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  • PCI2.2规范

    PCI2.2规范,PCI Local Bus Specification Revision 2.2 December 18, 1998

    标签: PCI2.2规范

    上传时间: 2019-11-05


  • S盒线性逼近表

    (S盒的线性逼近表)  设m,n∈N,从F2m INsα,β={x∈F2m:α∙x=β∙S(x)}, Nsα,β=⋕INsα,β。

    标签: 线性逼近表

    上传时间: 2020-03-13


  • VK1621B/1056B/1072/1088 体温枪/额温枪/测温枪/耳温枪显示驱动

    产品型号:VK1621B(兼容替代HT1621B) 产品品牌:VINTEK/元泰      封装形式:LQFP48 LQFP44 SSOP48 DIP28 产品年份:新年份 联 系 人:许先生 联 系 QQ:191 888 5898 联系手机:188 9858 2398 工程服务,技术服务支持,价格具有优势!   VK1621B 是128模式(32x4),内存映射和多功能液晶驱动程序。S / W的VK1621配置特性使得它适合于多种LCD应用包括液晶显示模块和显示子系统。只用三或四线的主机控制器连接VK1621之间的接口要求。VK1621包含一个电源关闭命令来降低功耗。 VK1621产品特征: ★ 工作电压:2.4V ~ 5.2V ★ 内置RC振荡器 ★ 外部的32.768kHz晶体或唤频率源的输入 ★ 1 / 2或1 / 3 偏压选择,和1 / 2或1 / 3或1 / 4液晶显示应用程序的选择 ★ 内部时间基准频率源 ★ 两个可选蜂鸣器的频率(2/3) ★ 关机命令降低功耗 ★ 内置的时基发生器和看门狗 ★ 时基或WDT溢出输出 ★ 8种时基/定时器的时钟源 ★ 32x4 LCD驱动器 ★ 内置32x4位显示RAM ★ 三线串行接口 ★ 内部LCD驱动频率源 ★ 软件配置特征 ★ 数据模式和命令模式指令的R / W地址自动递增 ★ 三种数据访问模式 ★ 提供 VLCD引脚来调整 LCD 工作电压 ★ 此篇产品叙述为功能简介,如需要完整产品PDF资料可以联系许先生索取!  市场部 许硕 深圳市永嘉微电科技有限公司 网址:www.szvinka.com 地址:  广东省深圳市宝安区西乡大道正泰来商务大厦3A层  深圳市永嘉微电科技有限公司 邮编: 518101 电话: 0755-83251722 传真: 0755-27912655 手机: 188 9858 2398 Q  Q:191 888 5898 邮箱:zes1688@163.com 生意无论大小,做人首重诚信!本公司全体员工将既往开来,再接再厉。争取为各位带来更专业的技术支持,更优质的销售服务,更高性价比的好产品.竭诚希望能与各位客户朋友深入合作,携手共进,共创双赢!谢谢。

    标签: 1621 1056 1072 1088 VK 额温枪 测温 显示驱动 耳温枪

    上传时间: 2020-03-25


  • Distributed+Quality-of-Service+Support

    This thesis is about wireless communication in shared radio spectrum. Its origin and motivation is ideally represented by the two quotations from above. In this thesis, the support of Quality-of-Service (QoS) in cognitive radio networks is analyzed. New approaches to distributed coordination of cognitive radios are developed in different spectrum sharing scenarios. The Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) 802.11 proto- col of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (IEEE, 2003) with its enhancement for QoS support (IEEE, 2005d) is taken as basis. The Medium Access Control (MAC) of 801.11(e) is modified to realize flexible and dynamic spectrum assignment within a liberalized regulation framework.

    标签: Quality-of-Service Distributed Support

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Essentials+of+Wireless+Mesh+Networking

    Wirelessmeshnetworkingisahotandgrowingtopic,stillinitsinfancyin some ways, whilst already shown to be capable in others. From a military beginning, mesh networks moved to civilian use and are now being deployed worldwide as both Local area networks (LANs) and metro- politan area networks (MANs). However, these deployments are still ‘leading edge’ and it is not yet clear what the most enduring applications of mesh will be – particularly as the market moves from early adopters towards widespread take up.

    标签: Essentials Networking Wireless Mesh of

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Fundamentals+of+Digital+Communication

    The field of digital communication has evolved rapidly in the past few decades, with commercial applications proliferating in wireline communi- cation networks (e.g., digital subscriber loop, cable, fiber optics), wireless communication (e.g., cell phones and wireless Local area networks), and stor- age media (e.g., compact discs, hard drives). The typical undergraduate and graduate student is drawn to the field because of these applications, but is often intimidated by the mathematical background necessary to understand communication theory. 

    标签: Communication Fundamentals Digital of

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Multi-hop+Mesh+Networks

    Notwithstanding its infancy, wireless mesh networking (WMN) is a hot and growing field. Wireless mesh networks began in the military, but have since become of great interest for commercial use in the last decade, both in Local area networks and metropolitan area networks. The attractiveness of mesh networks comes from their ability to interconnect either mobile or fixed devices with radio interfaces, to share information dynamically, or simply to extend range through multi-hopping. 

    标签: Multi-hop Networks Mesh

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Multi-Standard+CMOS+Wireless+Receivers

    Wireless communication is witnessing  tremendous growth with great proliferation of different standards covering wide ,Local and personal area networks

    标签: Multi-Standard Receivers Wireless CMOS

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • System+Design+for+Telecommunication+Gateways

    The idea for this book was born during one of my project-related trips to the beautiful city of Hangzhou in China, where in the role of Chief Architect I had to guide a team of very young, very smart and extremely dedicated software developers and verification engineers. Soon it became clear that as eager as the team was to jump into the coding, it did not have any experience in system architecture and design and if I did not want to spend all my time in constant travel between San Francisco and Hangzhou, the only option was to groom a number of Local junior architects. Logically, one of the first questions being asked by these carefully selected future architects was whether I could recommend a book or other learning material that could speed up the learning cycle. I could not. Of course, there were many books on various related topics, but many of them were too old and most of the updated information was either somewhere on the Internet dispersed between many sites and online magazines, or buried in my brain along with many years of experience of system architecture.

    标签: Telecommunication Gateways System Design for

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • Theory+and+Applications+of+OFDM+and+CDMA

    Wireless communication has become increasingly important not only for professional appli- cations but also for many fields in our daily routine and in consumer electronics. In 1990, a mobile telephone was still quite expensive, whereas today most teenagers have one, and they use it not only for calls but also for data transmission. More and more computers use wireless Local area networks (WLANs), and audio and television broadcasting has become digital.

    标签: Applications and Theory OFDM CDMA of

    上传时间: 2020-06-01
