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  • Channel+Coding+in+Communication+Networks

    The very title of this book is borrowed from the information theory vocabulary, and, quite naturally, it is an outline of this theory that will serve as an introduction. The subject of information theory is the scientific study of communications. To this end it defines a quantitative MEASUREMENT of the communicated content, i.e. informa- tion, and deals with two operations essential for communication techniques: source coding and channel encoding.

    标签: Communication Networks Channel Coding in

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Cognitive+Networked+Sensing+and+Big+Data

    The idea of writing this book entitled “Cognitive Networked Sensing and Big Data” started with the plan to write a briefing book on wireless distributed computing and cognitive sensing. During our research on large-scale cognitive radio network (and its experimental testbed), we realized that big data played a central role. As a result, the book project reflects this paradigm shift. In the context, sensing roughly is equivalent to “MEASUREMENT.”

    标签: Cognitive Networked Sensing Data Big and

    上传时间: 2020-05-26


  • Radio Propagation MEASUREMENT

    Radio propagation MEASUREMENTs and channel modelling continue to be of fundamental importance to radio system design. As new technology enables dynamic spectrum access and higher data rates, radio propagation effects such as shadowing, the presence of multipath and frequency dispersion are the limiting factors in the design of wireless communication systems. While there are several books covering the topic of radio propagation in various frequency bands, there appears to be no books on radio propagation MEASUREMENTs, which this book addresses at length. 

    标签: Propagation MEASUREMENT Radio

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Radio_Frequency_Interference_Pocket_Guide

    Thanks for purchasing the RFI Pocket Guide. The purpose of this guide to help you identify, locate and resolve radio frequency interference (RFI). It includes some basic theory and MEASUREMENT techniques and there are a number of handy references, tables, and equations that you may find useful. The focus is to assist both amateur radio operators, as well as commercial broadcast and communications engineers, in resolving a variety of common interference issues.

    标签: Radio_Frequency_Interference_Pock et_Guide

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • UMTS+Performance+MEASUREMENT+A+Practical+Guide

    Having dealt with in-depth analysis of SS#7, GSM and GPRS networks I started to monitor UTRAN interfaces approximately four years ago. Monitoring interfaces means decoding the data captured on the links and analysing how the different data segments and messages are related to each other. In general I wanted to trace all messages belonging to a single call to prove if the network elements and protocol entities involved worked fine or if there had been failures or if any kind of suspicious events had influenced the normal call proceeding or the call’s quality of service. Cases showing normal network behaviour have been documented in Kreher and Ruedebusch (UMTS Signaling. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2005), which provides examples for technical experts investigating call flows and network procedures.

    标签: Performance MEASUREMENT Practical Guide UMTS

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Innovative Testing and MEASUREMENT Solutions

    A revolution in power industries, including generation, transmission and distribution, driven by environmental and economic considerations, is taking place all over the world. The smart grid allows for integration of diverse generation and storage options, reduced losses, improved efficiencies, increased grid flexibility, reduced power outages, allowing for competitive electricity pricing and integration of electric vehicles and overall becoming more responsive to market, consumer and societal needs. It is bringing profound changes to both power systems and many related industries.

    标签: MEASUREMENT Innovative Solutions Testing and

    上传时间: 2020-06-07


  • Multisim官方示例Multisim仿真例程基础电路范例135例合集

    Multisim官方示例Multisim仿真例程基础电路范例135例合集:Chapter 1 - RLC CircuitsChapter 2 - DiodesChapter 3 - TransistorsChapter 4 - AmplifiersChapter 5 - OpampsChapter 6 - FiltersChapter 7 - Miscellaneous CircuitsFundamental Circuits.pdf004 Parallel DC Circuits.ms10005 Series-Parrallel DC Circuit.ms10006 Current Analysis.ms10007 Millmans Theorem 1.ms10008 Millmans Theorem 2.ms10009 Kirchhoff's Current Law.ms10010 Thevenin's Theorem.ms10011 Superposition Principle.ms10012 Nortons Theorem and Source Conversion.ms10013 AC Voltage MEASUREMENT.ms10014 Frequency Response of the Series RL Network.ms10015 RL High and Low Pass Filter.ms10016 Frequency Response of the Series RC Network.ms10017 RC High and Low Pass Filter.ms10019 Center-Tapped Full-Wave Rectifier.ms10020 Bridge Rectifier.ms10021 Capacitor-Input Rectifier Filter.ms10022 Diode Clipper (Limiter).ms10023 Diode Clipper.ms10024 Diode Clamper (DC Restorer).ms10025 Diode Voltage Doubler.ms10026 Zener Diode and Voltage Regulation 1.ms10027 Zener Diode and Voltage Regulation 2.ms10028 Zener Diode and Voltage Regulation 3.ms10105 TTL Inverter.ms10107 TTL Gate.ms10109 OR Gate Circuit.ms10111 Over-Damp Circuit.ms10113 Critical-Damp Circuit.ms10115 Series RLC Circuit 1.ms10117 Clapp Oscillator.ms10119 Differential Amplifier 1.ms10121 Differential Amplifier in Common Mode.ms10123 LC Oscillator with Unity Gain Buffer.ms10125 Notch Filter.ms10127 PNP Differential Pair.ms10129 Crossover Network.ms10131 Second-Order High-Pass Chebyshev Filter.ms10133 Third-Order High-Pass Chebyshev Filter.ms10135 Fifth-Order High-Pass Filter.ms10

