压缩包中有5篇论文,分别为《Data-driven analysis of variables and dependencies in continuous optimization problems and EDAs》这是一篇博士论文,较为详细的介绍了各种EDA算法;《Anisotropic adaptive variance scaling for Gaussian estimation of distribution algorithm》《Enhancing Gaussian Estimation of Distribution Algorithm by Exploiting Evolution Direction with Archive》《Niching an Archive-based Gaussian Estimation of Distribution Algorithm via Adaptive Clustering》《Supplementary material for Enhancing Gaussian Estimation of Distribution Algorithm by Exploiting Evolution Direction with Archive》《基于一般二阶混合矩的高斯分布估计算法》介绍了一些基于EDA的创新算法。
上传时间: 2020-05-25
Cooperation is not a natural characteristic attributed to humans. The typical human horizon is focused on short-term gains, which might be due to our instinct-driven subconscious occupying a grander importance than we dare to admit [1]. Cooperating with other individuals or entities, however, usually means that short-term losses may translate into long-term gains – something history has proved to hold true but humans for some reason rarely ever understand.
标签: Communications Cooperative
上传时间: 2020-05-27
Mobile communication has gained significant importance in today’s society. As of 2010, the number of mobile phone subscribers has surpassed 5 billion [ABI10], and the global annual mobile revenue is soon expected to top $1 trillion [Inf10]. While these numbers appear promising for mobile operators at first sight, the major game-changer that has come up recently is the fact that the market is more and more driven by the demand for mobile data traffic [Cis10].
上传时间: 2020-05-27
Convergence between the two largest networks (Telecom and IP) is taking place very rapidly and at diff erent levels: (1) network level: unifi cation of IP networks with traditional Telecom networks through evolving standards (Session Initiation Protocol (SIP), Realtime Transfer Protocol (RTP), SS7, 3G) to support interopera- bility; (2) service level: traditional Telecom services like voice calls are being provi- sioned on the IP backbone (VoIP), while traditional IP services (most data-driven services such as multimedia, browsing, chatting, gaming, etc.) are accessible over the Telecom network.
标签: Platforms Delivery Service
上传时间: 2020-06-01
Driven by the desire to boost the quality of service of wireless systems closer to that afforded by wireline systems, space-time processing for multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communications research has drawn remarkable interest in recent years. Excit- ing theoretical advances, complemented by rapid transition of research results to industry products and services, have created a vibrant and growing area that is already established by all counts. This offers a good opportunity to reflect on key developments in the area during the past decade and also outline emerging trends.
标签: Space-Time Processing
上传时间: 2020-06-01
This book is focused on designing and developing Representational State Transfer (REST) platforms in Rails. REST is the architectural style of the Web, consisting of a set of constraints that, applied to components, connectors, and data elements, constitute the wider distributed hypermedia system that we know today: the World Wide Web. There are a few good reasons why it makes more sense to build platforms instead of just products or applications. Platforms are like ecosystems interconnecting different applications, services, users, developers, and partners. Platforms foster innovation through the inputs of their direct collaborators. By providing application programming interfaces (APIs) and software development kits (SDKs), platforms are more customer driven.
标签: Development Building RESTful Rails
上传时间: 2020-06-06
In this research, we have designed, developed implemented a wireless sensor networks based smart home for safe, sound and secured living environment for any inhabitant especially elderly living alone. We have explored a methodology for the development of efficient electronic real time data processing system to recognize the behaviour of an elderly person. The ability to determine the wellness of an elderly person living alone in their own home using a robust, flexible and data driven artificially intelligent system has been investigated. A framework integrating temporal and spatial contextual information for determining the wellness of an elderly person has been modelled. A novel behaviour detection process based on the observed sensor data in performing essential daily activities has been designed and developed.
上传时间: 2020-06-06
A revolution in power industries, including generation, transmission and distribution, driven by environmental and economic considerations, is taking place all over the world. The smart grid allows for integration of diverse generation and storage options, reduced losses, improved efficiencies, increased grid flexibility, reduced power outages, allowing for competitive electricity pricing and integration of electric vehicles and overall becoming more responsive to market, consumer and societal needs. It is bringing profound changes to both power systems and many related industries.
标签: Measurement Innovative Solutions Testing and
上传时间: 2020-06-07
Driven by the rapid advancement of technology and the growing need of business requirements, cyber communications are embedded in many physical systems. The integration of cyber and physical capabilities leads to the creation of many applica- tions with enormous societal impact and economic benefit. The emerging systems that connect the cyber-world of computing and communications with the physical world are cyber-physical systems (CPS).
标签: Resiliency Analytics Security and
上传时间: 2020-06-07
A kinematically redundant manipulator is a serial robotic arm that has more independently driven joints than are necessary to define the desired pose (position and orientation) of its end-effector. With this definition, any planar manipulator (a manipulator whose end-effector motion is restrained in a plane) with more than three joints is a redundant manipulator. Also, a manipulator whose end-effector can accept aspatialposeisaredundant manipulator ifithas morethan sixindependently driven joints. For example, the manipulator shown in Fig. 1.1 has two 7-DOF arms mounted on a torso with three degrees of freedom (DOFs). This provides 10 DOFs for each arm. Since the end-effector of each arm can have a spatial motion with six DOFs, the arms are redundant.
标签: Autonomous Modeling Planning Robots Path
上传时间: 2020-06-10