企业内部的很多业务都可以抽象为一个或者若干个工作流,最典型的是收发文工作流。一个发文流程可能要经历起草,审批,校对,领导签字,传阅等步骤。传统的办公模式完成此流程需要投入很多人力,而且运转起来较慢,容易出错,如果采用办公自动化系统,公文的流转就可以自动化,显然有很多好处。 UML(Unified MODELing Language)是一种面向对象的建模语言,它已经广泛用于面向对象系统的分析和设计。统一过程(Unified Process)是一种软件工程方法,它将软件开发过程分为一系列的工作流程(Workflow),充分发挥了迭代的开发思想,是软件开发成功的重要因素。 Struts是基于JAVA的一个开源项目,采用模块化的设计思想将业务逻辑,数据存储和用户界面分离,简化了企业级应用程序的构建。 本文描述了葫芦岛锌厂的办公自动化系统的开发过程,依据统一过程的开发思想,利用UML构建和描述系统的结构与行为,并用Struts完成了系统的最终实现。
上传时间: 2015-11-01
随着计算机技术和网络技术的发展,在线教育平台为校园网的数字化提供了技术支持。它能够有效地将信息技术融入教学的环境当中,从而推动的传统教育的改革。 Struts是Apache软件组织提供的一项开放源代码项目,它为Java Web的开发提供了模型-视图-控制器(Model-View-Controller, MVC)框架,尤其适用于开发大型可扩展的Web应用,并且为其提供了一个通用的框架,使得开发人员可以把精力集中在如何解决实际业务问题上,比较适合大型团队开发。 UML(Unified MODELing Language)是一种可视化的建模语言,功能强大,易于使用,便于开发人员之间的沟通。它已经广泛用于面向对象系统的分析、设计和实现。RUP(Rational Unified Process)是一种软件工程方法,描述了软件迭代的开发过程。 本文描述了在线教育平台的开发过程,遵循RUP的思想,利用UML对系统进行需求、分析和设计,并通过使用Struts框架对系统进行实现。
上传时间: 2013-12-12
本书由知名的C++专家Matthew H.Austern执笔,引导你进入泛型编程思维模型,并将你带往此一模型的最重要成品:C++ Standard Template Library(STL)。本书揭示STL的奥秘,告诉你STL不仅仅是一组方便运用的容器类(container classes)。对于泛型组件和可交互作用的组件而言,STL是一个具备扩充能力的框架(framework)、 《泛型编程与STL》阐述了泛型编程的中心思想:concepts、MODELing、refinement,并为你展示这些思想如何导出STL的基础概念:iterators、containers、function objects。循此路线,你可以把STL想像为一个由concepts(而非明确之functions或classes)组成的程序库:、你将学习其正式结构并因此获得其潜在威力所带来的完整优势。本书使你能够: ●以你自己的“可移植组件”及“可交互作用之泛型组件”扩充STL; ●产生一些算法,让它们和它们所处理之型别(types)及数据结构彻底划清界线; ●撰写更精致、更高效、更有效力的代码,可跨平台重复使用。
上传时间: 2014-01-06
This the implementation of structural SVM for training complex alignment models for protein sequence alignment, especially for homology MODELing. The structural SVM algorithm can incorporate many relevant features like secondary structure, relative exposed surface area, profiles and their various interaction into the alignment model. It was developed under Linux and compiles under gcc, built upon the svm^light software by Thorsten Joachims.
标签: implementation structural for alignment
上传时间: 2014-01-11
This submission includes the presentation and model files that were used in delivering a webinar on 12-15-05 that covered the topic of MODELing Hybrid Electric Vehicles. Hybrid electric vehicles (HEVs) have proven they can substantially improve fuel economy and reduce emissions. Because HEVs combine an electric drive with the internal combustion engine (ICE) in the powertrain, the vehicle?s kinetic energy can be captured during braking and transformed into electrical energy in the battery. The dual power source also means that the ICE can be reduced in size and can operate at its most efficient speeds.
标签: presentation submission delivering includes
上传时间: 2015-12-24
Carrier-phase synchronization can be approached in a general manner by estimating the multiplicative distortion (MD) to which a baseband received signal in an RF or coherent optical transmission system is subjected. This paper presents a unified MODELing and estimation of the MD in finite-alphabet digital communication systems. A simple form of MD is the camer phase exp GO) which has to be estimated and compensated for in a coherent receiver. A more general case with fading must, however, allow for amplitude as well as phase variations of the MD. We assume a state-variable model for the MD and generally obtain a nonlinear estimation problem with additional randomly-varying system parameters such as received signal power, frequency offset, and Doppler spread. An extended Kalman filter is then applied as a near-optimal solution to the adaptive MD and channel parameter estimation problem. Examples are given to show the use and some advantages of this scheme.
标签: synchronization Carrier-phase multiplicativ approached
上传时间: 2013-11-28
Data mining (DM) is the extraction of hidden predictive information from large databases (DBs). With the automatic discovery of knowledge implicit within DBs, DM uses sophisticated statistical analysis and MODELing techniques to uncover patterns and relationships hidden in organizational DBs. Over the last 40 years, the tools and techniques to process structured information have continued to evolve from DBs to data warehousing (DW) to DM. DW applications have become business-critical. DM can extract even more value out of these huge repositories of information.
标签: information extraction predictive databases
上传时间: 2016-03-19
From helping to assess the value of new medical treatments to evaluating the factors that affect our opinions and behaviors, analysts today are finding myriad uses for categorical data methods. In this book we introduce these methods and the theory behind them. Statistical methods for categorical responses were late in gaining the level of sophistication achieved early in the twentieth century by methods for continuous responses. Despite influential work around 1900 by the British statistician Karl Pearson, relatively little development of models for categorical responses occurred until the 1960s. In this book we describe the early fundamental work that still has importance today but place primary emphasis on more recent MODELing approaches. Before outlining
标签: evaluating treatments the helping
上传时间: 2014-01-25
使用Matlab在通信系统的建模与仿真,论文形式,含有源代码 -use Matlab in communications systems MODELing and simulation, paper form, containing the source code
上传时间: 2013-12-18
Detecting Network Intrusions via Sampling_A Game Theoretic Approach Internet Quarantine_Requirements for Containing Self-Propagating Code MODELing Malware Spreading Dynamics MODELing the Spread of Active Worms
标签: Quarantine_Requireme Intrusions Sampling_A Detecting
上传时间: 2013-11-30