractive to ignore1. Over time, these circuits accumulate,encompassing a wide and useful body of proven capabilities.They also represent substantial effort. These considerationsmake publication an almost obligatory propositionand, as such, a group of circuits is presented here. This isnot the first time we have displayed such wares and, giventhe encouraging reader response, it will not be the last2.Eighteen circuits are included in this latest effort, roughlyarranged in the categories given in this publication’s title.They appear at the next paragraph.

    标签: 信号源 调节器 电源 电路分析

    上传时间: 2013-11-12


  • LTC1325电池管理IC的使用

      For a variety of reasons, it is desirable to charge batteriesas rapidly as possible. At the same time, overchargingmust be limited to prolong battery life. Such limitation ofovercharging depends on factors such as the choice ofcharge termination technique and the use of multi-rate/multi-stage charging schemes. The majority of batterycharger ICs available today lock the user into one fixedcharging regimen, with at best a limited number ofcustomization options to suit a variety of application needsor battery types. The LTC®1325 addresses these shortcomingsby providing the user with all the functionalblocks needed to implement a simple but highly flexiblebattery charger (see Figure 1) which not only addressesthe issue of charging batteries but also those of batteryconditioning and capacity monitoring.

    标签: 1325 LTC IC的 电池管理

    上传时间: 2013-10-19


  • 基于单片机的轿车内一氧化碳气体测控系统设计

    设计了一个基于单片机的轿车车内一氧化碳浓度测控功能的系统。该系统以16位高性能单片机SPCE061A为控制核心,采用高精度敏感元件MQ-7,集成运算放大器INA128进行信号调理,并引入了实时操作系统μC/OS-II进行任务管理。实验表明:系统实现了轿车空调运行时一氧化碳气体的实时监控,CO浓度不超过300 ppm,同时具有温度测量功能,便于进行空调操作,参数测量准确,为保证轿车内人员安全提供了可靠方案。

    标签: 单片机 轿车 氧化 气体

    上传时间: 2013-12-04


  • ucos在ATMEGA128L上的移植

    和其他的μC/OS-II移植文件类似,设备代码由以下3 到5 个文件组成的。 Os_cpu.h Os_cpu_c.c Os_cpu_a.s90 (该文件仅在ICC 编译器中使用) Os_cpu_i.s90 (该文件仅在ICC 编译器中使用) Os_dbg.c Os_dbg.c 仅需在IAR 工程中使用。 3.01 OS_CPU.H 3.01.01 OS_CPU.H, macros for ‘externals’ Listing 3-1, OS_CPU.H, 外部宏(macros for ‘externals’) #ifdef OS_CPU_GLOBALS #define OS_CPU_EXT #else #define OS_CPU_EXT extern #endif  

    标签: ATMEGA ucos 128L 128

    上传时间: 2013-11-25


  • C8051F020

    HIGH SPEED 8051 μC CORE - Pipe-lined Instruction Architecture; Executes 70% of Instructions in 1 or 2 System Clocks - Up to 25MIPS Throughput with 25MHz System Clock - 22 Vectored Interrupt Sources MEMORY - 4352 Bytes Internal Data RAM (256 + 4k) - 64k Bytes In-System Programmable FLASH Program Memory - External Parallel Data Memory Interface – up to 5Mbytes/sec DIGITAL PERIPHERALS - 64 Port I/O; All are 5V tolerant - Hardware SMBusTM (I2CTM Compatible), SPITM, and Two UART Serial Ports Available Concurrently - Programmable 16-bit Counter/Timer Array with 5 Capture/Compare Modules - 5 General Purpose 16-bit Counter/Timers - Dedicated Watch-Dog Timer; Bi-directional Reset CLOCK SOURCES - Internal Programmable Oscillator: 2-to-16MHz - External Oscillator: Crystal, RC, C, or Clock - Real-Time Clock Mode using Timer 3 or PCA SUPPLY VOLTAGE ........................ 2.7V to 3.6V - Typical Operating Current: 10mA @ 25MHz - Multiple Power Saving Sleep and Shutdown Modes 100-Pin TQFP (64-Pin Version Available) Temperature Range: –40°C to +85°C

