Magenta Systems Internet Packet Monitoring Components are a set of Delphi components designed to capture and monitor internet packets using either raw sockets or the WinPcap device driver. Hardware permitting, ethernet packets may be captured and interpreted, and statistics maintained about the traffic. Uses of packet monitoring include totalling internet traffic by IP address and service, monitoring external or internal IP addresses and services accessed, network diagnostics, and many other applications. The component includes two demonstration applications, one that displays raw packets, the other that totals internet traffic. The components include various filters to reduce the number of packets that need to be processed, by allowing specific IP addresses to be ignored, Lan mask to ignore local traffic, and ignore non-IP traffic such as ARP.
标签: Components Monitoring components Internet
上传时间: 2015-10-30
In this paper, we provide an overview of the security concerns introduced by wireless Lans, current approaches to wireless Lan security, their limitations, and the weaknesses of various “band aid” security solutions. We conclude by describing how the ReefEdge Connect System provides a comprehensive solution to wireless Lan security.
标签: introduced overview concerns security
上传时间: 2015-11-02
A1200 Telnet 在刷机+破解补丁后,手机支持Telnet。在安装MPKG,通过MPKG安装上Loader,可以下载USBLan驱动: 把下载的A1200 Telnet.rar里的文件解压到一个临时目录里,双击install.bat。这一步是先拷贝A1200的USB Lan的驱动。 手机Modem模式连接电脑,点击Loader笑脸图标,电脑上将发现新硬件,驱动指向到临时目录里,安装A1200的USB Lan驱动。在安装成功后,在cmd命令行下,输入命令ipconfig,应能看到192.168.16.1的IP地址,输入 telnet,在出来的界面输入root,即成功Telnet,可以输入linux命令,如dir。要退出输入exit。 浏览器浏览手机内部文件:电脑上开始,运行,输入 \\\system。 如果手机连接电脑得到是其他的IP地址,手机IP地址为看到的IP加1。开始-运行,输入cmd,回车,在cmd命令行下输入ipconfig查看IP地址,如果看到的是为172.16.16.5,则使用telnet。 浏览器浏览手机内部文件:电脑上开始,运行,输入 \\\system。
上传时间: 2015-11-11
This package contains the Wireless tools, used to manipulate the Wireless Extensions. The Wireless Extensions is an interface allowing you to set Wireless Lan specific parameters and get the specific stats.
标签: Wireless Extensions manipulate the
上传时间: 2016-01-16
The line echo canceller (LEC) is designed to provide the maximum attainable transparent voice quality for de-echoing of a PSTN or POTS connection in voice-over-Lan systems with internal delays, or on a codec end of a telecom switch,基于TI 54X/55X平台
标签: transparent attainable canceller designed
上传时间: 2014-01-17
OFDM Modem Applications • Digital Video Broadcast (DVB) • Digital Audio Broadcast (DAB) • Broadband Wireless Access (802.16x) • Wireless Lan (802.11x & HiperLan) Orthogonal OFDM Sub-carriers Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM)
标签: Broadcast Digital 8226 Applications
上传时间: 2016-03-23
linux下8139网卡驱动分析,非常彻底,本人照此移植成功了嵌入式设备上的网口-8139 NIC drivers under analysis, very thorough, I do the successful transpLantation of embedded devices on the Lan
标签: 8139 analysis thorough drivers
上传时间: 2013-12-20
标签: 源码
上传时间: 2016-04-17
The neuro-fuzzy software for identification and data analysis has been implemented in the MATLAB Language ver. 4.2. The software trains a fuzzy architecture, inspired to Takagi-Sugeno approach, on the basis of a training set of N (single) output-(multi) input samples. The returned model has the form 1) if input1 is A11 and input 2 is A12 then output =f1(input1,input2) 2) if input1 is A21 and input 2 is A22 then output =f2(input1,input2) 看不懂,据高手说,非常有用。
标签: identification neuro-fuzzy implemented analysis
上传时间: 2014-01-12
是利用 Windows 95/NT IPC (Interprocess communications) 中 MailSlot API,在局域网 ( Lan ) 制作类似 WinPopup 程序,传送讯息的构件 ( 1.14 版,附源码 )
标签: communications Interprocess MailSlot Windows
上传时间: 2016-09-28