IMPLEMENT AES with sources
标签: IMPLEMENT sources with AES
上传时间: 2013-12-13
I IMPLEMENT Dijkstra s Single Source Shortest Path, say SSP, algorithm for directed graphs using a simple data structure, say simple scheme, Fibonacci heaps, say F-heap scheme, and Pairing heaps, say P-heap scheme, and measure the relative performance of the three IMPLEMENTations.
标签: IMPLEMENT algorithm Dijkstra Shortest
上传时间: 2014-01-01
Tried to make CAN logger on AT91sam7X-ek, but have no idea how to IMPLEMENT FATFs... -( I m just a beginner
标签: IMPLEMENT logger Tried FATFs
上传时间: 2017-09-20
MATLAB Code : For MATLAB programmers, this code is to IMPLEMENT the tracking algorithm of a Radar, in the Matlab environment
标签: MATLAB programmers algorithm IMPLEMENT
上传时间: 2014-01-18
This source code show you how to IMPLEMENT the FFT algorithm in c.details please referent my fft.c file.
标签: algorithm IMPLEMENT referent details
上传时间: 2014-02-25
Advance Policy based Firewall Very useful firewall and very easy to IMPLEMENT for linux
标签: IMPLEMENT Firewall firewall Advance
上传时间: 2014-01-12
·详细说明:非常流行的C语言实现的G.729压缩算法,很值得研究语音压缩的开发者一看。-IMPLEMENT the G.729 Speech Vocoder by C programming language, worth of studying for the developer of speech vocoder. 文件列表: g729 ....\acelp
上传时间: 2013-05-22
·C写的MPEG4音频源代码(G.723/G.729)----source code of MPEG 4 audio coder G723/G729 IMPLEMENT in C.文件列表: MPEG4音频源码 .............\v1refsoft990809 .............\...............\include
上传时间: 2013-04-24
·详细说明:MPEG4实现的软件代码,极具参考价值-code of software to IMPLEMENT mpeg4, valuable to be refrenced 文件列表: mpeg-4 tts ..........\source ..........\......\AboutDlg.cpp ..........\...
上传时间: 2013-04-24
The DSP Design Flow workshop provides an introduction to the advanced tools you need to design and IMPLEMENT DSP algorithms targeting FPGAs. This intermediate workshop in IMPLEMENTing DSP functions focuses on learning how to use System Generator for DSP,
标签: workshop provides Design Flow
上传时间: 2013-09-02