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  • 基于TMS320F2812的永磁同步电动机主轴驱动控制系统的研究.rar

    本文的主要工作是设计与开发了用于机床主轴直接驱动的全数字化永磁同步电动机矢量控制系统的软硬件平台,并利用该平台进行了仿真和实验研究,仿真和实验结果验证了该系统设计方案的可行性。 首先,详细阐述了坐标变换理论,根据永磁同步电动机的本体结构推导了其在各坐标系下的数学模型,深入研究了永磁同步电动机的矢量控制原理和id=0控制策略,此外对空间电压矢量脉宽调制(SVPWM)的基本原理和特性进行了研究。 其次,采用MATLAB软件建立了电机系统的仿真模型。整个仿真系统包括PMSM模块、Power MOdule模块、测量模块、坐标变换模块、电流、转速调节模块和SVPWM模块等。仿真结果验证了矢量控制和SVPWM技术应用于本系统的可行性,同时为系统平台设计提供了理论依据。 再次,为了提高系统的动静态特性和减小转动脉动,采用DSP TMS320F2812为核心进行了永磁同步电动机全数字矢量控制系统的软硬件设计。系统硬件包括电流检测、速度检测、显示电路、驱动电路、主电路和系统保护电路等;系统软件由DSP编程实现,采用基于id=0的转子磁场定向矢量控制方法,完成对永磁同步电动机的解耦控制。速度调节器和电流调节器采用常规PI控制算法,逆变器采用SVPWM控制策略。同时,给出了系统各模块的软件流程图,包括系统初始化程序、速度和电流调节程序、SVPWM的实现以及功率驱动保护等子程序等。 最后,在实验平台上做了大量深入的实验研究工作,并对试验波形做了深入分析。结果表明,该系统具有能够响应速度快,低转速运行平稳和抗干扰能力强等优点,可以满足主轴直接驱动要求。

    标签: F2812 2812 320F TMS

    上传时间: 2013-05-18



    这个是GPRS PC端软件,用于GPRS串口模块测试用。-This is a GPRS PC side software for GPRS serial MOdule test.

    标签: VC_DEMO_GPRS

    上传时间: 2013-08-04


  • GPRS模块学习书籍

    ·详细说明:GPRS模块学习书籍-GPRS MOdule study books

    标签: GPRS 模块 书籍

    上传时间: 2013-06-12


  • 应用笔记-校准激光驱动器POT和DAC

    Abstract: A laser MOdule designer can use a fixed resistor, mechanical pot, digital pot, or a digital-to-analogconverter (DAC) to control the laser driver's modulation and bias currents. The advantages of a programmablemethod (POT or DAC) are that the manufacturing process can be automated and digital control can be applied(e.g., to compensate for temperature). Using POTs can be a more simple approach than a DAC. There can be aslight cost advantage to using a POT, but this is usually not significant relative to other pieces of the design.Using a DAC can offer advantages, including improved linearity (translating to ease of software implementationand ability to hit the required accuracy), increased board density, a wider range of resolutions, a betteroptimization range, ease of use with a negative voltage laser driver, and unit-to-unit consistency

    标签: POT DAC 应用笔记 校准

    上传时间: 2013-11-13


  • 简单的多输出范围16位DAC设计

      Precision 16-bit analog outputs with softwareconfigurableoutput ranges are often needed in industrialprocess control equipment, analytical and scientificinstruments and automatic test equipment. In the past,designing a universal output MOdule was a daunting taskand the cost and PCB real estate associated with thisfunction were problematic, if not prohibitive.

    标签: DAC 输出范围

    上传时间: 2014-12-23


  • 双通道8A DCDC uMOdule稳压器能够容易地通过并联来提供16A电流

    LTM®4616 是一款雙路輸入、雙路輸出 DC/DC μMOdule™ 穩壓器,采用 15mm x 15mm x 2.8mm LGA 表面貼裝型封裝。由於開關控制器、MOSFET、電感器和其他支持元件均被集成在纖巧型封裝之內,因此只需少量的外部元件。

    标签: uMOdule DCDC 16A 双通道

    上传时间: 2013-10-27


  • 用于汽车无线电和信息娱乐系统的8V开关电源

    Abstract: This application note illustrates an intermediate 8V switching power supply for an automotive radio and infotainment system.The design withstands the complete automotive input voltage range (including cold crank and load dump conditions), assuring a stable8V supply for common subsystems such as a CD driver, LCDs, and a radio MOdule in modern infotainment systems. To avoiddisturbance in the AM and FM bands, the switching power supply runs at a fixed frequency of 2MHz, enabling an ideal solution forradio systems.

    标签: 汽车无线电 信息娱乐系统 开关电源

    上传时间: 2013-11-20


  • GPON系统的APD偏置解决方案

      Avalanche photo diode (APD) receiver MOdules arewidely used in fi ber optic communication systems. AnAPD MOdule contains the APD and a signal conditioningamplifi er, but is not completely self contained. It stillrequires signifi cant support circuitry including a highvoltage, low noise power supply and a precision currentmonitor to indicate the signal strength. The challenge issqueezing this support circuitry into applications withlimited board space. The LT®3482 addresses this challengeby integrating a monolithic DC/DC step-up converter andan accurate current monitor. The LT3482 can supportup to a 90V APD bias voltage, and the current monitorprovides better than 10% accuracy over four decades ofdynamic range (250nA to 2.5mA).

    标签: GPON APD 方案

    上传时间: 2014-01-18


  • DN445微型模块LED驱动器

      Once relegated to the hinterlands of low cost indicatorlights, the LED is again in the spotlight of the lightingworld. LED lighting is now ubiquitous, from car headlightsto USB-powered lava lamps. Car headlights exemplifyapplications that capitalize on the LED’s clear advantages—unwavering high quality light output, tough-assteelrobustness, inherent high effi ciency—while a USBlava lamp exemplifi es applications where only LEDs work.Despite these clear advantages, their requirement forregulated voltage and current make LED driver circuitsmore complex than the venerable light bulb, but some newdevices are closing the gap. For instance, the LTM®8040μMOdule™ LED driver integrates all the driver circuitryinto a single package, allowing designers to refocus theirtime and effort on the details of lighting design criticalto a product’s success.

    标签: 445 LED DN 微型模块

    上传时间: 2013-10-16


  • 雪崩光电二极管的偏置电压和电流检测电路

      Avalanche photodiodes (APDs) are widely utilized in laserbased fiberoptic systems to convert optical data intoelectrical form. The APD is usually packaged with a signalconditioning amplifier in a small MOdule. An APD receiverMOdule and attendant circuitry appears in Figure 1. TheAPD MOdule (figure right) contains the APD and a transimpedance(e.g., current-to-voltage) amplifier. An opticalport permits interfacing fiberoptic cable to the APD’sphotosensitive portion. The MOdule’s compact constructionfacilitates a direct, low loss connection between theAPD and the amplifier, necessary because of the extremelyhigh speed data rates involved

    标签: 雪崩 光电二极管 偏置电压 电流检测电路

    上传时间: 2013-10-25

    上传用户:brain kung