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  • 基于数字信号处理的超声手术刀电源控制电路设计与实现

    目的:自主研制一款超声手术刀电源控制系统,以减少能量的消耗,维持手术刀的正常温度。方法:对超声换能器在谐振附近的等效电路建立模型,并设计基于数字信号处理(DSP)的超声手术刀的硬件控制系统。结果:经对电源控制系统的电路和工作性能测试,生成的电流和电压的有效值等参数,能够及时调整电源的频率,并达到预期的功能指标,使超声手术刀工作在谐振状态。结论:以DSP为核心设计的超声手术刀电源控制系统,测试指标均能够达到预期的要求,能够使系统在谐振状态下工作。Objective: To independently develop a power control system of ultrasonic scalpel so as to reduce the energy consumption and maintain the normal temperature of ultrasonic scalpel. Methods: In this paper, the MODEL of equivalent circuit of ultrasonic transducer nearby syntony was built up, and the hardware control system of ultrasonic scalpel based on digital signal processing(DSP) was designed. Results: Through testing the circuit and work performance of power control system, the series of parameters such as effective value and so on which were produced by this system could adjust frequency of power source in time and attain anticipative functional indicator, and it took the ultrasonic scalpel to work in syntonic situation. Conclusion: The tested indicators of power control system of ultrasonic scalpel based on the kernel design of DSP can attain anticipative requirement, and can take this system to work in syntonic situation.

    标签: 数字信号处理 超声手术刀 电源控制

    上传时间: 2022-04-03


  • 基于无迹卡尔曼滤波算法的锂电池SOC估计

    应用无迹卡尔曼滤波算法(UKF)进行锂电池的SOC估计,采用Thevenin二阶RC等效电路模型,对HPPC电池脉冲充放电实验数据进行Matlab处理,得到较为准确的模型.通过在Matlab中编写算法程序,对不同工况的估计值与实际值进行误差估算及对比分析,通过此算法进行SOC估计,得到该算法可有效降低系统误差并纠正SOC的初值偏差.The non trace Calman filter (UKF) is applied to the SOC estimation of lithium battery. The Thevenin two order RC equivalent circuit MODEL is used to process the HPPC battery pulse charge discharge experimental data by Matlab processing, and a more accurate MODEL is obtained. By writing algorithm program in Matlab, the error estimation and comparison analysis of the estimated value and actual value of different states are carried out, and the SOC estimation is carried out by this algorithm. The algorithm can effectively reduce the system error and correct the initial value deviation of the SOC.

    标签: 卡尔曼滤波

    上传时间: 2022-05-03


  • 模型预测控制外文教程

    这是一本英文版的MPC的MATLAB教程,讲这一块的资料太少了,故上传一本。MPC is one of the few areas that has received on-going interest from researchers in both the industrial and cademic communities.Four major aspects of MODEL predictive control make the design methodology attractive to both practitioners and academics.This is particularly attractive to industry where tight profit margins and limits on the process operation are inevitably present. The third aspect is the ability to perform on-line process optimization. The fourth aspect  is the simplicity of the design framework in handling all these complex issues.

    标签: 模型预测控制

    上传时间: 2022-05-05


  • ARMv7 Architecture manual

    This manual documents the Microcontroller profile of version 7 of the ARM® Architecture, the ARMv7-M architecture profile. For short definitions of all the ARMv7 profiles see About the ARMv7 architecture, and architecture profiles on page A1-20.ARMv7 is documented as a set of architecture profiles. The profiles are defined as follows: ARMv7-A The application profile for systems supporting the ARM and Thumb instruction sets, and requiring virtual address support in the memory management MODEL. ARMv7-R The realtime profile for systems supporting the ARM and Thumb instruction sets, and requiring physical address only support in the memory management MODEL ARMv7-M The microcontroller profile for systems supporting only the Thumb instruction set, and where overall size and deterministic operation for an implementation are more important than absolute performance. While profiles were formally introduced with the ARMv7 development, the A-profile and R-profile have implicitly existed in earlier versions, associated with the Virtual Memory System Architecture (VMSA) and Protected Memory System Architecture (PMSA) respectively.

    标签: arm

    上传时间: 2022-06-02


  • (网盘)AD元件库2D3D都有

    二号元件库 带3D元件库 - 0个人收集的Altium Designer常用元件库.zip - 16.62MBMultisim&Utilboard(Circuit Design Suite)13.0.zip - 812.04MBAltera官方元件库.zip - 39.03MBAD元件库和例子.iso - 1.64GB个人购买的元件库和3D模型.iso - 137.97MBNEW.rar - 19.84MBLibs_CAndreatta.rar - 9.87MBAltium.rar - 348.67MB3 D MODEL lib.rar - 43.94MB2013-12-17.rar - 17.11MB

