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  • 华硕内部的PCB基本规范

    PCB Layout 基本規範項次 項目 備註1 一般PCB 過板方向定義:􀀹 PCB 在SMT 生產方向為短邊過迴焊爐(Reflow), PCB 長邊為SMT 輸送帶夾持邊.􀀹 PCB 在DIP 生產方向為I/O Port 朝前過波焊爐(Wave Solder), PCB 與I/O 垂直的兩邊為DIP 輸送帶夾持邊.1.1 金手指過板方向定義:􀀹 SMT: 金手指邊與SMT 輸送帶夾持邊垂直.􀀹 DIP: 金手指邊與DIP 輸送帶夾持邊一致.2 􀀹 SMD 零件文字框外緣距SMT 輸送帶夾持邊L1 需≧150 mil.􀀹 SMD 及DIP 零件文字框外緣距板邊L2 需≧100 mil.3 PCB I/O port 板邊的螺絲孔(精靈孔)PAD 至PCB 板邊, 不得有SMD 或DIP 零件(如右圖黃色區).PAD

    标签: PCB 华硕

    上传时间: 2014-12-24


  • PCB电源设计经典资料

    |Introduction􀂄􀂄 Basic Concept􀂄􀂄 Tips to Layout Power circuit􀂄􀂄 Type of Power circuit Basic Concept􀂄􀂄 Maximum Current calculation􀂄􀂄 Resistance of Copper􀂄􀂄 ideal power supply & noise􀂄􀂄 Capacitor & Inductor􀂄􀂄 Power consumption􀂄􀂄 Function of power circuit

    标签: PCB 电源设计

    上传时间: 2014-01-04


  • pci e PCB设计规范

    This document provides practical, common guidelines for incorporating PCI Express interconnect Layouts onto Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) ranging from 4-layer desktop baseboard designs to 10- layer or more server baseboard designs. Guidelines and constraints in this document are intended for use on both baseboard and add-in card PCB designs. This includes interconnects between PCI Express devices located on the same baseboard (chip-to-chip routing) and interconnects between a PCI Express device located “down” on the baseboard and a device located “up” on an add-in card attached through a connector. This document is intended to cover all major components of the physical interconnect including design guidelines for the PCB traces, vias and AC coupling capacitors, as well as add-in card edge-finger and connector considerations. The intent of the guidelines and examples is to help ensure that good high-speed signal design practices are used and that the timing/jitter and loss/attenuation budgets can also be met from end-to-end across the PCI Express interconnect. However, while general physical guidelines and suggestions are given, they may not necessarily guarantee adequate performance of the interconnect for all Layouts and implementations. Therefore, designers should consider modeling and simulation of the interconnect in order to ensure compliance to all applicable specifications. The document is composed of two main sections. The first section provides an overview of general topology and interconnect guidelines. The second section concentrates on physical Layout constraints where bulleted items at the beginning of a topic highlight important constraints, while the narrative that follows offers additional insight.  

    标签: pci PCB 设计规范

    上传时间: 2013-10-15


  • 高性能DCDC控制器

    We provide complete power solutions with a full lineup of power managementproducts. This brochure provides an overview of our high performance DC/DC switching regulatorcontrollers for applications including datacom, telecom, industrial, automotive, medical, avionicsand control systems. We make power design easier with our industry-leading field applicationengineering support; a broad selection of demonstration boards with schematics, Layout filesand parts lists; SwitcherCAD® software for simulation, application notes and comprehensivetechnical documentation.

    标签: DCDC 性能 控制器

    上传时间: 2013-10-15


  • DN385 10A高性能点的负载DC/DC微型模块

      Advancements in board assembly, PCB Layout anddigital IC integration have produced a new generationof densely populated, high performance systems. Theboard-mounted point-of-load (POL) DC/DC power suppliesin these systems are subject to the same demandingsize, high power and performance requirements asother subsystems. The rigorous new POL demands aredifficult to meet with traditional controller or regulatorICs, or power modules.

