Description Calculate a+b Input Two integer a,b (0<=a,b<=101000) Output Output a + b Sample Input 5 7 Sample Output 12
标签: Description Calculate integer 101000
上传时间: 2014-01-25
The goal of our final project was to design an efficient elevator simulator that can accept input from a user and mechanically operate (on a small scale) a system of 4 floors and 3 elevators using pulleys and stepper motors. Users enter input using physical pushbuttons or the computer. This input is then processed by the MCU and orders are given to the elevators. We attempted to devise an algorithm that can optimally handle any number of floors. This project seemed like a fun challenge and something that had practical applications. Both of us have been frustrated at times by the inefficiency of some of the elevators here at Cornell, and we wanted to see if we could do a better job.
标签: efficient simulator elevator project
上传时间: 2013-11-25
huffman decode all you need is input a data so that it will decode
上传时间: 2016-07-05
包含拼音和笔画输入的中文输入法,使用VC.NET2003开发.portable Chinese input method includes phonetic input and stroke, the use of VC.NET2003 development, WINCE.NET also can be used to understand the system and the family system!
标签: input portable includes phonetic
上传时间: 2013-12-30
① 使用自动机技术实现一个词法分析程序; ② 使用算符优先分析方法实现其语法分析程序; 需要先在运行目录下建立一个input.txt文件,将需要分析的文法放在该文件中,分析结果,会输出在output.txt文件中。
上传时间: 2013-12-09
One dimensional wavelet transform s input data from file dataIn.txt h[] : -1 0 1 2 g[] : 1 1 0 3 c[] : 1 4 2 5 4 6 7 8
标签: dimensional transform wavelet dataIn
上传时间: 2016-08-24
1. compile: mpicc cjacobi.c -o cjacobi -lm 2. run: mpirun -np 4 cjacobi 3. result: Input of file "dataIn.txt"
标签: cjacobi compile mpirun result
上传时间: 2016-08-24
This file implements a pid controller used to simulator cruise control in a car The input is a throtle value between 0 - 100 ( read on P1 ) The output is the car s speed ( P2 - P0 )
标签: controller implements simulator control
上传时间: 2014-01-01
s3c2410 ads下的测试程序移植到 iar ewarm v5.2;包括 Please select function : 0 : Please input 1-14 to select test 1 : Real time clock display 2 : 4 key array test 3 : Buzzer test 4 : ADC test 5 : IIC EEPROM test 6 : Touchpanel test 7 : 3.5# TFT LCD 240*320 test 8 : UDA1341 play audio test 9 : UDA1341 record audio test 10 : IRDA test 11 : SD Card write and read test 12 : COM port ( UART2 ) test
标签: Please select function s3c2410
上传时间: 2016-10-01
这是12864 带字库的显示子程序 reset 是初始屏幕的 display 是显示数据的 input是输入地址的指令
上传时间: 2016-10-02