    标签: altium designer 元件库

    上传时间: 2022-06-06


  • 双足步行机器人系统设计与运动控制及虚拟现实仿真实验研究

    双足步行机器人(Biped Walking Robot)是一种仿人机器人,是移动式机器人领域中一类重要的仿生系统。双足步行机器人作为一种移动式机器人,它与轮式,履带式机器人相比有许多优点与优越性。由于双足步行机器人的行走具有独特的适应性和拟人性,其行走控制成为当今研究的热点。步行运动模式与运动控制是影响双足步行机器人技术进步的重要问题,也是双足步行机器人成功而有效地实现稳定步行的理论基础和技术关键。本文针对双足步行机器人步行模式生成与步行控制相关问题进行了研究,并在虚拟现实的实验环境中实现了机器人以给定步行模式的行走。取得的主要科研成果有:第一:基于平面倒立摆线性模型的双足步行机器人步行运动模式生成。本文对双足步行机器人的动力学模型进行了简化,采用平面倒立摆的线性化模型作为双足步行机器人步行模式生成的简化模型。设计了基于倒立摆线性化模型步行模式生成算法,对双足步行机器人前向行走,侧向行走与拐弯行走的腰部重心位置轨迹与速度轨迹进行了规划。对于双足步行具有双脚作支撑期的特点,本文采用了七次多项式插值,分两阶段对具有双脚支撑期的步行运动的腰部运动轨迹进行规划,实现了期望的运动模式。第二:基于小脑模型控制器的双足步行机器人逆运动学控制系统。本文针对双足步行机器人腿部逆模型求解问题,提出一种基于小脑模型连接控制网络CMAC(Cerebellar MODEL Articulation Controller)的机器人逆运动学控制方法。机器人腿部正运动学模型采用Denavit-Hartenberg方法进行建模,在建立双足步行机器人正运动学模型基础上,设计了基于CMAC的控制系统。系统采用两个CMAC直接控制机器人的腿部运动。两个CMAC逆模型控制器分别逼近步行机器人支撑腿与摆动腿的逆模型,实现了对腰部运动轨迹的跟踪控制。第三:基于虚拟现实环境的双足步行机器人行走控制实验。

    标签: 双足步行机器人系统 运动控制

    上传时间: 2022-06-19


  • 如何向LTspice正确导入Spice模型

    如何正确导入Spice模型方法一、将模型文件粘在当前的图纸上,方法见图:步骤1:复制模型文件(米源于OrCAD PSpice MODEL)步骤2:将复制的文件复制到下图所示位置步骤3:点击上面框图中的OK,将文件粘贴在纸面上,然后从文件中拖一个三极管出来,将名字改成一样即可。方法二、如有*.1ib的库文件,比如PSPICE的日本晶体管库jbipolar.lib,将该文件考到LTC LTspicelV\lib\sub目录中。然后按图操作:方法三:将模型文件直接粘贴到LTCYLTspiceIV\ib\cmp中的相应文件中。如要将PSPICE的diode.lib的模型全导入到cmp中的standard.dio中。先用记事本打开diode.1ib,全选,复制。而后用记事本打开standard,dio,在其适当的位置粘贴,关闭。发现二极管库里多了很多元件(见下图)。三极管同理。

    标签: ltspice spice

    上传时间: 2022-06-22


  • 基于LTspice的反激式变换器设计与仿真

    进年来,脉冲功率装置的使用愈来愈广泛。由于高功率脉冲电变换器源能够为脉冲功率装置的负载提供能量,是构成脉冲功率装置的主体。本文采用LT3751为核心,采用电容、电感储能、并通过电力电子器件配合脉冲变压器设计了反激式功率变换器电路,并通过基于LTspice进行电路瞬态分析,以得到最佳的电路模型。LTspice IV是一款高性能Spice Il仿真器、电路图捕获和波形观测器,并为简化开关稳压器的仿真提供了改进和模型。凌力尔特(LINEAR)对Spice所做的改进使得开关稳压器的仿真速度极快,较之标准的Spice仿真器有了大幅度的提高,并且LTspice IV带有80%的凌力尔特开关稳压器的Spice和Macro MODEL(宏模型),200多种运算放大器模型以及电阻器、晶体管和MOSFET模型,使得我们在进行电路设计仿真,特别是开关电路的设计与仿真时更加轻松。

    标签: ltspice 反激式变换器

    上传时间: 2022-06-22


  • 如何在matlab中使用NXPMCU的工具箱和数学函数库以及其他调试工具

    ·Overview:20 minutes-Introduction and Objectives-Motor Control Development Toolbox:Library blocks,FreeMASTER, and Bootloader·Hands-On Demo:50 minutes-Motor Kit(Describe Freescale 3-Phase Motor Kit)-Convert simple MODEL to run on Motor Kit with MCD Toolbox and use FreeMASTER·MODEL Based Design:10 minutes-MODEL Based Design Steps:Simulation,SIL,PIL and ISO 26262-SIL/PIL Hands-On Demo Step 2& 3 of MBD·Motor Control:20 minutes-FOC Sensor-less control and how to use it to turn a motor·Motor Control Hands-On Demo:80 minutes-Implement FOC Sensor-less Motor Control on Motor Kit-Run software from the MODEL and use FreeMASTER to monitor·Summary and Q&A:10 minutes

    标签: matlab 数学函数库

    上传时间: 2022-06-24


  • 如何使用Cir文件进行PSPice仿真

    如何使Cir文件进行PSPice仿真当Orcad仿真库中找不到某些器件的时候,我们可以从这些器件的厂家网站上下载“.cir”格式的Spice MODEL,下面介绍一下如何使用这些“.cir”文件进行仿真。以AD620.cir为例:1.下载Cir文件:从AD的网站上下载AD的cir格式文件,内容如下:由PSPice Library 文件生成Capture Lib文件(.olb)File->Export to capture part library…本案例中源文件为:CAOrCADIOrCAD_10.5New_Lib_Files\AD620XAD620.Lib本案例中目标文件为:C:\OrCAD\OrCAD_10.5\tools\capturelibrary\pspice\New_MODELs\AD620.olb在完成本操作后,就可以在Capture中使用AD620的库绘制需要仿真的原理图了。

    标签: cir文件 pspice

    上传时间: 2022-07-03
