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  • PICmicro中档单片机系列参考手册(中文资料)

    Microchip 公司是 The Embedded Control Solutions Company® (嵌入式控制系统解决方案公 司) ,其产品主要满足嵌入式控制市场的需求。我们是以下产品的领先供应商: • 8 位通用单片机(PICmicro® 单片机) • 专用和标准的非易失性存储器件 • 安防器件 (KEELOQ®) • 专用标准产品 欲获得您所感兴趣的产品列表,请申请一份Microchip产品线目录。该文献可从各地的Microchip 销售办事处获得,或者直接从Microchip的网站上下载。 以往,8位单片机的用户只选择传统的MCU类型,即ROM器件,用于生产。Microchip率先改变 了这种传统观念,向人们展示了 OTP(一次性编程)器件比 ROM 器件在其寿命周期内具有更低 的产品成本。 Microchip具备EPROM技术优势, 从而使EPROM成为PICmicro 单片机程序存储器的不二选择。 Microchip 尽可能地缩小了EPROM 和ROM 存储器技术之间的成本差距,并使顾客从中受益。其 他MCU供应商无法作到这一点,这从他们的 EPROM 和 ROM 版本之间的价格差异便可以看出。 Microchip的8位单片机市场份额的增长证明了PICmicro® 单片机能够满足大多数人的需要。 这也 使 PICmicro 单片机架构成为了当今通用市场上应用最广泛的三大体系之一。Microchip 的低成本 OTP解决方案所带来的效益是这一增长的助推剂。用户能够从以下各方面受益:  • 快速的产品上市时间 • 允许生产过程中对产品进行代码修改 • 无需掩膜产品所需的一次性工程费用(NRE) • 能够轻松为产品进行连续编号 • 无需额外增加硬件即可存储校准数据 • 可最大限度地增加PICmicro® 单片机的库存 • 由于在开发和生产中使用同一器件,从而降低了风险 Microchip 的 8 位 PICmicro单片机具备很好的性价比,可成为任何传统的 8 位应用和某些 4 位应 用(低档系列)、专用逻辑的替代品以及低端DSP应用(高档系列)的选择。这些特点及其良好的 性价比使PICmicro单片机在大多数应用场合极具吸引力。

    标签: PICmicro 单片机 参考手册

    上传时间: 2013-10-30


  • 基于瑞萨电子微控制器的温度控制系统设计

      为了提高传统温度控制系统的性能,将PID控制理论与嵌入式系统相结合,采用瑞萨电子公司的H8S/2166作为核心处理器,AD公司的AD7705以及热敏电阻温度传感器作为温度检测单元,利用4×6小键盘、LCD显示器和S1D13305液晶控制器达到良好的人机交互,设计出了一个应用于化工领域的嵌入式实时温度控制系统。相比于传统温度控制系统,该系统提供了更强的计算能力和可扩展能力,采用增量PID控制算法实现复杂控制。通过实验,该系统能达到0.1 ℃的温度控制精度以及小于120 s的温度稳定时间。   Abstract:   In order to improve the performance of conventional temperature control system, combining PID control theory with embedded systems, using the Renesas Electronics Corp. H8S/2166 micro-controller as a core processors, AD7705 and thermistor temperature sensor as a temperature detection unit and 4×6 small keyboard, LCD and S1D13305 LCD controller as a good human-computer interaction, this paper designed an embedded real-time temperature control system which is applied in chemical industry. Compared with conventional temperature control system, this system provides more computing power and extensibility, and adopts PID control algorithm for complex control. Through the experiment, the system can reach temperature control accuracy of 0.1 ℃ and temperature stabilization time of less than 120 seconds.

