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  • LED去电源化设计


    标签: LED 电源

    上传时间: 2014-11-24


  • 确保电解电容器的寿命长-LED灯泡为例

    Abstract: Electrolytic capacitors are notorious for short lifetimes in high-temperature applications such asLED light bulbs. The careful selection of these devices with proper interpretation of their specifications isessential to ensure that they do not compromise the life of the end product. This application notediscusses this problem with electrolytic capacitors in LED light bulbs and provides an analysis that showshow it is possible to use electrolytics in such products.  

    标签: LED 电解电容器 寿命

    上传时间: 2013-11-17


  • 宽输入范围1A LED驱动器利用汽车和12V AC电源给高亮度LED供电

    LT3474 是一款支持多種電源的降壓型 1ALED 驅動器,具有一個 4V 至 36V 的寬輸入電壓範圍,並可通過編程以高達 88% 的效率來輸送 35mA 至1A 的 LED 電流

    标签: LED 12V AC电源

    上传时间: 2013-11-09


  • 高电压降压型转换器驱动高功率LED

    凌力爾特公司提供了一個規模龐大且不斷成長的高電壓 DC/DC 轉換器繫列,這些器件是專為驅動高功率 LED 而設計的。

    标签: LED 高电压 降压型转换器 驱动高功率

    上传时间: 2013-11-12


  • 采用4mmX4mm QFN封装的通用型TFT LCD偏置电源和白光LED驱动器

    LTC3524 的 2.5V 至 6V 輸入電源範圍非常適合於那些從鋰離子電池或者多節堿性或鎳電池供電的便攜式設備。LCD 和 LED 驅動器的工作頻率均為 1.5MHz,因而允許使用纖巧、低成本的電感器和電容器。

    标签: 4mmX4mm QFN LCD LED

    上传时间: 2013-11-22


  • LED照明驱动电源的设计


    标签: LED 照明 驱动电源

    上传时间: 2013-11-15


  • 基于高压降压控制器PT4107的LED日光灯驱动电路


    标签: 4107 LED PT 降压控制器

    上传时间: 2013-10-31


  • MR16 LED驱动MR16 LED灯与电子变压器兼容

    Abstract: There are differences between the operation of low-frequency AC transformers and electronic transformersthat supply current to MR16 lamps, and there are also differences in the current draw for MR16 halogen lamps andMR16 LED lamps. These contrasts typically prevent an MR16 LED lamp from operating with most electronictransformers. This article explains how a high-brightness (HB) LED driver optimized for MR16 lamps will allow LEDlamps to be compatible with most electronic transformers.A similar version of this article appeared on Display Plus, July 7, 2012 and in German in Elektronikpraxis, October 1,2012.

    标签: LED MR 16 驱动

    上传时间: 2013-10-14


  • LED电源恒压与恒流的选择


    标签: LED 电源 恒压 恒流

    上传时间: 2013-10-17


  • 智能LED照明电子教材

    Abstract: How smart is your LED lighting system? While LED lighting holds the promise of reducingenergy consumption and maintenance costs, smart LED lighting designs improve system performance in

    标签: LED 照明 教材 电子

    上传时间: 2013-11-15
