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  • Distributed Antenna Systems

    The rapid growth in mobile communications has led to an Increasing demand for wide- band high data rate communications services. In recent years, Distributed Antenna Systems (DAS) has emerged as a promising candidate for future (beyond 3G or 4G) mobile communications, as illustrated by projects such as FRAMES and FuTURE. The architecture of DAS inherits and develops the concepts of pico- or micro-cell systems, where multiple distributed antennas or access points (AP) are connected to and con- trolled by a central unit.

    标签: Distributed Antenna Systems

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Full-Duplex+Small+Cells

    The recent developments in full duplex (FD) commu- nication promise doubling the capacity of cellular networks using self interference cancellation (SIC) techniques. FD small cells with device-to-device (D2D) communication links could achieve the expected capacity of the future cellular networks (5G). In this work, we consider joint scheduling and dynamic power algorithm (DPA) for a single cell FD small cell network with D2D links (D2DLs). We formulate the optimal user selection and power control as a non-linear programming (NLP) optimization problem to get the optimal user scheduling and transmission power in a given TTI. Our numerical results show that using DPA gives better overall throughput performance than full power transmission algorithm (FPA). Also, simultaneous transmissions (combination of uplink (UL), downlink (DL), and D2D occur 80% of the time thereby Increasing the spectral efficiency and network capacity

    标签: Full-Duplex Cells Small

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • GSM System Engineering

    Cellular communications is one of the fastest growing and most challenging telecom- munication applications ever. Today, it represents a large and continuously Increasing percentage of all new telephone subscribers around the world. In the long term, cellular digital technology may become the universal way of communication.

    标签: Engineering System GSM

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • High-Altitude+Platforms

    This book was conceived in such a special way. From our experience, and despite the Increasing interest that we perceived amongst the research community in HAPS, there was not any book in the market entirely devoted to HAPS. We could only find some satellite communications books including only fragments related to HAPS, covering the ‘generalities’. A need for a reference book which could highlight state- of-the-art HAPS-related topics was therefore envisaged. Moreover, most of the information related to HAPS could only be found in technical reports, official recommendations, conference proceedings and journal papers. 

    标签: High-Altitude Platforms

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • LTE, WiMAX and WLAN

    For nearly a hundred years telecommunications provided mainly voice services and very low speed data (telegraph and telex). With the advent of the Internet, several data services became mainstream in telecommunications; to the point that voice is becoming an accessory to IP-centric data networks. Today, high-speed data services are already part of our daily lives at work and at home (web surfing, e-mail, virtual private networks, VoIP, virtual meetings, chats...). The demand for high-speed data services will grow even more with the Increasing number of people telecommuting.

    标签: WiMAX WLAN LTE and

    上传时间: 2020-05-27


  • Mobile+and+Wireless+Systems+Beyond+3G

    With the rapid growth of the wireless mobile applications, wireless voice has begun to challenge wireline voice, whereas the desire to access e-mail, surf the Web or download music (e.g., MP3) wirelessly is Increasing for wireless data. While second generation (2G) cellular wireless systems, such as cdmaOne1, GSM2 and TDMA3, introduced digital technology to wireless cellular systems to deal with the Increasing demand for wireless applications, there is still the need for more spectrally efficient technologies for two reasons. First, wireless voice capacity is expected to continue to grow. Second, the introduction of high-speed wireless data will require more bandwidth.

    标签: Wireless Systems Mobile Beyond and 3G

    上传时间: 2020-05-30


  • Multi-Functional MIMO Systems

    The family of recent wireless standards included the optional employment of Multiple-Input Multiple-Output(MIMO)techniques.This was motivatedby the observationaccordingto the classic Shannon–Hartley law that the achievable channel capacity increases logarithmically with the transmit power. In contrast, the MIMO capacity increases linearly with the number of transmit antennas, provided that the number of receive antennas is equal to the number of transmit antennas. With the further proviso that the total transmit power is increased in proportion to the number of transmit antennas, a linear capacity increase is achieved upon Increasing the transmit power, which justifies the spectacular success of MIMO systems.

    标签: Multi-Functional Systems MIMO

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Multihop+Wireless+Networks

    Advances in communication and networking technologies are rapidly making ubiq- uitous network connectivity a reality. Wireless networks are indispensable for supporting such access anywhere and at any time. Among various types of wire- less networks, multihop wireless networks (MWNs) have been attracting Increasing attention for decades due to its broad civilian and military applications. Basically, a MWN is a network of nodes connected by wireless communication links. Due to the limited transmission range of the radio, many pairs of nodes in MWNs may not be able to communicate directly, hence they need other intermediate nodes to forward packets for them. Routing in such networks is an important issue and it poses great challenges.

    标签: Multihop Wireless Networks

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Next Generation Mobile Broadcasting

    Mobile wireless communications are in constant evolution due to the continu- ously Increasing requirements and expectations of both users and operators. Mass multimedia* services have been for a long time expected to generate a large amount of data traffic in future wireless networks [1]. Mass multimedia services are, by definition, purposed for many people. In general, it can be distinguished between the distribution of any popular content over a wide area and the distribu- tion of location-dependent information in highly populated areas. Representative examples include the delivery of live video streaming content (like sports compe- titions, concerts, or news) and file download (multimedia clips, digital newspa- pers, or software updates).

    标签: Broadcasting Generation Mobile Next

    上传时间: 2020-05-31


  • Next-Generation Converged Networks

    The telecommunications industry has seen a rapid boost within the last decade. New realities and visions of functionalities in various telecommunications networks have brought forward the concept of next-generation networks (NGNs). The competitions among operators for support- ing various services, lowering of the cost of having mobile and cellular phones and smartphones, Increasing demand for general mobility, explosion of digital traffic, and advent of convergence network technologies added more dynamism in the idea of NGNs. In fact, facilitating con- vergence of networks and convergence of various types of services is a significant objective of NGNs.

    标签: Next-Generation Converged Networks

    上传时间: 2020-05-31
