利用OPENMP实现矩阵相乘的C程序。Demonstrates a MATrix multiply using OpenMP.
标签: Demonstrates multiply OPENMP MATrix
上传时间: 2014-01-02
This function obtains a unitary MATrix Q such that: d=diag(Q *diag(lmd)*Q). In other words, it gives a way to generate a MATrix with given eigenvalues and diagonal elements. By Daniel Perez Palomar (last revision: May 10, 2004). Feel free to distribute this file as it is (without including any modifications).
标签: diag function obtains unitary
上传时间: 2013-12-19
1) Write a function reverse(A) which takes a MATrix A of arbitrary dimensions as input and returns a MATrix B consisting of the columns of A in reverse order. Thus for example, if A = 1 2 3 then B = 3 2 1 4 5 6 6 5 4 7 8 9 9 8 7 Write a main program to call reverse(A) for the MATrix A = magic(5). Print to the screen both A and reverse(A). 2) Write a program which accepts an input k from the keyboard, and which prints out the smallest fibonacci number that is at least as large as k. The program should also print out its position in the fibonacci sequence. Here is a sample of input and output: Enter k>0: 100 144 is the smallest fibonacci number greater than or equal to 100. It is the 12th fibonacci number.
标签: dimensions arbitrary function reverse
上传时间: 2016-04-16
runs Kalman-Bucy filter over observations MATrix Z for 1-step prediction onto MATrix X (X can = Z) with model order p V = initial covariance of observation sequence noise returns model parameter estimation sequence A, sequence of predicted outcomes y_pred and error MATrix Ey (reshaped) for y and Ea for a along with inovation prob P = P(y_t | D_t-1) = evidence
标签: MATrix observations Kalman-Bucy prediction
上传时间: 2016-04-28
MATrix ssl代码,包括客户端和服务器端源程序,可以在vc.net2003上编译
上传时间: 2014-01-01
MATrix Transposition and Multiplication It is a MIPS assembly program that does the following: given two matrices, M1 and M2, first transpose M2 to obtain M2tran. Then multiply M1 and M2tran.
标签: Multiplication Transposition following assembly
上传时间: 2016-05-03
贪吃蛇*要点分析: *1)数据结构:MATrix[][]用来存储地图上面的信息,如果什么也没有设置为false, * 如果有食物或蛇,设置为true;nodeArray,一个LinkedList,用来保存蛇的每 * 一节;food用来保存食物的位置;而Node类是保存每个位置的信息。 *2)重要函数: * changeDirection(int newDirection) ,用来改变蛇前进的方向,而且只是 * 保存头部的前进方向,因为其他的前进方向已经用位置来指明了。 其中newDirection * 必须和原来的direction不是相反方向,所以相反方向的值用了同样的奇偶性。在测试 * 的时候使用了direction%2!=newDirection%2 进行判断。 * moveOn(),用来更新蛇的位置,对于当前方向,把头部位置进行相应改变。如果越界, * 结束;否则,检测是否遇到食物(加头部)或身体(结束);如果什么都没有,加上头部, * 去掉尾部。由于用了LinkedList数据结构,省去了相当多的麻烦。
上传时间: 2014-06-14
Matlab code for the solution to Riccati MATrix difference equations associated with the Kalman filter
标签: associated difference equations the
上传时间: 2014-06-12
美国标准化组织和马里兰大学共同开发.实现java MATrix包. JAMA由六个java类组成:MATrix, CholeskyDecomposition , LUDecomposition QRDecomposition SingularValueDecomposition EigenvalueDecomposition . 它提供了广泛的构造函数,丰富的get,set访问子MATrix和元素MATrix. 基本的矩阵操作有:矩阵的加,乘,矩阵范数.和提供了方便的打印矩阵的方法. 提供了五个基本的矩阵分离类.可以通过MATrix类调用它们来进行线性计算,翻转和其它矩阵方法.
标签: CholeskyDecomposition java LUDecomposition MATrix
上传时间: 2014-01-16
matlab的在离散方式的图像缩放MATLAB 的名称源自 MATrix Laboratory ,由美国MathWorks公司推出。它是一种科学计算软件,专门以矩阵的形式处理数据。 MATLAB 将高性能的数值计算和可视化集成在一起,构成了一个方便的、界面友好的用户环境,并提供了大量的内置函数。
标签: Laboratory matlab MATLAB MATrix
上传时间: 2013-12-30