    标签: 瑞萨电子 微控制器 温度控制 系统设计

    上传时间: 2014-12-26


  • 基于PIC16C71的数字水温配制阀的设计

      设计了一种基于PIC16C71单片机的数字水温配制阀。该配制阀采用NTC热敏电阻作温度传感器,与固定电阻组成简单分压电路作为水温测量电路,利用PIC16C71单片机内置的8位A/D转换器把热敏电阻上的模拟电压转换为数字量,PIC16C71单片机控制直流电机驱动混水阀调节冷热水的混合比例实现水温调节。给出了控制电路图,对水温测量电路的参数选择和测温精度作了详细讨论。实验和分析表明,选用阻值较大的NTC热敏电阻和分压电阻可较好地解决热敏电阻因功耗较大造成的热击穿问题。   Abstract:   A digital valve for controlling water temperature based on PIC16C71 was presented in this paper.A bleeder circuit which consisted of a NTC thermistor as temperature sensor and a fixed resistance was designed as water temperature measuring circuit.The analog voltage on the thermistor was converted into digital signal by a 8-bit A/D converter embedded in PIC16C71. Based on the digital signal, the MCU PIC16C71 drived the valve by a DC motor to adjust the water temperature through adjusting the proportion of hot water and cold water.The circuit diagram of controller was given,the principle,the component parameters and the accuracy of measuring temperatures were also dissertated in detail. It was found by experiment and analysis that thermal breakdown of thermistor caused by high power could be solved by selecting thermistor and fixed resistance with high impedance value.

    标签: PIC 16C C71 16

    上传时间: 2013-11-08

    上传用户:Yue Zhong

  • 基于C8051F020和Zigbee的汽车测试系统设计

    以C8051F020为核心处理器,设计无线传感器网络数据采集系统。系统采用SZ05-ADV型无线通讯模块组建Zigbee无线网络,结合嵌入式系统的软硬件技术,完成终端节点的8路传感器信号的数据采集。现场8路信号通过前端处理后,分别送入C8051F020的12位A/D转换器进行转换。经过精确处理、存储后的现场数据,通过Zigbee无线网络传送到上位机,系统可达到汽车试验中无线测试的目的。 Abstract:  This paper designs a wireless sensor network system for data acquisition with C8051F020 as core processors.The system used SZ05-ADV wireless communication module,set up a Zigbee wireless network, combined with hardware and software technologies of embedded systems,completed the end-node 8-locale sensor signal data acquisition.Eight locale signals were sent separately into the 12-bit ADC of C8051F020 for conversion through front treatment.After accurate processing and storage,the locale data was transmitted to the host computer through Zigbee wireless.The system achieves the purpose of wireless testing in vehicle trial.

    标签: C8051F020 Zigbee 汽车测试 系统设计

    上传时间: 2013-11-23


  • 基于S3C2440A的银行评价器的设计

    提出了一种以S3C2440A为核心处理器的银行评价器的设计方案,并结合XILINX公司的XL95144XL型CPLD,辅助S3C2440A,实现该银行评价器的各部分功能以及系统信号之间的相互协调。该评价器在系统设计上采用液晶屏显示,代替了以往简单的数码管电路的显示模式,在视觉上给人以全新的享受。同时,评价器增加了新的网络供电方式,只要将评价器连接上网络就可以正常工作,方便了客户的使用。总之,此款银行评价器采用了嵌入式系统的设计方案,大大丰富了系统功能,实现一个银行评价器设计的新突破。 Abstract:  S3C2440A of SamSung company is the core component of the embedded system. A design of bank assessor based on S3C2440A was provided in this paper. It used XL95144XL combined with S3C2440A to realize all the functions and coordination with system signals. This bank assessor used LCD to display instead of the former simple digital display and provided a new seusuous enjoment. Meanwhile,it provided a new method of network power supply,that the bank assessor could regularly work once it connected to the network,which is convenient for customers to use. In a word,this assessor takes embedded system,enriches the system’s functions and reclizes a new breakout.

    标签: S3C2440A

    上传时间: 2013-11-03


  • 基于8051F330的音频信号发生器的设计

     MMC/SD卡以其优越的性能,在单片机嵌入式设备中得到广泛应用。将MMC/SD卡作为外部掉电存储介质应用于音频信号发生器中,通过8051F330单片机上的SPI接口,实现单片机—MMC/SD卡的存储扩展,设计了此硬件平台上的MMC/SD卡的单片机驱动程序,并给出了相应的程序代码,满足音频信号发生器的大容量存储要求。 Abstract:  MMC/SD card is more and more widely used in the single chip embedded devices for their excellent performances.This article introduces the application of MMC/SD card as the external power down storage medium in audio signal generator. The extension technology especially for storage of single chip-MMC/SD card via SPI interfaces in 8051F330 single chip, including designs single chip drive program of MMC/SD card based on hardware platform,and also gives the key coding of the program. The implementation of big capacity storage is meaningful in audio signal generator.

