C++ Gotchas is the professional programmer s guide to avoiding and correcting ninety-nine of the most common, destructive, and interesting C++ design and programming errors. It also serves as an inside Look at the more subtle C++ features and programming techniques.
标签: professional ninety-nine correcting programmer
上传时间: 2014-03-11
一个PL/O编译器,内含可执行程序,大家有用下载着看吧A PL /O compiler,Containing executable. it may be useful to download Look here!C-C
上传时间: 2015-11-06
大厦游览图,通过命令行来实现 System.out.println("where 显示当前在什么地方") System.out.println("list 列出当前位置的物品") System.out.println("list allspots 列出大厦内所有地点") System.out.println("list spots 列出当前位置附近的地点") System.out.println("list goods 列出当前位置的物品") System.out.println("goto someplace 到另一个地点") System.out.println("Look somegoods 查询某个物品是否在当前地点") System.out.println("help 命令行帮助") System.out.println("exit 退出命令行")
上传时间: 2015-12-08
The Style Guide provides you with the style specifications required to write custom reports that have a similar Look to standard Microsoft CRM reports.
标签: specifications provides required reports
上传时间: 2013-12-22
SQL Server Security Distilled, Second Edition by Morris Lewis ISBN:1590592190 Apress © 2004 (352 pages) This book takes an in-depth Look at what you can do to secure data in SQL Server, shows how to authenticate access to data on the server, and authorizes what users can and can t do with that data, in versions 6.5, 7.0, and 2000.
标签: 1590592190 Distilled Security Edition
上传时间: 2015-12-25
Some Aspects of Chess Programming,老外写的关于棋类人工智能程序设计的书。 1.overall Look on chess programming 2.typical structure of a chess program 3.implementation of my own chess program 4.experiments
标签: Programming Aspects Chess Some
上传时间: 2016-01-22
图像处理,利用bilt 函数 Description: This example shows how to edit (cut,paste,copy) a selection of a bitmap using BitBlt function just like Microsoft Photo Editor does. It s really EASY! Take a Look to the sample if you don t believe me and don t forget to VOTE FOR ME! Note: comments are in italian...i hadn t enough time to translate them all. Sorry..(VOTE!)
标签: 图像处理
上传时间: 2013-12-18
这是linux下的进化计算的源代码。 === === === === === === === === === === === ===== check latest news at http://eodev.sourceforge.net/ ======================================================================= Welcome to EO, the Evolving Objects library. The latest news about EO can be found on the sourceforge repository at http://eodev.sourceforge.net/ In case of any problem, please e-mail us at eodev-help@lists.sourceforge.net, eodev@egroups.com To get started, take a Look at the tutorial, starting with ./tutorial/html/eoTutorial.html The easiest way to start programming a new genome with all EO evolution engines handy is to create a new standalone EO project from the tutorial/Templates/ directory. Read Lesson 5 of the tutorial for an introduction )
上传时间: 2013-12-23
Jpeg2000编解码器,附VC、Delphi等常用编程语言的使用例程 J2K-Codec ver 1.9 === === === === === === === === ===== Make your graphics Look better with an easy-to-use JPEG 2000 decoding component. J2K-Codec can help game developers, screensaver creators and many others to improve their products--to achieve better image quality and reduce installation package size. The new image compression standard based on wavelet technology has many interesting features not available in the old JPEG, such as alpha-channel and varied resolution levels.
上传时间: 2013-12-27
是用java写的聊天室代码和文档,应该还不错,大家看看吧-is written in java chat room code and documentation, but should also be good, we Look at it
上传时间: 2016-02-25