灰色预测模型称为CM模型,G为grey的第一个字母,M为MODEL的第一个字母。GM(1,1)表示一阶的,一个变量的微分方程型预测模型。GM(1,1)是一阶单序列的线性动态模型,主要用于时间序列预测。 一、GM(1,1)建模 设有数列 共有 个观察值 对 作累加生成,得到新的数列 灰色理论与模型及在车辆拥有量预测中的应用 灰色神经网络交通事故预测比较 灰色系统(第三版)
上传时间: 2013-12-22
This function calculates the ergodic and outage capacity of a MIMO Rayleigh channel considering no CSIT (equal power allocation) and perfect CSIT (waterfilling power allocation). In both cases perfect CSIR is assumed. The channel is assumed to be spatially correlated according to a Kronecker MODEL but temporally uncorrelated.
标签: considering calculates Rayleigh function
上传时间: 2014-12-02
Libsvm is a simple, easy-to-use, and efficient software for SVM classification and regression. It solves C-SVM classification, nu-SVM classification, one-class-SVM, epsilon-SVM regression, and nu-SVM regression. It also provides an automatic MODEL selection tool for C-SVM classification. This document explains the use of libsvm.
标签: classification easy-to-use regression and
上传时间: 2017-06-24
This functions computes SARMA or multiplicative (p,q) x (P,Q) MODELs for (p,q,P,Q) in (pvec x qvec x Pvec x Qvec) it returns the best according to AIC where AIC has been modified to account for fixed parameters x = input data pvec = vector of p s set pvec=[0] for no AR qvec = vector of q s set qvec=0[] for no MA Pvec = vector of P s Qvec = vector of Q s T period for multiplicative MODEL
标签: multiplicative functions computes MODELs
上传时间: 2017-06-30
PSO’s precursor was a simulator of social behavior, that was used to visualize the movement of a birds’ flock. Several versions of the simulation MODEL were developed, incorporating concepts such as nearest-neighbor velocity matching and acceleration by distance
标签: precursor was simulator visualize
上传时间: 2013-12-16
These mobility generator tools are used to generate a rich set of mobility scenarios used to evaluate the protocol performance in Mobile Ad Hoc Network. The tools include the Reference Point Group Mobility(RPGM) MODEL, Freeway Mobility MODEL and Manhattan Mobility MODEL.
标签: mobility used generator scenarios
上传时间: 2017-07-05
Chip type : ATmega16L Program type : Application Clock frequency : 4.000000 MHz Memory MODEL : Small External SRAM size : 0 Data Stack size : 256
标签: type Application frequency 4.000000
上传时间: 2014-01-08
Lattice Boltzmann LBE模型在二维多孔介质流体渗流中的应用,基于geometry: D2Q9, MODEL: BGK
上传时间: 2014-09-09
JavaServer Faces (JSF) is the “offcial” component-based view technology in the Java EE web tier. JSF includes a set of predefned UI components, an event-driven programming MODEL, and the ability to add third-party components. JSF is designed to be extensible, easy to use, and toolable. This refcard describes the JSF development process, standard JSF tags, the JSF expression language, and the faces-confg.xml confguration fle.
标签: component-based JavaServer technology the
上传时间: 2014-01-12
Bayes networks. From theory to application. E book document for advanced bayes theory and statistical MODEL
标签: theory application statistica networks
上传时间: 2013-12-20