he source code for this package is located in src/ directory. The JAin-SIP-SERVICES is a JAIN-SIP application: it does not need proprietary nist-sip classes in addition of those defined in JAIN-SIP 1.1, you can substitute the NIST-SIP stack by another JAIN-SIP-1.1 compliant stack and it should interoperate.
标签: JAin-SIP-SERVICES directory JAIN-SIP package
上传时间: 2013-12-30
The source code for this package is located in src/gov/nist/sip/proxy. The proxy is a pure JAIN-SIP application: it does not need proprietary nist-sip classes in addition of those defined in JAIN-SIP 1.1, you can substitute the NIST-SIP stack by another JAIN-SIP-1.1 compliant stack and it should interoperate. he proxy can act as presence server and be able to process NOTIFY and SUBSCRIBE requests. If this parameter is disabled, the proxy will simply forward those kind of requests following the appropriate routing decision.
标签: proxy The JAIN-SIP package
上传时间: 2015-11-30
Jain-sip 指导,可以通过它开发基于Java sip Client、Proxy,一般多用于开发UserAgent
标签: Jain-sip
上传时间: 2013-12-24
java 开发的sip软电话 源码 jain sip
上传时间: 2017-05-15
jain-sip is a protocol to comunicate between cliens throught service.
标签: comunicate jain-sip protocol throught
上传时间: 2017-07-07
Jain SIP开发手册 Jain SIP是进行会话初始协议开发用的标准的JAVA 接口
上传时间: 2013-12-23
本手册包含如下内容 J2ME Web Services RPC (JSR 172) J2ME Web Services XML (JSR 172) Java APIs for Bluetooth (JSR 82) Location API (JSR 179) MID Profile 2.0 (JSR-118) Mobile Media API 1.1 (JSR-135) Mobile 3D Graphics API (JSR184) PDA Pim 1.0 (JSR 75) PDA FileConnection (JSR 75) J2ME Web Services RPC (JSR 172) Scalable 2D Vector Graphics API (JSR-226) SIP API (JSR 180) Wireless Messaging API 1.0 (JSR 120) WTK2.2 相关文档 Nokia UI API 1.1
上传时间: 2016-01-08
Sofia-SIP is an open-source SIP User-Agent library, compliant with the IETF RFC3261 specification. It can be used as a building block for SIP client software for uses such as VoIP, IM, and many other real-time and person-to-person communication services. The primary target platform for Sofia-SIP is GNU/Linux. Sofia-SIP is based on a SIP stack developed at the Nokia Research Center.
标签: specification open-source User-Agent Sofia-SIP
上传时间: 2016-03-20
Sofia-SIP is an open-source SIP User-Agent library, compliant with the IETF RFC3261 specification. It can be used as a building block for SIP client software for uses such as VoIP, IM, and many other real-time and person-to-person communication services. The primary target platform for Sofia-SIP is GNU/Linux.
标签: specification open-source User-Agent Sofia-SIP
上传时间: 2016-04-10
Sofia SIP is an open-source SIP User-Agent library, compliant with the IETF RFC3261 specification. It can be used as a building block for SIP client software for uses such as VoIP, IM, and many other real-time and person-to-person communication services. The primary target platform for Sofia SIP is GNU/Linux. Sofia SIP is based on a SIP stack developed at the Nokia Research Center. Sofia SIP is licensed under the LGPL.
标签: specification open-source User-Agent SIP
上传时间: 2016-08-25