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  • Study on LD Pumped Yb3+ -doped Double-clad Fiber Lasers数值分析对线形腔LD泵浦掺镱的双包层光纤激光器进行研究

    Study on LD Pumped Yb3+ -doped Double-clad Fiber Lasers数值分析对线形腔LD泵浦掺镱的双包层光纤激光器进行研究,分析了单端泵浦和双端泵浦的泵浦光及激光输出功率和增益在光纤中的分布,结果表明,非均匀泵浦比较适合高功率光纤激光器。

    标签: Double-clad Pumped Lasers Study

    上传时间: 2013-12-25


  • Study on LD Pumped Yb3+ -doped Double-clad Fiber Lasers数值分析对线形腔LD泵浦掺镱的双包层光纤激光器进行研究

    Study on LD Pumped Yb3+ -doped Double-clad Fiber Lasers数值分析对线形腔LD泵浦掺镱的双包层光纤激光器进行研究,分析了单端泵浦和双端泵浦的泵浦光及激光输出功率和增益在光纤中的分布,结果表明,非均匀泵浦比较适合高功率光纤激光器。

    标签: Double-clad Pumped Lasers Study

    上传时间: 2014-01-12


  • 光纤激光器的电流源分析

      A large group of fiber optic Lasers are powered by DCcurrent. Laser drive is supplied by a current source withmodulation added further along the signal path. Thecurrent source, although conceptually simple, constitutesan extraordinarily tricky design problem. There are anumber of practical requirements for a fiber optic currentsource and failure to consider them can cause laser and/or optical component destruction.

    标签: 光纤激光器 电流源

    上传时间: 2013-10-30


  • Light+Propagation+in+Gain+Media

    An optical fiber amplifier is a key component for enabling efficient transmission of wavelength-divisionmultiplexed(WDM)signalsoverlongdistances.Eventhough many alternative technologies were available, erbium-doped fiber amplifiers won theraceduringtheearly1990sandbecameastandardcomponentforlong-haulopti- caltelecommunicationssystems.However,owingtotherecentsuccessinproducing low-cost, high-power, semiconductor Lasers operating near 1450 nm, the Raman amplifiertechnologyhasalsogainedprominenceinthedeploymentofmodernlight- wavesystems.Moreover,becauseofthepushforintegratedoptoelectroniccircuits, semiconductor optical amplifiers, rare-earth-doped planar waveguide amplifiers, and silicon optical amplifiers are also gaining much interest these days.

    标签: Propagation Light Media Gain in

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Wavelength Division Multiplexing

    Wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) refers to a multiplexing and transmission scheme in optical telecommunications fibers where different wavelengths, typically emitted by several Lasers, are modulated independently (i.e., they carry independent information from the transmitters to the receivers). These wavelengths are then multiplexed in the transmitter by means of passive WDM filters, and likewise they are separated or demultiplexed in the receiver by means of the same filters or coherent detection that usually involves a tunable local oscillator (laser).

    标签: Multiplexing Wavelength Division

    上传时间: 2020-06-01


  • VCSELs and EELs

    InGaAs/AlGaAs semiconductor Lasers come in threetypes: VCSELs and two types of EELs. The VCSEL, asits name implies, emits vertically, normal to the planeof the device, owing to cavity mirrors grown withinthe epitaxial material itself. The VCSEL’s circular beamhas a numerical aperture (NA) of roughly 0.2, or a fullangle of approximately 25 degrees.

    标签: tof

    上传时间: 2022-02-12
