2012年最新NIKO-SEMI 产品选型表。
上传时间: 2013-10-12
台湾光宝光耦全系列产品 LTV-817S-TA1-C LTV-817X-B LTV-817X-C LTV-817X-C-SC LTV-817-D MOC3021 MOC3021S-TA1 MOC-3052 4N28 4N35 4N35S 4N35S-TA1 6N136 6N137 6N138 6N139 LTV-217-A-G LTV-217-B LTV-352T LTV-354T LTV-356T-B LTV-356T-C LTV-814 LTV-816X-B LTV-816X-C LTV-816X-D
标签: 光耦
上传时间: 2013-11-12
蓝宙电子USB-LIN总线转换器概况: USB-LIN总线转换器是蓝宙电子专为汽车电子及工业控制应用开发的USB-LIN总线双向转换器。该产品可实现电脑与LIN总线系统的连接,可作为各种LIN总线系统的主节点发送帧头及LIN报文;也可以作为LIN从节点响应主节点的数据请求;还可以作为LIN监视器监测记录LIN总线报文。配套的上位机软件LIN View可以方便的将USB-LIN总线转换器配置成主节点或从节点,可以添加节点报文发送序列,可以查看LIN报文。为客户提供用于二次开发的dll文件,客户可以基于此文件可开发出不同领域、不同应用的软件。
上传时间: 2014-01-13
It is good
上传时间: 2014-01-20
PIY(Program It Yourself)是一个基于Java的应用程序开发环境,用户可以不用编写代码就可以创建程序。在PIY中开发的程序可以作为标准Java jar文件而被编译和发布。
上传时间: 2015-01-10
jbuzzer is an application written in Java that allows mapping your comuter keyboard to sounds. It supports short samples as well as streaming format. The GUI allows dynamically adding and removing new slots for samples.
标签: application keyboard jbuzzer comuter
上传时间: 2014-12-07
MVP8000 系列企业级VoIP 产品 应用方案
上传时间: 2015-01-11
Mantis an easily deployable, web based bugtracker to aid product bug tracking. It requires PHP, MySQL and a web server. It is simpler than Bugzilla and easily editable. Check out the online Demo.
标签: deployable bugtracker requires tracking
上传时间: 2014-01-25
Grammatica is a C# and Java parser generator (compiler compiler). It improves upon simlar tools (like yacc and ANTLR) by creating well-commented and readable source code, by having automatic error recovery and detailed error messages, and by support for testing and debugging grammars without generating source code. It supports LL(k) grammars with an unlimited number of look-ahead tokens.
标签: compiler Grammatica generator improves
上传时间: 2015-01-11
CopyPwd is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. Usage of CopyPwd is at the risk of the person or company using this software
标签: distributed WARRANTY CopyPwd WITHOUT
上传时间: 2013-12-09