    标签: 8051F330 音频信号 发生器

    上传时间: 2014-12-27


  • 基于AVR单片机的USB接口设计

    以AVR单片机ATmega8和USB接口器件PDIUSBD12为核心,基于标准的USB1.1协议,设计一种通用USB接口模块,以满足嵌入式系统中对USB接口的需求。对模块的硬件电路或单片机固件程序的硬件接口层稍加修改即可用于其他各种微处理器。该模块可为各种嵌入式系统增加USB接口,实现与USB主机系统通信。 Abstract:  Based on AVR microcontroller ATmega8 and USB interface chip PDIUSBD12, a general USB interface module is designed according to USB1.1 protocol for various requirements of embedded systems. Only with few modifications in circuit or hardware abstract layer of firmware, the module can be used on many types of microprocessors. All kinds of embedded systems can realize high speed and stable communication with USB host systems, owing to the facility of this module.

    标签: AVR USB 单片机 接口设计

    上传时间: 2014-01-08


  • 基于MPC555与CS8900A的以太网扩展设计

       介绍了MPC555与CS8900A扩展以太网的硬件设计图。以NUCLUES PLUS操作系统为基础,介绍了网卡软件驱动程序的编制,给出了以太网协议包嵌入NUCLEUS PLUS操作系统的实现方法。 Abstract:  The Ethernet extension hardware design of MPC555 and CS8900A are introduced,and the software driven program based on NUCLEUS PLUS operation system and the technique that Ethernet protocol embedded in NUCLEUS PLUS real operation system are discussed.

    标签: 8900A 8900 MPC 555

    上传时间: 2013-10-23


  • 基于ROM单片机的汉字输入法的实现

    在需要实时大量输入汉字的显示控制处理应用中,利用传统单片机实现显示控制的设计方法是较难实现的。带汉字字库的液晶模块的使用使得小容量ROM单片机的大量汉字信息输入与显示成为可能。提出了针对汉字字库编码的二级索引拼音输入检索方法,介绍了以ST7920作为控制器的带汉字字库的液晶显示模块的接口方法及汉字显示和控制原理,给出了通用计算机键盘在单片机中的串行接口,采用该技术可大大增强单片机的汉字输入功能。为小容量ROM单片机的大批量汉字信息处理提供了一种汉字输入解决方案。 Abstract:  It is difficult to realize Chinese characters input method based on the embedded system by using the traditional design method of display control. It is possible to input and display Chinese characters based on the embedded system with the ROM of small content by using the LCD module with Chinese characters.Chinese characters input method of the quadric index recall in allusion to Chinese characters code is brought forward.The interface and the principle of Chinese characters display control based on the LCD module controlled with the ST7920 is introduced too.The serial interface of the computer keyboard in common use and the embedded system is given at the same time. It can enhance the embedded system function of Chinese characters input by using this technology, and provide a kind of Chinese characters input scheme for the embedded system with small capacity ROM.

    标签: ROM 单片机 汉字输入法

    上传时间: 2013-11-19


  • 基于AVR单片机的船舶气象仪测试系统的设计

       针对船舶气象仪保障维修而设计的船舶气象仪测试系统,包括信息处理终端、主仪器检测模块、传感器检测模块,各个模块都采用基于AVR单片机的嵌入式系统,模块之间通过CAN总线进行通信。结果表明,船舶气象仪测试系统能够快速检测船舶气象仪故障,与单纯依靠人工方式排查故障相比,故障检测时间缩短了60%以上。 Abstract:  The test system of ship meteorological instrument was developed to satisfy the maintenance of ship meteorological instruments,which composed of information processing terminal, testing module of main instrument and testing module of sensors. Each of these modules included an embedded system based on microcontroller of AVR series and communicated with other module by CAN bus. The results show that the test system can judge the fault of ship meteorological instrument quickly and shorten the fault detection time as much as 60% compared with simple manual troubleshooting.

    标签: AVR 单片机 气象仪 测试系统

    上传时间: 2013-11-23
