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  • WindML3.0补丁 WIND MEDIA LIBRARY 3.0.3 (CP3) for Tornado 2.2.0 and Tornado 2.2.1 Up-to-date produc

    WindML3.0补丁 WIND MEDIA LIBRARY 3.0.3 (CP3) for Tornado 2.2.0 and Tornado 2.2.1 Up-to-date product bulletins, information on known problems and fixes/changes made in this release, and essential reference documentation can be obtained from the Wind River Online Support web site. Installation: ----------------- The WIND MEDIA LIBRARY 3.0.3 supplement identifies the process to install WIND MEDIA LIBRARY 3.0.3. This is a not a complete WIND MEDIA LIBRARY 3.0 product and hence it is necessary that WIND MEDIA LIBRARY (aka WindML) 3.0 be installed prior to the installation of this product.

    标签: Tornado Up-to-date LIBRARY WindML

    上传时间: 2013-12-24


  • Recent work by Petricoin and Liotta and co-workers (Petricoin et al. Use of proteomic patterns in se

    Recent work by Petricoin and Liotta and co-workers (Petricoin et al. Use of proteomic patterns in serum to identify ovarian cancer. Lancet. 2002 Feb 16 359(9306):572-7. PMID: 11867112) has generated a lot of excitement and controversy. This example shows some ways that MATLAB can be used to read, visualize, pre-process (base-line correction, resample) and classify the data. The data can be downloaded from http://home.ccr.cancer.gov/ncifdaproteomics/ppatterns.asp

    标签: Petricoin co-workers and proteomic

    上传时间: 2016-04-28


  • #include<malloc.h> #include<limits.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<graphics.h&

    #include<malloc.h> #include<limits.h> #include<stdio.h> #include<graphics.h> #include<io.h> #include<math.h> #include<process.h> #include<conio.h> #define m 100 #define OK 1 typedef int Status typedef char TElemType /*树元素的类型*/ int t=35 int n=20 int h=14 int u=2 int leaf=0,non_l_leaf=0,non_r_leaf=0,root=0 /*各种结点数*/ char le[m],l[m],r[m],ro[m] /*用与存放各种结点*/ typedef struct BiTNode/*定义二叉树*/

    标签: include lt gt graphics

    上传时间: 2013-12-15


  • Interface for Microsoft Audio Compression Manager. - Delphi Source The ACM uses existing driver i

    Interface for Microsoft Audio Compression Manager. - Delphi Source The ACM uses existing driver interface hooks to override the default mapping algorithm for waveform audio devices. This allows the ACM to intercept device-open calls. After a call has been intercepted, the ACM can perform a variety of tasks to process the audio data, such as inserting an external compressor or decompressor into the sequence.

    标签: Compression Interface Microsoft existing

    上传时间: 2013-12-13


  • The MDP toolbox proposes functions related to the resolution of discrete-time Markov Decision Proces

    The MDP toolbox proposes functions related to the resolution of discrete-time Markov Decision Process : finite horizon, value iteration, policy iteration, linear programming algorithms with some variants. The functions (m-functions) were developped with MATLAB v6.0 (one of the functions requires the Mathworks Optimization Toolbox) by the decision team of the Biometry and Artificial Intelligence Unit of INRA Toulouse (France). The version 2.0 (February 2005) handles sparse matrices and contains an example

    标签: discrete-time resolution functions Decision

    上传时间: 2014-01-01


  • This paper presents a low-power asynchronous implementation of the 80C51 microcontroller. It was rea

    This paper presents a low-power asynchronous implementation of the 80C51 microcontroller. It was realized in a 0.5 µ m CMOS process and it shows a power advantage of a factor 4 compared to a recent synchronous implementation in the same technology. The chip is fully bit compatible with the synchronous implementation, and timing compatible for external memory access. The circuit is a compiled VLSI-program, using Tangram as VLSI-programming language and the Tangram tool set to compile the design automatically to a standard-cell netlist. This design approach proves to be powerful enough to describe the microcontroller and derive an efficient implementation. Further, it offers the designer the possibility to explore various alternatives in the design space.

    标签: microcontroller implementation asynchronous low-power

    上传时间: 2016-06-07


  • linux下用C语言写的聊天程序!/*BUG and NOTE: Not join protect to Shared Memory Segments,example Semaphore Array

    linux下用C语言写的聊天程序!/*BUG and NOTE: Not join protect to Shared Memory Segments,example Semaphore Arrays. Not check the parameters validity. When transmit may be error. If the client program no right exit,others cannot know,the service program shouldbe check the client program whether exist timing. The program when exit(), it do not delete the Shared Memory Segments,you maybe use atexit() but the program have some processes. When one process is exit(),others is continue. The service program s action is few. And so on. */

    标签: Semaphore Segments example protect

    上传时间: 2014-01-25


  • Of the password is: Server: "1." Client: + for the month of the date of the machine. Such as

    Of the password is: Server: "1." Client: + for the month of the date of the machine. Such as "2005/08/05", compared with the number "85" Database: "xzxq". I made the changes: 1, stations and customer-service once every 30 seconds to exchange information (to ensure continuous line) 2, computer services-an increase of the serial number 3, client-service to send the card serial number and send IP addresses to the service side 4, the desktop client by the embargo, since the definition of the icon to start the process faster (from the window Superman Code) 5, CS-shielding some function keys, but CTRL + ALT + DEL keys can not shield the hope that a revised modify these friends 6, there are some corners of Laws (such as title, etc.). Client desktop icon in the Settings page set up first class to enter FXZWN999 open on to add, delete icon button

    标签: the password machine Client

    上传时间: 2016-06-27


  • This directory builds the miniport driver for Adaptec’s 1540 family of SCSI controllers. This driver

    This directory builds the miniport driver for Adaptec’s 1540 family of SCSI controllers. This driver exports several functions which are used by SCSIPORT.SYS to issue SCSI requests to the devices attached to the controller, process adapter interrupts, and various other SCSI activities. This driver is also responsible for detecting non-Plug and Play 1540 SCSI controllers—the Plug and Play controllers are detected by the operating system—and for shutting down the controller during device removal or power management operations. This sample also demonstrates the use of the SCSIWMI library to add WMI functionality to SCSI miniports. This library can be linked into a miniport and provides most of the framework needed to expose WMI data blocks to SCSIPORT and the system.

    标签: driver This controllers directory

    上传时间: 2016-06-28


  • This directory contains the miniport driver for INI-9100U/UW PCI_UltraSCSI Bus Master Controllers. T

    This directory contains the miniport driver for INI-9100U/UW PCI_UltraSCSI Bus Master Controllers. This driver exports several functions that are used by Scsiport.sys to issue SCSI requests to the devices attached to the controller, process adapter interrupts, and various other SCSI activities. This driver is also responsible shutting down the controller during device removal or power management operations.

    标签: PCI_UltraSCSI Controllers directory contains

    上传时间: 2016-06-28