    标签: multisim

    上传时间: 2021-10-27


  • ADS1118模块资料热电偶测量文档资料硬件参考设计及MSP430软JDEMO代码: 430BOOS

    ADS1118模块资料热电偶测量文档资料硬件参考设计及MSP430软JDEMO代码:430BOOST-ADS1118 Booster Pack.pdfADS1118-english.pdfads1118.pdfCJMCU-1118资料IMP NOTICE for REF DESIGNS.pdfMSP430-ADS1118PCBPrecision Thermocouple MEASUREMENT with the ADS1118.pdfSCH and BOMTemperature Sensing.pdf使用ADS1118进行精密热电偶测量.pdf模数转换术语词汇表.pdf高速数据转换.pdf

    标签: ads1118 热电偶 测量 硬件

    上传时间: 2021-11-03


  • TwinCAT 3 入门教程 Version 4.13

    TwinCAT 3  入门教程Version 4.13毕孚自动化设备贸易(上海)有限公司2020 年 10 月前言TwinCAT3 是基于 PC 的控制软件并且它开启了一个新的时代,是倍福公司历史上又一个里程碑。特别是在高效的工程领域中 TwinCAT3 将模块化思想以及其灵活的软件架构,融入到整个平台。几乎每一种控制应用程序都能在 TwinCAT3 中实现。从印刷设备、木工设备、塑料机械或门窗设备、风力发电机和实验台,亦或是楼宇,诸如剧院,以及运动场,一切都可以通过 TwinCAT3 实现自动化。用户可以选择不同的编程语言来实现这些应用。除了经典的 PLC 编程语言的IEC 61131-3,用户现在也可以用高级语言 C 或 C++,以及 MATLAB®/ Simulink®。整合了运动功能从而简化了工程项目,以及全新的安全应用编辑更加人性化。这些以及更多的特性都证明了为什么 TwinCAT3 也名为扩展的自动化。本书针对任何想要学习倍福 TwinCAT3 软件如何实现基于 PC 控制编程的读者,阅读本书需要预先具备 IEC61131-3,C/C++或 MATLAB®/ Simulink®中至少一种编程语言的知识。本书内容的架构安排如下:第一章介绍 TwinCAT3 软件架构,如何选择合适的 Visual Studio,以及如何安装帮助系统。第二章介绍了 TwinCAT3 试用版授权以及完整版授权激活方式,同时介绍了两种全新硬件授权设备的介绍和使用。第三章介绍了 TwinCAT3 中如何扫描硬件,以及虚拟层和物理层直接的连接如何实现。第四章围绕 IEC61131-3 的概念展开了说明,讲述了 IEC61131-3 标准的核心概念,语法以及 IEC61131-3 新标准扩充的部分。第五章介绍如何创建一个 TwinCAT3 项目,并且选择 ST(结构文本)语言进行简单编程,调用功能块,在线检测与调试的过程。第六章介绍如何选择 PLC 中自带的 HMI 功能编辑一个完整的界面,并且实现全屏显示,用户管理,网页浏览等功能。第七章全面介绍 TwinCAT3 中 MEASUREMENT 功能的使用,包括如何创建一个

    标签: twincat

    上传时间: 2021-12-17


  • 高通(Qualcomm)蓝牙芯片QCC5151_硬件设计详细指导书(官方内部培训手册)

    高通(Qualcomm)蓝牙芯片QCC5151_硬件设计详细指导书(官方内部培训手册)共52页其内容是针对硬件设计、部分重要元器件选择(ESD,Filter)及走线注意事项的详细说明。2 Power management 2.1 SMPS 2.1.1 Components specification 2.1.2 Input power supply selection 2.1.3 Minimize SMPS EMI emissions 2.1.4 Internal LDOs and digital core decoupling 2.1.5 Powering external components 2.2 Charger 2.2.1 Charger connections.2.2.2 General charger operation2.2.3 Temperature MEASUREMENT during charging 2.3 SYS_CTRL 3 Bluetooth radio3.1 RF PSU component choice 3.2 RF band-pass filter3.3 Layout (天线 走线的注意事项)4 Audio4.1 Audio bypass capacitors 4.2 Earphone speaker output4.3 Line/Mic input 4.4 Headphone output optimizition5 LED pads 5.1 LED driver 5.2 Digital/Button input 5.3 Analog input5.4 Disabled 6 Reset pin (Reset#)7 QSPIinterface 8 USB interfaces 8.1 USB device port8.1.1 USB connections8.1.2 Layout notes8.1.3 USB charger detection

    标签: qualcomm 蓝牙芯片 qcc5151

    上传时间: 2022-01-24
