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  • This handbook is a concise guide to architecting, designing, and building J2EE applications. It guid

    This handbook is a concise guide to architecting, designing, and building J2EE applications. It guides technical architects through the entire J2EE project, including identifying business requirements, performing use-case analysis, doing object and data MODELing, and leading a development team through construction. Whether you are about to architect your first J2EE application or are looking for ways to keep your projects on-time and on-budget, you will refer to this handbook again and again.

    标签: architecting applications designing handbook

    上传时间: 2014-08-06


  • The Rails Cookbook is is packed with the solutions you need to be a proficient developer with Rails,

    The Rails Cookbook is is packed with the solutions you need to be a proficient developer with Rails, the leading framework for building the new generation of Web 2.0 applications. Recipes range from the basics, like installing Rails and setting up your development environment, to the latest techniques, such as developing RESTful web services. Topics include: . MODELing data with the ActiveRecord library . Setting up views with ActionView and RHTML templates . Building your application s logic into ActionController . Testing and debugging your Rails application . Building responsive web applications using JavaScript and Ajax . Ensuring that your application is security and performs well . Deploying your application with Mongrel and Apache . Using Capistrano to automate deployment . Using the many Rails plugins Working with graphics

    标签: Rails with proficient developer

    上传时间: 2013-12-23


  • Aspect-Oriented Software Developement Coverage includes Using AOSD to streamline complex systems

    Aspect-Oriented Software Developement Coverage includes Using AOSD to streamline complex systems development without sacrificing flexibility or scalability How AOSD builds on the object-oriented paradigmand how it s different State-of-the-art best practices for the AOSD development process Languages and foundations: separating concerns, filter technologies, improving modularity, integrating new features, and more Using key AOSD tools, including AspectJ, Hyper/J, JMangler, and Java Aspect Components Engineering aspect-oriented systems: UML, concern MODELing and elaboration, dependency management, and aspect composition Developing more secure applications with AOSD techniques Applying aspect-oriented programming to database systems Building dynamic aspect-oriented infrastructure

    标签: Aspect-Oriented Developement streamline Software

    上传时间: 2013-12-01


  • The authors show to identify, design, implement, test, and refactor use-case modules, as well as ext

    The authors show to identify, design, implement, test, and refactor use-case modules, as well as extend them. They also demonstrate how to design use-case modules with the Unified MODELing Language (UML)emphasizing enhancements made in UML 2.0and how to achieve use-case modularity using aspect technologies, notably AspectJ. Key topics include Making the case for use cases and aspects Capturing and MODELing concerns with use cases Keeping concerns separate with use-case modules MODELing use-cases slices and aspects using the newest extensions to the UML notation Applying use cases and aspects in projects

    标签: implement identify refactor use-case

    上传时间: 2016-10-06


  • Tricks of the Windows Game Programmin Gurus, 2E takes the reader through Win32 programming, covering

    Tricks of the Windows Game Programmin Gurus, 2E takes the reader through Win32 programming, covering all the major components of DirectX including DirectDraw, DirectSound, DirectInput (including Force Feedback), and DirectMusic. Andre teaches the reader 2D graphics and rasterization techniques. Finally, Andre provides the most intense coverage of game algorithms, multithreaded programming, artificial intelligence (including fuzzy logic, neural nets, and genetic algorithms), and physics MODELing you have ever seen in a game book.

    标签: programming Programmin the covering

    上传时间: 2014-01-02


  • Telelogic Tau 面向复杂系统和应用程序的模型驱动开发 Telelogic Tau® 是面向系统及应用程序的分析、设计、开发和测试的Model Driven Development

    Telelogic Tau 面向复杂系统和应用程序的模型驱动开发 Telelogic Tau® 是面向系统及应用程序的分析、设计、开发和测试的Model Driven Development™ 环境,它采用包括Unified MODELing Language™ 2.0 (UML™ )、SysML和Model-Driven Architecture® (MDA® )在内的诸多行业标准。

    标签: Telelogic Development Tau Driven

    上传时间: 2014-01-19


  • A UML Documentation for an Elevator System:This paper is a PhD project report for the course Distrib

    A UML Documentation for an Elevator System:This paper is a PhD project report for the course Distributed Embedded Systems at Carnegie Mellon University. Throughout this course, a distributed real-time system – an elevator control system– is specified, designed, built, and simulated. Object Oriented Analysis and Design methods, in specific the Unified MODELing Language (UML) are used when designing the system.

    标签: Documentation for Elevator Distrib

    上传时间: 2013-12-14


  • 一个自然语言处理的Java开源工具包。LingPipe目前已有很丰富的功能

    一个自然语言处理的Java开源工具包。LingPipe目前已有很丰富的功能,包括主题分类(Top Classification)、命名实体识别(Named Entity Recognition)、词性标注(Part-of Speech Tagging)、句题检测(Sentence Detection)、查询拼写检查(Query Spell Checking)、兴趣短语检测(Interseting Phrase Detection)、聚类(Clustering)、字符语言建模(Character Language MODELing)、医学文献下载/解析/索引(MEDLINE Download, Parsing and Indexing)、数据库文本挖掘(Database Text Mining)、中文分词(Chinese Word Segmentation)、情感分析(Sentiment Analysis)、语言辨别(Language Identification)等API。

    标签: LingPipe Java 自然语言处理 开源

    上传时间: 2013-12-04


  • 摘 要 ATM自动柜员机系统是由计算机控制的银行自动出纳系统

    摘 要 ATM自动柜员机系统是由计算机控制的银行自动出纳系统,主要服务于活期储蓄,实现客户自助服务的电子化设备。统一建模语言UML(Unified MODELing Language)是面向对象技术的一个重要应用,也是软件工程环境中对象分析和设计的重要工具。通过UML对ATM自动取款机建模,实现查询余额、取款、存款、更改密码等业务,根据需求还可以进一步扩展具体功能。 关键词 ATM自动柜员机;面向对象;建模;UML;Rose

    标签: ATM 自动柜员机 自动

    上传时间: 2014-12-04


  • Verilog Overview n Basic Structure of a Verilog Model n Components of a Verilog Module – Ports –

    Verilog Overview n Basic Structure of a Verilog Model n Components of a Verilog Module – Ports – Data Types – Assigning Values and Numbers – Operators – Behavioral MODELing • Continuous Assignments • Procedural Blocks – Structural MODELing n Summary: Verilog Environment

    标签: Verilog Components Structure Overview

    上传时间: 2017-02-18