    标签: DC 385 10A DN

    上传时间: 2014-12-24


  • DN436微型全桥压电马达驱动器

      Piezoelectric motors are used in digital cameras for autofocus,zooming and optical image stabilization. Theyare relatively small, lightweight and effi cient, but theyalso require a complicated driving scheme. Traditionally,this challenge has been met with the use ofseparatecircuits, including a step-up converter and an oversizedgeneric full-bridge drive IC. The resulting high componentcount and large board space are especially problematicin the design of cameras for ever shrinking cell phones.The LT®3572 solves these problems by combining astep-up regulator and a dual full-bridge driver in a 4mm× 4mm QFN package. Figure 1 shows a typical LT3572Piezo motor drive circuit. A step-up converter is usedto generate 30V from a low voltage power source suchas a Li-Ion battery or any input power source within thepart’s wide input voltage range of 2.7V to 10V. The highoutput voltage of the step-up converter, adjustable upto 40V, is available for the drivers at the VOUT pin. Thedrivers operate in a full-bridge fashion, where the OUTAand OUTB pins are the same polarity as the PWMA andPWMB pins, respectively, and the OUTA and OUTB pinsare inverted from PWMA and PWMB, respectively. Thestep-up converter and both Piezo drivers have their ownshutdown control. Figure 2 shows a typical Layout

    标签: 436 DN 全桥 压电

    上传时间: 2013-11-18


  • LTC4099 USB电源管理和电池充电

      The LTC®4099 high effi ciency USB power manager andLi-Ion/Polymer battery charger seamlessly managespower distribution from multiple sources in portableapplications. It is differentiated from other USB powermanagers by its bidirectional I2C port that allows the hostmicroprocessor to control and monitor all aspects of theUSB power management and battery charging processes.In addition, a programmable interrupt generation functionalerts the host microprocessor to changes in device statusand provides unprecedented control of power managementfunctions. This high degree of confi gurability allowspost-Layout changes in operation, even changes in thefi eld, and it allows a single qualifi ed device to be usedin a variety of products, thus reducing design time andeasing inventory management.

    标签: 4099 LTC USB 电源管理

    上传时间: 2013-10-22


  • 零序电流互感器介绍


    标签: 零序电流互感器

    上传时间: 2014-12-24


  • 基于单片机的语音电子钟设计

      钟是现代人类日常生活必不可少的工具,语音时钟更是现在电子时钟多功能化发展的一个方向。语音电子钟具有突出的播报时间的功能,它被广泛用在生活中的各种场合。本设计就是从日常生活中常见的事物入手,通过对语音电子钟的设计,让我认识到单片机已经深入到我们生活的每个领域。 本文从语音电子钟的设计原理、设计方案入手,详细介绍了系统硬件设计、软件设计及调试。在语音电子钟的设计中,要处理好以下几个关键:D/A(数/模)转换,语音识别,人机接口,程序设计。D/A(数/模)和语音识别技术关系到时间的正确播报,人机接口是播报时间和调整时间的关键。利用凌阳SPCE061A单片机在语音识别和处理方面的优点,结合实践,设计出有特色的语音电子钟。

    标签: 单片机 语音 电子钟

    上传时间: 2013-10-30


  • 深入浅出MFC简体中文版

     MFC 六大技术之简化仿真(Console 程序) 第㆓篇【欲善工事先利其器】提供给对 Visual C++ 整合环境全然陌生的朋友㆒个导引。 这㆒篇当然不能取代 Visual C++ User's Guide 的㆞位,但对整个软件开发环境有全盘以 及概观性的介绍,可以让初学者迅速了解手㆖掌握的工具,以及它们的主要功能。 第㆔篇【浅出 MFC 程序设计】介绍㆒个 MFC 程序的生死因果。已经有 MFC 程序经 验的朋友,不见得不会对本篇感到惊艳。根据我的了解,太多㆟使用 MFC 是「只知道 这么做,不知道为什么」;本篇详细解释 MFC 程序之来龙去脉,为初入 MFC 领域的 读者奠定扎实的基础。说不定本篇会让你有醍醐灌顶之感。

    标签: MFC 简体中文

    上传时间: 2013-12-16
