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  • 1、源码包括图标、代码和建库脚本三部分 2、程序都在Delphi7.0和SQL Server 2000个人版下调试通过的

    1、源码包括图标、代码和建库脚本三部分 2、程序都在Delphi7.0和SQL Server 2000个人版下调试通过的,使用的操作系统是MicroSoft Windows 2000(Professional),原则上,操作系统对程序没有影响,不过,作者没有在其他操作系统平台上调试这些程序。 3、数据库使用SQL Server的用户sa,密码为“$%*^@”。如果数据库sa用户密码不同,可以在SQL Server的查询分析器中输入以下SQL语句来修改密码:exec sp_password ‘旧密码’,’新密码’,也可以通过SQL Server企业管理器,展开【数据库】|【安全性】|【登录】节点,双击其中的sa项目,将密码设置为“$%*^@”。 4、默认文件为只读文件,而所有程序在重新编译时都必须重新创建这些文件,所以在重新编译之前必须将所有文件修改为可写。 5、该程序有配套教材《Delphi数据库开发经典案例解析》清华大学出版社

    标签: Delphi Server 2000 7.0

    上传时间: 2015-07-20


  • JavaTV Program source code Need to play Windows Media files and streams, mpeg4 video or DVDs in j

    JavaTV Program source code Need to play Windows Media files and streams, mpeg4 video or DVDs in java? Access WDM capture devices? Control a firewire DVCam? Then maybe this can help you. dsj is an ongoing project to provide a java wrapper around MicroSoft s DirectShow API. It offers a set of high level classes that give java easy access to functionality widely missed by java programmers and also lets you dive deeper into the interiors of Windows core api for 2D media. On the java side dsj tries to keep things open as possible - you may use it standalone or let it feed data into JMF or other APIs.

    标签: Program Windows streams JavaTV

    上传时间: 2013-12-17


  • HTML Editor for VC++ 6.0:Today, applications often need a rich user interface. One of them is abilit

    HTML Editor for VC++ 6.0:Today, applications often need a rich user interface. One of them is ability to compose or edit HTML documents in an easy, effective, and reliable way. This article and source code attached give you a nice control to perform this task. And now, the best part: This control works fine with MicroSoft VC++ 6.0!

    标签: applications interface Editor abilit

    上传时间: 2015-07-23


  • We will receive tray icon messages on id ID_TRAY. It makes sure that only one instance of the chat s

    We will receive tray icon messages on id ID_TRAY. It makes sure that only one instance of the chat server runs at any time. Finally, this chat program is integrated with MicroSoft NetMeeting for ease of use.

    标签: messages instance ID_TRAY receive

    上传时间: 2013-12-19


  • Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Companies, names, and data used in

    Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Companies, names, and data used in examples herein are fictitious unless otherwise noted. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without the express written permission of MicroSoft Corporation.

    标签: Information Companies document subject

    上传时间: 2014-06-18


  • OLE Programmer s Reference Information in this online help system is subject to change without no

    OLE Programmer s Reference Information in this online help system is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of MicroSoft Corporation. The software and/or files described in this online help system are furnished under a license agreement or nondisclosure agreement. The software and/or files may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. The purchaser may make one copy of the software for backup purposes. No part of this online help system may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or information and retrieval systems, for any purpose other than the purchaser s personal use, without the written permission of MicroSoft Corporation.

    标签: Information Programmer Reference subject

    上传时间: 2015-08-04


  • 2005年

    2005年,在Web 2.0热潮中,Ajax横空出世,迅速成为最炙手可热的Web开发技术。Google,MicroSoft,Amazon和Yahoo都已全面采用Ajax,新一代的网站如雨后春笋,迅速兴起。 什么是Ajax?Ajax为什么会这么热,他到底有什么奇妙之处?Ajax是少数高手才能使用的尖端技术吗?如何使用Ajax开发全新的用户体验的web应用,如何用Ajax赋予原有应用新的生命?本书将带你进入Ajax的世界。对于高级Ajax Programmer可以参看我后来上传的《foundations_of_ajax》。

    标签: 2005

    上传时间: 2013-12-20


  • 该工具将帮助您从受感染的系统中删除各种特定的和流行的恶意软件。由于计算机即使已受感染也似乎仍 能正常运行

    该工具将帮助您从受感染的系统中删除各种特定的和流行的恶意软件。由于计算机即使已受感染也似乎仍 能正常运行,所以 MicroSoft 建议您即使计算机看起来完全正常,也请运行该工具。除使用该工具外,您 还应使用最新的防病毒产品以帮助保护您的计算机免遭其他恶意软件的侵害

    标签: 删除 恶意软件

    上传时间: 2013-12-18


  • Design Specification Introduction Goals and Objectives GameForge is a graphical tool used

    Design Specification Introduction Goals and Objectives GameForge is a graphical tool used to aid in the design and creation of video games. It attempts to bring game development down to a level that any computer savvy user can understand, without requiring masterful programming ability. A user with limited MicroSoft DirectX and/or Visual C++ programming knowledge will be able to construct a basic, 2-D arcade game. GameForge limits the amount of actual code written by the user, if not eliminating it completely. It will also assist experienced programmers in generating the MicroSoft DirectX and MicroSoft Windows9x overhead necessary for basic game construction, allowing them to concentrate on more detailed game design issues and implementation.

    标签: Specification Introduction Objectives GameForge

    上传时间: 2013-12-27


  • The application wizard has created this SoccerDoctor application for you. This application not onl

    The application wizard has created this SoccerDoctor application for you. This application not only demonstrates the basics of using the MicroSoft Foundation Classes but is also a starting point for writing your application.

    标签: application SoccerDoctor created wizard

    上传时间: 2015-08-09
