computes the square root of a 16 bit number in pic16c
上传时间: 2015-02-07
magic square 从各个角相加都是相等的
上传时间: 2014-01-14
This directory contains utility for implementing generic Reqursive Least Squares (RLS) algorithm. The example shows how one can use the utility to estamate the parameters of a simple linear discrete time system.
标签: implementing Reqursive directory algorithm
上传时间: 2014-01-06
This program encodes and decodes a character using the Vigenere Square method
标签: character Vigenere program encodes
上传时间: 2015-03-28
The Molgedey and Schuster decorrelation algorithm, having square mixing matrix and no noise . Truncation is used for the time shifted matrix, and it is forced to be symmetric . The delay Tau is estimated . The number of independent components are calculated using Bayes Information Criterion (BIC), with PCA for dimension reduction.
标签: decorrelation and algorithm Molgedey
上传时间: 2013-12-13
the minimun square elimination in curve fitting,introduction how to orgnize the data and has the program flow chat
标签: the introduction elimination minimun
上传时间: 2015-04-25
ARM下 Implement matrix multiplication of 2 square matrices, with data read from an input file and printed both to the console and to an output file. • Assume a file with correct data (no garbage, characters, etc.). • you must check and provide appropriate execution for 2 extra cases, namely when the matrix size given is either “0” , or when the size is greater than the maximum handled of “5” . In these 2 cases you must implement the following behaviour: o If size = 0, then print a message “Size = 0 is unacceptable” and continue by reading the next size for the next 2 matrices (if not end of file). o If size >5, then print two messages: “Size is too big - unacceptable”. Then read and discard the next (size2 ) integers and continue by reading the next size for the next 2 matrices (if not end of file).
标签: multiplication Implement matrices matrix
上传时间: 2014-08-30
最小平方近似法 (Least-squares approximation) 是用來求出一組離散 (discrete) 數據點的近似函數 (approximating function),作實驗所得的數據亦常使用最小平方近似法來達成曲線密合 (curve fitting)。以下所介紹的最小平方近似法是使用多項式作為近似函數,除了多項式之外,指數、對數方程式亦可作為近似函數。關於最小平方近似法的計算原理,請參閱市面上的數值分析書籍
标签: Least-squares approximation approximating discrete
上传时间: 2015-06-21
The Linux kernel is one of the most interesting yet least understood open-source projects. It is also a basis for developing new kernel code. That is why Sams is excited to bring you the latest Linux kernel development information from a Novell insider in the second edition of Linux Kernel Development. This authoritative, practical guide will help you better understand the Linux kernel through updated coverage of all the major subsystems, new features associated with Linux 2.6 kernel and insider information on not-yet-released developments. You ll be able to take an in-depth look at Linux kernel from both a theoretical and an applied perspective as you cover a wide range of topics, including algorithms, system call interface, paging strategies and kernel synchronization. Get the top information right from the source in Linux Kernel Development.
标签: interesting open-source understood projects
上传时间: 2015-06-30
square array cool stuff check it out
上传时间: 2014-12-20