Motoko it s a 2D library to handle the graphical user interface of the game. It supports the basic controls of the windows GUI Look like: PictureBox, TextBox, ListBox, LabelBox, ControlListBox, ComboBox, Button, CheckButton, Dialog, Panel, HScrollBar and VScrollBar. It uses the library CRM32Pro, so the CRM32Pro devkit will be needed to develop any application with Motoko, and it s contained in the Motoko devkit. The Motoko library is under the LGPL license, so read first the license if you want to make any change to the library.
标签: the graphical interface supports
上传时间: 2013-12-20
C++ Gotchas is the professional programmer s guide to avoiding and correcting ninety-nine of the most common, destructive, and interesting C++ design and programming errors. It also serves as an inside Look at the more subtle C++ features and programming techniques
标签: professional ninety-nine correcting programmer
上传时间: 2016-03-29
I built the Superlist control whilst developing an RSS reader called FeedGhost. Although there are plenty of commercial grouped list controls available I wanted to have total control over the code and of course its usability. Superlist supports drag drop column customisation, grouping as well as handling thousands of entries smoothly. It s also highly customisable if you want to change its Look and feel. In this article I ll explain how to use and extend the control in a demo project. If you download the source, you can find demo project under the Tests/SuperListTest directory.
标签: developing Superlist FeedGhost Although
上传时间: 2016-04-15
This project shows how to use the IOKit notification mechanism to register to be notified when devices come and go. It uses the Cypress/Anchor EZ-USB chip. (Look at the following example for another way to get notified when a device is unplugged).
标签: notification mechanism notified register
上传时间: 2013-12-01
C/C++ Reference There are no "Introduction to Programming" tutorials here. This site is meant to be used by more-or-less experienced C++ programmers, who have a good idea of what they want to do and simply need to Look up the syntax. If you re interested in learning C/C++, try one of these sites: How C Programming Works C Programming C++ Language Tutorial
标签: Introduction Programming Reference tutorials
上传时间: 2014-07-26
his an ecapsulation of the ICS - Internet Component Suite. ICS can be found at : Please take the time to Look at the code and learn something. If you re a Dephi Pro, you can probably give me some tips as I am still new to Delphi programming.
标签: ecapsulation ICS Component Internet
上传时间: 2013-12-22
Written for embedded systems programmers and engineers, as well as networking professionals, this in-depth guide provides an inside Look at the entire process of implementing and using the Linux TCP/IP stack in embedded systems projects.
标签: professionals programmers networking engineers
上传时间: 2016-10-24
Whenever there is an application to write, breaking it up to small pieces is a great idea. The smallest piece of any application would probably be a data object, or a simple Bean in Java. Java Beans are simple Java classes that have a distinctive Look and behavior. Their simplest purpose is to contain data and they accomplish this by having properties. Each property is actually a data-member containing/referencing the actual data and a couple of methods, a getter method and a setter method. Thus, the simplest data-bean describing a person could be expressed as such:
标签: small application Whenever breaking
上传时间: 2016-11-07
BlackBerry Hacks will enhance your mobile computing with great tips and tricks. You ll learn that the BlackBerry is capable of things you never thought possible, and you ll learn how to make it an even better email and web workhorse: Get the most out of the built-in applications Take control of email with filters, searches, and more Rev up your mobile gaming--whether you re an arcade addict or poker pro Browse the web, chat over IM, and keep up with news and weblogs Work with office documents, spell check your messages, and send faxes Become more secure, lock down your BlackBerry and stash secure information somewhere safe Manage and monitor the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) and Mobile Data System (MDS) Create web sites that Look great on a BlackBerry Develop and deploy BlackBerry applications
标签: BlackBerry computing enhance mobile
上传时间: 2016-12-07
上传时间: 2017-01-02