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  • Multi-Carrier+Spread+Spectrum+2007

    Since the principle of multi-carrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) was simultaneously proposed by Khaled Fazel et al. and Nathan Yee et al. at the IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) in the year 1993, multi-carrier spread spectrum (MC-SS) has rapidly become one of the most wide spread independent research topics on the field of mobile radio communications. Therefore, the International Workshop on Multi-Carrier Spread Spectrum (MC-SS) was initiated in the year 1997. Multi-carrier and spread spectrum systems with their generic air interface and adaptive technologies are considered as potential candidates to fulfill the requirements of next generation mobile communications systems.

    标签: Multi-Carrier Spectrum Spread 2007

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Multi-hop+Mesh+Networks

    Notwithstanding its infancy, wireless mesh networking (WMN) is a hot and growing field. Wireless mesh networks began in the military, but have since become of great interest for commercial use in the last decade, both in local area networks and metropolitan area networks. The attractiveness of mesh networks comes from their ability to interconnect either mobile or fixed devices with radio interfaces, to share information dynamically, or simply to extend range through multi-hopping. 

    标签: Multi-hop Networks Mesh

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Physical Layer Security in Wireless Communications

    The ever-increasing demand for private and sensitive data transmission over wireless net- works has made security a crucial concern in the current and future large-scale, dynamic, and heterogeneous wireless communication systems. To address this challenge, computer scientists and engineers have tried hard to continuously come up with improved crypto- graphic algorithms. But typically we do not need to wait too long to find an efficient way to crack these algorithms. With the rapid progress of computational devices, the current cryptographic methods are already becoming more unreliable. In recent years, wireless re- searchers have sought a new security paradigm termed physical layer security. Unlike the traditional cryptographic approach which ignores the effect of the wireless medium, physi- cal layer security exploits the important characteristics of wireless channel, such as fading, interference, and noise, for improving the communication security against eavesdropping attacks. This new security paradigm is expected to complement and significantly increase the overall communication security of future wireless networks.

    标签: Communications Physical Security Wireless Layer in

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • WiFi,+WiMAX+and+LTE+Multi-hop+Mesh+Networks

    Notwithstanding its infancy, wireless mesh networking (WMN) is a hot and growing field. Wireless mesh networks began in the military, but have since become of great interest for commercial use in the last decade, both in local area networks and metropolitan area networks. The attractiveness of mesh networks comes from their ability to interconnect either mobile or fixed devices with radio interfaces, to share information dynamically, or simply to extend range through multi-hopping. 

    标签: Multi-hop Networks WiMAX WiFi Mesh LTE and

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • 多功能虚拟仪器软件-Multi-Instrument Pro

    多功能虚拟仪器软件-Multi-Instrument Pro

    标签: 多功能虚拟仪器软件-Multi-Instrument Pro

    上传时间: 2020-08-16


  • 103244857UCGUI390a.rar

    UCGUI最新版源码简介 UCGUI3.90版源码有如下几点新的变化. 1.这个版本的UCGUI提供了模拟器的源码(早知我不用那么辛苦反编译出模拟器源码了,不过大家可以比较一下看). 2.还有JPEG图版支持 3.ListView控件支持. 4.Menu菜单支持. 5.ScrollBar滚动条支持. 6.multi-controller多控制器支持. 另外源码上还有很多的调整, 将控件的功能分开到各个文件当中更易于将来扩充, 大家仔细看看

    标签: 103244857 UCGUI 390

    上传时间: 2013-07-11


  • SATA协议分析及其FPGA实现.rar

    并行总线PATA从设计至今已快20年历史,如今它的缺陷已经严重阻碍了系统性能的进一步提高,已被串行ATA(Serial ATA)即SATA总线所取代。SATA作为新一代磁盘接口总线,采用点对点方式进行数据传输,内置数据/命令校验单元,支持热插拔,具有150MB/s(SATA1.0)或300MB/s(SATA2.0)的传输速度。目前SATA已在存储领域广泛应用,但国内尚无独立研发的面向FPGA的SATAIP CORE,在这样的条件下设计面向FPGA应用的SATA IP CORE具有重要的意义。 本论文对协议进行了详细的分析,建立了SATA IP CORE的层次结构,将设备端SATA IP CORE划分成应用层、传输层、链路层和物理层;介绍了实现该IPCORE所选择的开发工具、开发语言和所选用的芯片;在此基础上着重阐述协议IP CORE的设计,并对各个部分的设计予以分别阐述,并编码实现;最后进行综合和测试。 采用FPGA集成硬核RocketIo MGT(RocketIo Multi-Gigabit Transceiver)实现了1.5Gbps的串行传输链路;设计满足协议需求、适合FPGA设计的并行结构,实现了多状态机的协同工作:在高速设计中,使用了流水线方法进行并行设计,以提高速度,考虑到系统不同部分复杂度的不同,设计采用部分流水线结构;采用在线逻辑分析仪Chipscope pro与SATA总线分析仪进行片上调试与测试,使得调试工作方便快捷、测试数据准确;严格按照SATA1.0a协议实现了SATA设备端IP CORE的设计。 最终测试数据表明,本论文设计的基于FPGA的SATA IP CORE满足协议需求。设计中的SATA IP CORE具有使用方便、集成度高、成本低等优点,在固态电子硬盘SSD(Solid-State Disk)开发中应用本设计,将使开发变得方便快捷,更能够适应市场需求。

    标签: SATA FPGA 协议分析

    上传时间: 2013-06-21


  • MP3音频编解码运算中IMDCT算法研究及其FPGA实现.rar

    近年来,随着多媒体技术的迅猛发展,电子、计算机、通讯和娱乐之间的相互融合、渗透越来越多,而数字音频技术则是应用最为广泛的技术之一。MP3(MPEG-1 Audio LayerⅢ)编解码算法作为数字音频的解决方案,在便携式多媒体产品中得到了广泛流行。 在已有的便携式MP3系统实现方案中,低速处理器与专用硬件结合的SOC设计方案结合了硬件实现方式和软件实现方式的优点,具有成本低、升级容易、功能丰富等特点。IMDCT(反向改进离散余弦变换)是编解码算法中一个运算量大调用频率高的运算步骤,因此适于硬件实现,以降低处理器的开销和功耗,来提高整个系统的性能。 本文首先阐述了MP3音频编解码标准和流程,以及IMDCT常用的各种实现算法。在此基础上选择了适于硬件实现的递归循环实现方法,并在已有算法的基础上进行了改进,减小了所需硬件资源需求并保持了运算速度。接着提出了模块总体设计方案,结合算法进行了实现结构的优化,并在EDA环境下具体实现,用硬件描述语言设计、综合、仿真,且下载到Xilinx公司的VirtexⅡ系列xc2v1000FPGA器件中,在减小硬件资源的同时快速地实现了IMDCT,经验证功能正确。

    标签: IMDCT FPGA MP3

    上传时间: 2013-05-31


  • 世界超级电容器发展动态

    超级电容器又称超大容量电容器、金电容、黄金电容、储能电容、法拉电容、电化学电容器或双电层电容器(英文名称为EDLC,即Electric Double Layer Capacitors),是靠极化电解液

    标签: 超级电容器 发展动态

    上传时间: 2013-05-23


  • tw9910 datashhet

    The TW9910 is a multi-standard video decoder and encoder chip that is designed for multimedia applications. It uses the mixed-signal 1.8V CMOS technology to provide a low- power integrated solution.

    标签: datashhet 9910 tw

    上传时间: 2013-04-24