    标签: C8051F020

    上传时间: 2013-10-12


  • AVR常用库函数介绍

    目录: 1. Character Type Functions - 字符类型函数 2. Standard C Input/Output Functions - 标准输入输出函数 3. Standard Library Functions - 标准库和内存分配函数 4. Mathematical Functions - 数学函数 5. String Functions - 字符串函数 6. BCD Conversion Functions - BCD 转换函数 7. Memory Access Functions - 存储器访问函数 8. Delay Functions - 延时函数 9. LCD Functions - LCD函数 10. LCD Functions for displays with 4x40 characters - 4×40 字符型LCD函数 11. LCD Functions for displays connected in 8 bit memory mapped mode -以8 位外部存储 器模式接口的LCD显示函数 12. I2C Bus Functions - I2C 总线函数 13. National Semiconductor LM75 Temperature Sensor Functions - LM75 温度传感器函数 14. Dallas Semiconductor DS1621 Thermometer/Thermostat Functions - DS1621 温度计函 数 15. Philips PCF8563 Real Time Clock Functions - PCF8563 实时时钟函数 16. Philips PCF8583 Real Time Clock Functions - PCF8583 实时时钟函数 17. Dallas Semiconductor DS1302 Real Time Clock Functions - DS1302 实时时钟函数 18. Dallas Semiconductor DS1307 Real Time Clock Functions - DS1307 实时时钟函数 19. 1 Wire Protocol Functions - 单线通讯协议函数 20. Dallas Semiconductor DS1820/DS1822 Temperature Sensors Functions - DS1820/1822 温度传感器函数 21. SPI Functions - SPI 函数 22. Power Management Functions - 电源管理函数 23. Gray Code Conversion Functions - 格雷码转换函数

    标签: AVR 库函数

    上传时间: 2013-10-22


  • 基于单片机的数字化B超键盘设计

    针对目前使用的RS232接口数字化B超键盘存在PC主机启动时不能设置BIOS,提出一种PS2键盘的设计方法。基于W78E052D单片机,采用8通道串行A/D转换器设计了8个TGC电位器信息采集电路,电位器位置信息以键盘扫描码序列形式发送,正交编码器信号通过XC9536XL转换为单片机可接收的中断信号,软件接收到中断信息后等效处理成按键。结果表明,在满足开机可设置BIOS同时,又可实现超声特有功能,不需要专门设计驱动程序,接口简单,成本低。 Abstract:  Aiming at the problem of the digital ultrasonic diagnostic imaging system keyboard with RS232 interface currently used couldn?蒺t set the BIOS when the PC boot, this paper proposed a design method of PS2 keyboards. Based on W78E052D microcontroller,designed eight TGC potentiometers information acquisition circuit with 8-channel serial A/D converter, potentiometer position information sent out with keyboard scan code sequentially.The control circuit based on XC9536 CPLD is used for converting the mechanical actions of the encoders into the signals that can be identified by the MCU, software received interrupt information and equivalently treatmented as key. The results show that the BIOS can be set to meet the boot, ultrasound specific functionality can be achieved at the same time, it does not require specially designed driver,the interface is simple and low cost.    

    标签: 单片机 B超 数字化 键盘设计

    上传时间: 2013-10-10


  • 基于AT89S52的机载电气盒测试仪的设计

    飞机电网故障时,机载电气盒必须在延迟时间内切断电网,保护机载设备。采用AT89S52设计的电气盒测试仪能够测试电气盒保护功能,测量延迟时间。实际应用结果表明,该测试仪具有测量准确、可靠性高、成本低等优点。 Abstract:  The helicopter-electrical-box must shut off the helicopter power,protect the equipments of the helicopter when the helicopter power is failed.The tester for the helicopter-electrical-box based on AT89S52is used for testing the protect-ing function and measuring the delay time.Application results show this tester has some advantages,such as accurate mea-surement,high dependability,economical cost etc.

    标签: 89S S52 AT 89

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • 基于MS5534B的微功耗气压数据采集

    气压是气象监测中的一个重要参数,提出了一种气压数据采集模块设计方案,该模块采用数字气压传感器MS5534B、MSP430单片机MSP430F2272和带实时时钟(RTC)64 KB铁电存储器。通过低功耗软件设计方法以微安级整体平均功耗实现了气压数据的采集和存储,适合电池供电的连续高精度气压采集应用。给出了模块的软硬件设计以及MS5534B的性能指标和使用经验。 Abstract:  Air pressure is an important parameter in weather monitor.This paper futs forward a new design scheme of low power-air pressure data acquisition module.The module uses a digital output barometer sensor MS5534B,MSP430 microcontroller MSP430F2272 and integrated RTC 64KB FRAM,precision air pressure measurement and storage chip.Another point of this module is low power consumption, so it is well suited for battery powered air pressure data acquisition applications. At the same time,the software and hardware deign of module is presented,And the speciaties and use notices of MS5534B are given.

    标签: 5534B 5534 MS 微功耗

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • 基于AT89C2051的温度监控系统的设计

    采用单片机AT89C2051实现温度测量与控制,键盘和显示电路实现温度的设定、修改、清零以及当前温度值的显示,并对温度超过上下限进行报警。阐述了该系统设计的硬件和软件设计。 Abstract:  The system of temperature measuring and controling is realized based on AT89C2051.The keyboard and display circuit is designed,which can be used for setting and modifying temperature value,resetting and displaying the present temperature value.At the same time the warning circuit is also designed in the system,which can deal with the alarm when temperature exceeds the upper limit and the lower limit.The hardware and software design of the system are explained.

    标签: C2051 2051 89C AT

    上传时间: 2013-11-18
