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  • MC68332 motolara


    标签: motolara 68332 MC

    上传时间: 2013-11-22


  • 芯睿 LCD 驱动单片机 MK9A35EP _cn

    概述 ROM 大小:3.5K * 16 bits RAM 大小:96 * 8 bits 堆栈:8层 LCD 驱动器:7com * 27seg QFP64

    标签: LCD A35 MK9 9A

    上传时间: 2013-10-10


  • 基于MAX7219的LED数码显示驱动电路设计

      现有基于MAX7219芯片的数码管驱动电路只适用于小尺寸LED,为扩展其使用范围,在介绍动态显示芯片MAX7219功能的基础上,提出了一个基于该芯片的8位高亮度8英寸数码管驱动电路。电路保留了MAX7219芯片的功能强大、编程简单等优点,通过74LS273锁存器和ULN2803达林顿驱动器,实现了对任意大尺寸数码管提供较高电压和电流驱动的静态显示,并亮度可调。   Abstract:   The existing display-driving circuit based on MAX7219 was only applicable to small-size LED. To expand its use, based on the function introduction of dynamic display chip MAX7219, a display-driving circuit for high-brightness 8-bit LED with the size of 8-inch was proposed. The advantages of MAX7219 were retained, such as powerful function and simple programming. Static display with adjustable brightness for large-size LED with higher voltage and current was achieved with the help of 74LS273 and ULN2803.

    标签: 7219 MAX LED 数码显示

    上传时间: 2013-10-23


  • 51单片机实现的RS485通讯程序

      #ifndef __485_C__   #define __485_C__   #include   #include   #define unsigned char uchar   #define unsigned int uint   /* 通信命令 */   #define __ACTIVE_ 0x01 // 主机询问从机是否存在   #define __GETDATA_ 0x02 // 主机发送读设备请求   #define __OK_ 0x03 // 从机应答   #define __STATUS_ 0x04 // 从机发送设备状态信息   #define __MAXSIZE 0x08 // 缓冲区长度   #define __ERRLEN 12 // 任何通信帧长度超过12则表示出错   uchar dbuf[__MAXSIZE]; // 该缓冲区用于保存设备状态信息   uchar dev; // 该字节用于保存本机设备号   sbit M_DE = P1^0; // 驱动器使能,1有效   sbit M_RE = P1^1; // 接收器使能,0有效

    标签: 485 RS 51单片机 通讯程序

    上传时间: 2014-12-26


  • 基于P89V51RD2的功率因数测量仪设计

    设计一种基于P89V51RD2的功率因数测量仪,采用光电隔离器和专用数码管驱动器。该测量仪是以增强型单片机P89V51RD2为核心,大大简化系统硬件设计。而软件部分采用模块化设计思想,采用中值滤波和小数补偿算法,实现功率因数的高精度测量。实验测试表明,该功率因数测量仪测量精度高,运行稳定可靠。 Abstract:  A power-factor measurement instrument based on P89V51RD2is designed,which uses optical coupler and specific LED drive chip.The power factor measurement instrument uses P89V51RD2as a core of which greatly simplifies the system design.Furthermore,modularization software is developed in detail.The high precision power-factor measuring system is realized by the center value filter and fractional compensation algorithm.Experiments manifests that the power- factor measurement instrument is high precision,steady and reliable.

    标签: P89 89V V51 RD2

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • PCF8578 LCD图形点阵液晶驱动器芯片简介及封装库

    The PCF8578 is a low power CMOS1 LCD row and column driver, designed to drive dotmatrix graphic displays at multiplex rates of 1:8, 1:16, 1:24 or 1:32. The device has40 outputs, of which 24 are programmable and configurable for the following ratios ofrows/columns: 32¤8, 24¤16, 16¤24 or 8¤32. The PCF8578 can function as a stand-alone LCDcontroller and driver for use in small systems. For larger systems it can be used inconjunction with up to 32 PCF8579s for which it has been optimized. Together these twodevices form a general purpose LCD dot matrix driver chip set, capable of driving displaysof up to 40960 dots. The PCF8578 is compatible with most microcontrollers andcommunicates via a two-line bidirectional bus (I2C-bus). Communication overhead isminimized by a display RAM with auto-incremented addressing and display bankswitching.

    标签: 8578 PCF LCD 图形点阵

    上传时间: 2013-10-23


  • PCF8562 低复用率的通用LCD驱动器数据手册及封装库


    标签: 8562 PCF LCD 驱动器

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • PCF2116系列LCD驱动器芯片简介及封装库

    1 FEATURES· Single chip LCD controller/driver· 1 or 2-line display of up to 24 characters per line, or2 or 4 lines of up to 12 characters per line· 5 ′ 7 character format plus cursor; 5 ′ 8 for kana(Japanese syllabary) and user defined symbols· On-chip:– generation of LCD supply voltage (external supplyalso possible)– generation of intermediate LCD bias voltages– oscillator requires no external components (externalclock also possible)· Display data RAM: 80 characters· Character generator ROM: 240 characters· Character generator RAM: 16 characters· 4 or 8-bit parallel bus or 2-wire I2C-bus interface· CMOS/TTL compatible· 32 row, 60 column outputs· MUX rates 1 : 32 and 1 : 16· Uses common 11 code instruction set· Logic supply voltage range, VDD - VSS: 2.5 to 6 V· Display supply voltage range, VDD - VLCD: 3.5 to 9 V· Low power consumption· I2C-bus address: 011101 SA0.

    标签: 2116 PCF LCD 驱动器芯片

    上传时间: 2013-11-08


  • 一种通用单片机数据采集电路的设计

    在单片机应用系统中,有时需要采集大量的开关信号,由于信号多且接入方式不同,使得电路较复杂,占用了单片机大量资源,数据采集软件的开发量也较大。笔者用纯数字电路设计了一个特别适合于远程大数据量采集的电路(最大可采集1024个开关量,附图所示电路可采集192个开关量)。 电路由双二进制加法计数器CD4520、译码器74LS138、缓冲驱动器74LS244等组成。NE555产生的脉冲加到计数器D1的CP1端,由于D1的Q4同时也接D1的EN2,所以D1的双计数器构成级联计数电路,其输出Q2~Q7作为开关输入量的地址送D5的输入端。Q1作为片选信号接D5,Q5~Q7接D2输入端,为D3、D4等译码器提供片选信号,而Q2~Q4接D3、D4等译码器的输入端,译码器的输出作为D7、D8等的片选信号。D7、D8等的输入接采样的开关信号(图中开关接通表示输入为低位),其输出接D6输入端。当D6片选有效时(Q1为低电位),输出的数据地址线上为开关量信号。当D5片选有效时(Q1为高电位)输出的数据地址线上为开关量信号的地址。8条数据地址线可直接接单片机P1口或通过74LS245接单片机总线,1条数据地址选择线也可直接接单片机P2或P3口。

    标签: 用单片机 数据采集电路

    上传时间: 2013-10-14


  • FE427单相多功能电表DEMO板指导书--ESP模块应用


    标签: DEMO 427 ESP FE

    上传时间: 2013-11-14
